Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.
Before We Conform, Let Us At Least Be Curious
Climate Change and the Tribal Communities of Manipur, India
Conservationists to Biden: 'Clean Energy Transition Cannot Be Built on Dirty Mining'
'Climate Revolution': Scientists Launch Global Civil Disobedience Campaign
IPCC Report Release Delayed as Rich Nations Sought to Weaken Fossil Fuel Phaseout
Appalachia Knows There's a Climate Crisis. Does President Biden?
New Analysis Details 'Master Class in War Profiteering' by US Oil Giants
NOAA Says Atmospheric Methane Levels Set New Record in 2021
Dozens Arrested as Scientists Worldwide Mobilize to Demand 'Climate Revolution'
Top Climate Scientists to Biden: 'Follow the Science, Stop Fossil Fuels
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