Caoimhin O’Muraile ☭ Anybody who has even a fleeting knowledge of Nazi Germany will know that the SS started off as a small elite bodyguard for Adolf Hitler. 

The main street activists of the Nazi Party, the ones who fought on the streets, were the low intelligence but very aggressive Brown Shirts or SA. It was then, as now, the inability of the Left opposition to the Nazis including the Communist Party, probably because communism in its genuine form aims for a world free of violence, to engage these right-wing thugs on the streets which lost the opposition this crucial battle ground. 

Today on the streets, even here in Ireland a country not generally known for its right-wing extremism, the opposition to fascist organisations, though numerically stronger, are not matching the level of violence to combat them. Holding counter demonstrations is very important but the ability to engage these thugs physically is equally imperative, a means to an end. Fascism, and particularly the Nazi extremists, its extreme variant (there is a difference in its non-generic description) even by fascist standards must be defeated both physically and ideologically. However, I am deviating from my main point here.

Like the SS, which became one of the most feared gang of murderers on the planet, the Azov battalion in Ukraine are small, hence the battalion strength. This does not mean they will not grow to division, brigade then regimental numbers if unchecked, just as did the SS to become the Waffen SS. The Azov model themselves on the Das Reich regiment of the Waffen SS during World War Two and their anti-Semitic aims and white supremacist claims are almost identical. 

In the Ukraine this battalion is incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard which is even more sinister, they are legalised with government approval. These people present as much a threat to the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, who appears powerless to stop them, even afraid of the organisation, as do the Russians. If the Russians are defeated the Azov propaganda machine will spring into action and claim all the spoils for the battalion. If, as looks likely a compromise is reached, again according to western analysts, the Azov will claim a Jewish betrayal and sell out by the President, just as Hitler did after the First World War when he blamed “Jews and Communists” for Germany’s demise. 

Before the Russian invasion the Azov were reportedly, according to some reports on social media, shelling the Russian speaking eastern provinces of the Ukraine. When President Zelenskyy ordered them to stop, he was told “get the fuck out of here or we’ll hang you from a tree!” If this is true, and nothing would surprise me, it spells danger for not only Zelenskyy, but the entire Jewish and black populations of the Ukraine - and the West are arming them! Has Zelenskyy been given some kind of guarantee from Azov that if he turns a blind eye to their activities, he will be alright? Is there another person who the Azov swear allegiance to inside the Ukrainian Government, making Zelenskyy a blind puppet? If Volodymyr Zelenskyy is going along with this, under the naïve belief he will still be President, he is a fool.

The Ukrainian Army is the second largest in the area numbering around 170,000 regular troops, at the time of the invasion, who are equipped by the US, UK, Israel, France and Germany. They have the most advanced kit available and are already proving a match for the Russian conscripts, again if western reports are to be believed. Other interpretations would suggest different, that the Russian conscripts are winning. Who do we believe? Perhaps a bit of both. They do not need any more weapons which are becoming surplus, despite Zelenskyy’s claims they that they do need more. Of course, he is going to keep shouting for more weapons and NATO involvement. 

If NATO become involved it will lead to a third world war, which in all probability will develop into nuclear war. Could there be another reason the Ukrainian President wants NATO involvement on the ground in his country, other than beating the Russians? A reason he Is afraid to speak of publicly and that is to keep the Azov, and their supporters in government, down? If this is the case the previous theory of him being a “blind puppet” and “naïve” cannot also be the case. If he does fear for the future, hence going along with Azov for now, it would be a perfectly natural position for him to take as he is a Jewish person and therefore one day will be a target for Azov, if they ever succeed. Could this be his hidden agenda for wanting NATO help? Either way the Atlantic Alliance must refuse this request at all costs because World War Three could then be imminent and none of us can afford that, apart from a few crackpots in both the Western and Russian camps.

There is a more cynical approach to take to the continued arming of the Ukraine, even though their army is already numerically strong and well-equipped, and that is the West, and in particularly the USA, want the Nazis armed! Was it not the United States after the Second World War who employed certain Nazi scientists who should have been tried for war crimes, on their space programme? Was it not Nazi scientists who got them into outer space? And did the US not employ Clause Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, as an intelligence officer because of his knowledge about the Soviet Intelligence services? Do the West want a Nazi organisation in the Ukraine as a bulwark against Putin? Stranger things have happened. The French since the Dreyfus affair which divided the Third Republic back in the 19th century have had an anti-Semitic streak in their establishment. During World War Two the French author, Louis Ferdinand Celine, was very “friendly towards the Nazis”. The British also have had their share of pro-Nazis. Archibald Ramsey, Oswald Moseley and much of the British aristocracy were interned during WW11 for pro-Nazi sympathies, and even the Irish with Eoin O’ Duffy and his Blue Shirts had fascist organisations. And let us not forget Oliver J. Flanagan’s anti-Semitic speech in the Dail, 1943 “Where there are bees there is honey, where there are Jews there is money” - a pro Hitler oration he delivered to the Dail. All these countries are giving unquestioned support to the Ukraine. 

During the Second World War the Ukraine had many indigenous Nazis. That does not mean everybody, or even a majority, of Ukrainians were pro-Nazi because that was not the case. What was the case, however, was those in Ukraine who were Nazi, and they were numerous, their deeds were so barbaric they even turned the stomachs of their SS masters! So, behind all this indignation towards Russia is there, within sections of the establishments, not to over-generalise, a pro-fascist if not pro-Nazi agenda? This is a very cynical approach I admit but not beyond the bounds of possibilities!

If Western reports are to be believed, and I am increasingly sceptical of them, then the Ukrainians initially with 170,000 regular troops against 130,000 invader conscripts have the numerical and professional advantage. So, why do they keep harping on for NATO? The Ukrainian Army is well armed and their Airforce more than adequate so it is not necessary to continue pumping arms into the country, many of which according to several social media reports are going to Azov. To support these claims, it is obvious as Azov are part of the official Ukrainian Guard they will receive and use weapons from the West with the backing of the Ukrainian Government, some of whom reportedly hold fascist, if not Nazi views.

Of course, the western arms dealers who are making a mint out of this war don’t give a monkey’s left ball who receives the weapons as long as they pay for them. According to Anti Imperialist Action Ireland (AIAI) the Azov battalion has been pictured with “British made” anti-tank weapons, further evidence the west are arming these Nazis. During World War Two business, including clandestinely British firms, were dealing with Nazi Germany because as the old adage goes, “business is bigger than war” and this one in capitalist terms is no different. These arms dealers do not care whether they are arming the Nazis or not. I doubt very much Joe Biden does – he is no Franklyn D. Roosevelt – providing the cash comes rolling in.

Let us remember the last time the US and British armed an organisation against Russia, albeit the Soviet Union then, and that was the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and look where that has left them. Part of the Mujahedeen were what became the Taliban, ring any bells? The same Taliban who are in charge right now, having used US and British supplied weapons on US and British troops, killing many, in their quest to regain power in Afghanistan. Women in that unfortunate land are once more reduced to slavery and to be allowed to work is supposed to be a great privilege for a woman. This is a direct result of the arms dealers, providing weapons to these religious nuts and making a fortune. While this fortune was rolling in, the political puppets of capitalism were telling all of us stupid enough to believe them, the Mujahedeen were fighting for freedom from tyranny. That was, unless you were/are a woman! Imagine the fate of the Jewish population and black people living in Ukraine if Azov ever get their way, and the West, in our name, will have helped them! Incidentally, I do not see the same West arming the people of Yemen against the Saudis!

According to Western reports the Ukrainian Army are putting up a good fight. According to alternative reports, the Russians, using only conscripts, are walking it. It does not really matter who is right for the purpose of this short piece - what is important is who are the arms going to? By the very nature of the fact Azov comprise a large part of the National Guard, making them official Ukrainian forces, it is logical they will receive some of the weapons. The question is, how many? Do the peoples of Britain, the United States, France and others really want weapons going to followers of Hitlerite ideologies? Stop believing unquestioningly the crap fed to you by the media, there are far more sinister forces at work in Ukraine than the Russian invader, bad as that is!

Finally, and if social media reports are to be believed, our state broadcaster RTE are using Azov supplied aerial photo images of the damage done by the Russians. This battalion is not above carrying out atrocities themselves, supplying photo images of the carnage and blaming the Russians. This is an old Nazi ploy and one used by Hitler as a pretext for invading Poland. Hitler used “false flag” attacks on a German radio station and blamed the Poles. 

As the Azov battalion pride themselves on being disciples of the Nazi Fuhrer, is it not possible they will use Hitler’s strategies and tactics? The Mariupol Theatre was allegedly bombed by the Russians, killing civilians. This, according to local residents in social media reports, was not the case and the Azov had been planning this atrocity for days in the hope of “enticing NATO into the conflict” blaming the Russians. So, any “false flag” attacks it appears, are being carried out by Ukrainian Nazis. It also could mean our national broadcaster is having intimate relations with this organisation - how else would they get the images? And why have they not reported the fact this attack on the theatre was perhaps not carried out by the Russians, but Ukrainians? Perhaps such a report would not suit their purpose, or that of the USA! I must stress again, “if social media reports are to be believed” and that means all social media reports, not just those which do not suit the West's narrative. If the Western arms dealers are supplying the Nazi Azov battalion, and it looks likely they are, it should cease forthwith. This is not helping, as the governments often claim, refugees in fact it is quite probably storing much worse trouble for them, and possibly everybody else, at an unspecified later date!

Like the latter day images of the Taliban, once part of the Mujahedeen, mistreating women in Afghanistan, in years to come should the AZOV win through in Ukraine and images of people, Jews, Communists, Socialists, trade unionists and black people being marched off to destinations unknown, do not forget who armed this gang in the first place!!

Caoimhin O’Muraile is Independent 
Socialist Republican and Marxist

No More Arms For Ukrainian Azov Nazis

Caoimhin O’Muraile ☭ Anybody who has even a fleeting knowledge of Nazi Germany will know that the SS started off as a small elite bodyguard for Adolf Hitler. 

The main street activists of the Nazi Party, the ones who fought on the streets, were the low intelligence but very aggressive Brown Shirts or SA. It was then, as now, the inability of the Left opposition to the Nazis including the Communist Party, probably because communism in its genuine form aims for a world free of violence, to engage these right-wing thugs on the streets which lost the opposition this crucial battle ground. 

Today on the streets, even here in Ireland a country not generally known for its right-wing extremism, the opposition to fascist organisations, though numerically stronger, are not matching the level of violence to combat them. Holding counter demonstrations is very important but the ability to engage these thugs physically is equally imperative, a means to an end. Fascism, and particularly the Nazi extremists, its extreme variant (there is a difference in its non-generic description) even by fascist standards must be defeated both physically and ideologically. However, I am deviating from my main point here.

Like the SS, which became one of the most feared gang of murderers on the planet, the Azov battalion in Ukraine are small, hence the battalion strength. This does not mean they will not grow to division, brigade then regimental numbers if unchecked, just as did the SS to become the Waffen SS. The Azov model themselves on the Das Reich regiment of the Waffen SS during World War Two and their anti-Semitic aims and white supremacist claims are almost identical. 

In the Ukraine this battalion is incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard which is even more sinister, they are legalised with government approval. These people present as much a threat to the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, who appears powerless to stop them, even afraid of the organisation, as do the Russians. If the Russians are defeated the Azov propaganda machine will spring into action and claim all the spoils for the battalion. If, as looks likely a compromise is reached, again according to western analysts, the Azov will claim a Jewish betrayal and sell out by the President, just as Hitler did after the First World War when he blamed “Jews and Communists” for Germany’s demise. 

Before the Russian invasion the Azov were reportedly, according to some reports on social media, shelling the Russian speaking eastern provinces of the Ukraine. When President Zelenskyy ordered them to stop, he was told “get the fuck out of here or we’ll hang you from a tree!” If this is true, and nothing would surprise me, it spells danger for not only Zelenskyy, but the entire Jewish and black populations of the Ukraine - and the West are arming them! Has Zelenskyy been given some kind of guarantee from Azov that if he turns a blind eye to their activities, he will be alright? Is there another person who the Azov swear allegiance to inside the Ukrainian Government, making Zelenskyy a blind puppet? If Volodymyr Zelenskyy is going along with this, under the naïve belief he will still be President, he is a fool.

The Ukrainian Army is the second largest in the area numbering around 170,000 regular troops, at the time of the invasion, who are equipped by the US, UK, Israel, France and Germany. They have the most advanced kit available and are already proving a match for the Russian conscripts, again if western reports are to be believed. Other interpretations would suggest different, that the Russian conscripts are winning. Who do we believe? Perhaps a bit of both. They do not need any more weapons which are becoming surplus, despite Zelenskyy’s claims they that they do need more. Of course, he is going to keep shouting for more weapons and NATO involvement. 

If NATO become involved it will lead to a third world war, which in all probability will develop into nuclear war. Could there be another reason the Ukrainian President wants NATO involvement on the ground in his country, other than beating the Russians? A reason he Is afraid to speak of publicly and that is to keep the Azov, and their supporters in government, down? If this is the case the previous theory of him being a “blind puppet” and “naïve” cannot also be the case. If he does fear for the future, hence going along with Azov for now, it would be a perfectly natural position for him to take as he is a Jewish person and therefore one day will be a target for Azov, if they ever succeed. Could this be his hidden agenda for wanting NATO help? Either way the Atlantic Alliance must refuse this request at all costs because World War Three could then be imminent and none of us can afford that, apart from a few crackpots in both the Western and Russian camps.

There is a more cynical approach to take to the continued arming of the Ukraine, even though their army is already numerically strong and well-equipped, and that is the West, and in particularly the USA, want the Nazis armed! Was it not the United States after the Second World War who employed certain Nazi scientists who should have been tried for war crimes, on their space programme? Was it not Nazi scientists who got them into outer space? And did the US not employ Clause Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, as an intelligence officer because of his knowledge about the Soviet Intelligence services? Do the West want a Nazi organisation in the Ukraine as a bulwark against Putin? Stranger things have happened. The French since the Dreyfus affair which divided the Third Republic back in the 19th century have had an anti-Semitic streak in their establishment. During World War Two the French author, Louis Ferdinand Celine, was very “friendly towards the Nazis”. The British also have had their share of pro-Nazis. Archibald Ramsey, Oswald Moseley and much of the British aristocracy were interned during WW11 for pro-Nazi sympathies, and even the Irish with Eoin O’ Duffy and his Blue Shirts had fascist organisations. And let us not forget Oliver J. Flanagan’s anti-Semitic speech in the Dail, 1943 “Where there are bees there is honey, where there are Jews there is money” - a pro Hitler oration he delivered to the Dail. All these countries are giving unquestioned support to the Ukraine. 

During the Second World War the Ukraine had many indigenous Nazis. That does not mean everybody, or even a majority, of Ukrainians were pro-Nazi because that was not the case. What was the case, however, was those in Ukraine who were Nazi, and they were numerous, their deeds were so barbaric they even turned the stomachs of their SS masters! So, behind all this indignation towards Russia is there, within sections of the establishments, not to over-generalise, a pro-fascist if not pro-Nazi agenda? This is a very cynical approach I admit but not beyond the bounds of possibilities!

If Western reports are to be believed, and I am increasingly sceptical of them, then the Ukrainians initially with 170,000 regular troops against 130,000 invader conscripts have the numerical and professional advantage. So, why do they keep harping on for NATO? The Ukrainian Army is well armed and their Airforce more than adequate so it is not necessary to continue pumping arms into the country, many of which according to several social media reports are going to Azov. To support these claims, it is obvious as Azov are part of the official Ukrainian Guard they will receive and use weapons from the West with the backing of the Ukrainian Government, some of whom reportedly hold fascist, if not Nazi views.

Of course, the western arms dealers who are making a mint out of this war don’t give a monkey’s left ball who receives the weapons as long as they pay for them. According to Anti Imperialist Action Ireland (AIAI) the Azov battalion has been pictured with “British made” anti-tank weapons, further evidence the west are arming these Nazis. During World War Two business, including clandestinely British firms, were dealing with Nazi Germany because as the old adage goes, “business is bigger than war” and this one in capitalist terms is no different. These arms dealers do not care whether they are arming the Nazis or not. I doubt very much Joe Biden does – he is no Franklyn D. Roosevelt – providing the cash comes rolling in.

Let us remember the last time the US and British armed an organisation against Russia, albeit the Soviet Union then, and that was the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and look where that has left them. Part of the Mujahedeen were what became the Taliban, ring any bells? The same Taliban who are in charge right now, having used US and British supplied weapons on US and British troops, killing many, in their quest to regain power in Afghanistan. Women in that unfortunate land are once more reduced to slavery and to be allowed to work is supposed to be a great privilege for a woman. This is a direct result of the arms dealers, providing weapons to these religious nuts and making a fortune. While this fortune was rolling in, the political puppets of capitalism were telling all of us stupid enough to believe them, the Mujahedeen were fighting for freedom from tyranny. That was, unless you were/are a woman! Imagine the fate of the Jewish population and black people living in Ukraine if Azov ever get their way, and the West, in our name, will have helped them! Incidentally, I do not see the same West arming the people of Yemen against the Saudis!

According to Western reports the Ukrainian Army are putting up a good fight. According to alternative reports, the Russians, using only conscripts, are walking it. It does not really matter who is right for the purpose of this short piece - what is important is who are the arms going to? By the very nature of the fact Azov comprise a large part of the National Guard, making them official Ukrainian forces, it is logical they will receive some of the weapons. The question is, how many? Do the peoples of Britain, the United States, France and others really want weapons going to followers of Hitlerite ideologies? Stop believing unquestioningly the crap fed to you by the media, there are far more sinister forces at work in Ukraine than the Russian invader, bad as that is!

Finally, and if social media reports are to be believed, our state broadcaster RTE are using Azov supplied aerial photo images of the damage done by the Russians. This battalion is not above carrying out atrocities themselves, supplying photo images of the carnage and blaming the Russians. This is an old Nazi ploy and one used by Hitler as a pretext for invading Poland. Hitler used “false flag” attacks on a German radio station and blamed the Poles. 

As the Azov battalion pride themselves on being disciples of the Nazi Fuhrer, is it not possible they will use Hitler’s strategies and tactics? The Mariupol Theatre was allegedly bombed by the Russians, killing civilians. This, according to local residents in social media reports, was not the case and the Azov had been planning this atrocity for days in the hope of “enticing NATO into the conflict” blaming the Russians. So, any “false flag” attacks it appears, are being carried out by Ukrainian Nazis. It also could mean our national broadcaster is having intimate relations with this organisation - how else would they get the images? And why have they not reported the fact this attack on the theatre was perhaps not carried out by the Russians, but Ukrainians? Perhaps such a report would not suit their purpose, or that of the USA! I must stress again, “if social media reports are to be believed” and that means all social media reports, not just those which do not suit the West's narrative. If the Western arms dealers are supplying the Nazi Azov battalion, and it looks likely they are, it should cease forthwith. This is not helping, as the governments often claim, refugees in fact it is quite probably storing much worse trouble for them, and possibly everybody else, at an unspecified later date!

Like the latter day images of the Taliban, once part of the Mujahedeen, mistreating women in Afghanistan, in years to come should the AZOV win through in Ukraine and images of people, Jews, Communists, Socialists, trade unionists and black people being marched off to destinations unknown, do not forget who armed this gang in the first place!!

Caoimhin O’Muraile is Independent 
Socialist Republican and Marxist


  1. There was a hell of a lot more to the formation of the Waffen SS than just being allowed to organically grow under Dietrich/Himmler and I'm not quite convinced the parallels exist in Ukraine. Yes the Azov are Neo Nazis but from memory they were being de-Nazified before be absorbed into the National Guard ( I could be mistaken on this)
    You appear to be falling into the trap of thinking numerically superior numbers is all that it takes to win a conflict, this is not so. The Ukrainians have clearly studied Russian tactics in Chechnya and Georgia were they simply used Grad rockets and artillery to bombard the population into submission. If the Ukrainian Military went into the fields to fight the conflict would have been over in three days, after massive Russian bombardment. Instead they were intelligent enough to see the weakness in the Russian’s army, that being supply chain issues, conscript and demoralized troops, and a lack of ‘Plan B’. They’ve allowed the battle to be fought on their own terms and now the Mighty Russia has been forced to dig in, unable to surround Kiev and yet to take a major city after a full month of conflict. The counterattacks that have regained lost ground must surely be terrifying the Russian officers who rightly fear Putin’s wrath on their return.
    Joining NATO is not on the table but the request for membership keeps the conflict in everyone’s focus.

  2. I think you are mistaken Steve, if the report about them telling Zelenskyy to "get the fuck out" are to be believed. I believe Azov are a threat, as are their ideologies, maybe I'm looking too far into history in Ukraine, elements tgere have a Nazi past, and history has an awful habit of repeating itself. I am no lover of George W. Bush, but even that idiot got one thing right; "those who do not learn the lesson of history are doomed to make the same mistakes" . I did say the Ukrainians are making gains, or counter attacking gains, according to "western media" reports. Other sources say the Russian "conscripts" are "walking it", I dont really believe either, real life has taught me that from picket lines in Yorkshire to Belfast not to take the media word as gospel .

    Caoimhin O'Muraike

  3. The only really important issue here, from a neutral point of view, and despite what Simon Coveney and others in an Dail say about Ireland "is not neutral", I as an individual, am neutral. The only issue of genuine importance is the fate of civilians who are innocent in this conflict, as in all wars, and the future of the planet should this mess go nuclear.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

  4. Literally every single democratic country has a fringe population (usually just 1-2%) that express opinions that we would recognise as extreme right wing to the point of being "Nazi". Even the German army a couple of years ago discovered that there were neo-Nazis in their midst: does that mean the entire country should have its military abolished or not be defended by others?
    Russian Federation went to great lengths to "find" a causus belli for its invasion, mainly around the presence of this notorious group amongst the defenders in the east. I'm not convinced that they have grown or are even a definitive threat since 2014. Western media is certainly parroting Ukrainian wartime propaganda (which we would expect, since they are, after all, the invaded party), but I would take Russian propaganda, including imputation of "nazis" anywhere in Ukraine, with a very large pinch of salt.

    1. I think the issue is that the battalion, now a regiment, has been recruited into the national military structure of the country. The Russians have fabricated a pretext for invading but as the writers at Bellingcat and elsewhere have been arguing for years (and not on behalf of Russia) that Ukraine has a serious far right problem that is not best understood in terms that depict it as being the same as every other country's.

      Thanks for commenting here.

  5. Point made, it has already grown from battalion strength to regiment. How long before we see an Azov division, just like Das Reich?

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

    1. It is not a foregone conclusion. But it should be addressed. Lefties can often be predisposed towards seeing Nazis even where they do not exist. A bit like witch hunters - they sort of feel obsolete if there are no witches.

  6. Sorry Anthony, in the Ukraine there is smoke and a fire. Not Russian artillery smoke either. I thought it a tiny minority but now, again according to social media with photo, the chief of police in Kyiv was a leading Nazi, it looks frighteningly like a larger minority than first thought . Now, such a claim ordinarily I would discard, but, as you pointed out, the recognition of the Azov regiment, it has grown from battalion, by the Ukrainian Government gives the claim of a larger than average Nazi presence in the country credibility, and they're not from Moscow.

    This does not take anything away from the needs of refugees whose needs must be looked after. If the British organisation C18, who I and others have crossed swords with on the streets of London, are anything like their Ukrainian counterparts then big trouble awaits. Given a choice, if I were Jewish or a black person and as bad as the Russians may be, they may be preferrable to the growing Nazis. As for the traditional lefties seeing Nazis where "they do not exist" you may have a point. But not, I fear in this case. Even when said lefties do cross Nazis or fascists of any description all they do, at best, is shout at them. This is suppossed to make the nasty Nazis go away, well mo cara, I can assure you it will take a lot more than a counter demo, well meaning and laudable as these counter-demos may be, a bit of the old Doctor Martens are also required I hate to say.

    Groups like C18 which the Chelsea Headhunters are aligned with I understand are now armed. Times have moved on since the eighties and nineties and the left, like it or not, will have to match them at some point, hopefully many years ahead or go the same way as their predecessors did in Germany. It could come to that, and events in Ukraine should be monitored not just the war bit, but the Nazi presence as that country could, unwittingly become a global barrometer for fascist development.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

    1. From where I sit it seems there is a Nazi presence in the institutions of the state. It is larger than the media depict. It stands to benefit from the invasion. Each time there is repression the Nazis become involved in push back and their credibility grows. The current situation has the potential to see a lot on the international far right militarily trained allowing them to return much more dangerous to the countries they travelled from to fight and train.
      I don't see a lot of difference between Nazi murder machines or Communist murder machines: in the end all roads lead to the camps in those authoritarian systems.
      Dr Martens will hardly make much difference against the rise of the far right. This lot will be far more sophisticated than the skinheads rolling around brawling on London streets.
      Ultimately, I see the far Left doing very little to stop the rise of the far right.

  7. The new kids on the block on the far right scene are groups like the EDL Britain First and UKIP which are less neo-nazi; more populist nationalist; less explicitly antisemitic and racist; more anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant. They are motivated more by Christian nationalism; opposition to multiculturalism; hostility to gender ideology and "woke" culture than memories of inter-war fascism.

    Trump and Putin are their lodestars and Brexit, and Covid lockdowns were major radicalising event sfor them. They are all the more dangerous than the traditional far right skinhead knuckledusters because of their sophisticated PR rebranding in the form of Marine Le Pen's party; Richard Spencer's white nationalist movement in the US; sharp suits and all.

    Putin has generously backed such far right populists as the Austrian Freedom Party and Le Pen's rebranded crowd. Trump was certainly a Putin asset. So the left has to find more sophisticated ways of rebutting them. In the UK I would recommend getting involved in Rejoin the EU movement (big march in London on 8th May).

    But yes, the more intense and murderous Putin's bombardment of Ukrainian cities, the greater the danger of the Azov brigade and other neo-fascist/nazi groups greater traction on the battlefield. Just as in Syria where the merciless response of Assad to the Arab spring uprising enabled Islamist extremist groups to muscle out the Free Syrian Army in the resistance forces to Assad and Putin.

  8. You're right Anthony about the far right of today and Doctor Marten boots kicking them off the streets. What worked, to a point, in the eighties and nineties would be insufficient today. The point I was making, the failure of the so-called left to tackle the fascists is as relavent now as then. Only one group, which was semi secret, on the left physically engaged the fascists on the streets and, though they were greater in numbers, had them running shitless from us. That was then, now is now and the fascist groups are better organised without a doubt. Back in the seventies the SWP launched the Anti-Nazi League against Martin Webster and the NF. It was large in numbers and covered many ideologies, from Marxist to Liberal. Its aim was go combat the Nazis. The SWP disbanded the ANL because, as I remember, they could not command it and make it an exclusive SWP organisation. In other words, they wamted everybody to join them and become Leon Trotsky look alikes.

    I do not agree communism is a murder machine. I don't care what they call themselves Stalinists are not communists. Communism in its true form envisages no state, not a Stalinist one. Personally I could not see myself doing as I am told, if I disagree and with no democratic debate, whether a Stalinist, a capitalist or a Nazi is doing the telling. In the case of the latter, better to get the fuck out and quick🙃🤫🤣🤣

    1. I remember the Anti-Nazi League. But even had it not have existed where was Martin Webster and John Tyndale going? I think the NF got a lot of publicity out of that which they would never have gotten had there been no Anti-Nazi League.

      That is the SWP doing what they do. I don't like the authoritarian culture in those type of groups. I think it is the culture and not the ideology that attracts most people into their ranks: this authoritarian personality factor described by Adorno: the need to obey and be obeyed.

      Communism in a true form is like Heaven: all in the mind. When Marx said he was not a Marxist, I had no difficulty grasping why. Most communists in my view are just power grabbers, little different from their ostensible capitalist nemesis. One out of every three you meet will be a state agent.

      Yet, I still think Marxism, if taken out of the hands of oddballs and the socially awkward, has the ability to unleash tremendous intellectual energy.

  9. You may be right, Barry, about the EDL and UKIP not being as overtly Nazi as the skinheads of the eighties, but Britain First certainly are. They are made up of ex BNP, NF, BM, and other neo-Nazi groups.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

  10. There was a demand for the ANL in the seventies, and, as I pointed out, and certainly in Northern England, many activiists were not members of the SWP. This was more than Tony Cliff and the Central Committee could stand, hence its ultimate disbandment. In fact, any SWP members who continued in anti fascist work, outside the party structure and dicipline, were expelled! It was always suspected the British state had a presence at every SWP, WRP, CPGP, IMG and even labour party, Militant Tendancy, fringe meetings. The Spartacus League were considered by many to be the revolutionary arm of the state🤔🤔!
    Coudn't agree more about Marxism been in the hands of oddballs. They do the ideology a huge disservice not because they do not know their suject, moreover their belief in the party and party dicipline being the only way of implementing this alternative to capitalism. I do know one thing, and that is the dual power theory between capital and labour cannot coexist indefinately. The contradictions between bourgeois and proletarian interests will always surface.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

  11. This may sound strange, and in many respects it is, but some interlectual pro Nazis involve themselves with anti-Nazi organistions. They out anti-Nazi the genuine articles while at the same time clandestinely holding Nazi views. They opposse the Nazi thugs on the streets, not because they disagree with their views, but do not like their methods of achieving their aims. These interlectual Nazis see street fighters as counterproductive, getting the ideology a "bad name", similar to Hitlers Night of the Long Knives. The street thugs are surplus to the modern Nazis requirements. One way of giving these liabilities a kicking is through the conduit of anti-Nazi groups. This way the violence is blamed on anti-Nazis while at the same time cleaning up the party, making the modern Nazi variant of fascism respectable. The modern Nazi groups do not want zieg heil saluting nutters on the streets advertising their pro Hitlerite views, it gives the far right a bad name. In fact these modern Hitler worshipers never, or seldom, mention the word Nazi, certainly not in public. They want to be in a political position to introduce the same policies looking respectable. Does this make any sense to anybody?

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

    1. I am sure the Nazis have infiltrated the anti-Nazi groups just as I imagine the anti-Nazi groups will have infiltrated the Nazis.

      Nevertheless, beating lumps out of each other on the streets does allow for both sides to look pretty similar. A few months back they were battering each other over the head in Dublin with Tricolour flag poles. It really was hard to tell the difference.

    2. Caoimhin - being wary of what might happen to Jews as a result of the rise of Nazis, we would imagine the Israelis would be doing something to curb the rise of Israeli neo-Nazism. It is hardly discouraging that element by putting Miri Regev into government when she openly expresses pride at being a fascist.

  12. I'll discuss the former in person as it is dangerous and sensitive for all concerned. There is a definate need to claim the streets, but pitched battles which tend to go on a long time, similar to MUFC and Chelsea in the seventies, and, though violence is neccessary the quicker and more decisive the victory over them, the fascists, the better. This way only one side, in my experience, get lumps beat out of them, the fascists. Pitch battles from time to time are unavoidable, but pick your venue and play to win. The streets, certainly in London, Machester and Birmingham are important. Equally important is winning the ideological battle, and that means the average person in the street, not by fighting, but by meetings and rallies. At these gatherings security both for the speakers and audiance is vital. The fascists will, if they feel able, will attack therefore left wing street fighters are important. After all, apart from infiltrators who will keep their heads down else blow their cover, these left wing fighters do not need convincing of anti Nazi ideology.

    The British Conservative Party has, in the past, been infiltrated by Nazis. Archibald Ramsay is a prime example, and Margaret Thatcher, though not a Nazi certainly held certain fascist views. I think Roger Griffith calls it "para-fascism". The British Labour Party has also had fascists in their ranks, Oswald Moseley who formed the BUF was a labour MP for Smithwhick, Birmingham, before he crossed the floor of the House, and kept walking in a rightwards direction!

    Capimhin O'Muraile

  13. Just some random thoughts Mackers.
    I recall not so long ago a picture of a British parachute unit genuflecting before a swaztika. In a debate on France2 last night they posted a poll showing Le Pen on 28% with Macron on 23 and Melanchon on 18 and then I saw with my specs this was for 18-35 year olds. In fact the figures for the population as a whole aren't a great deal better with both Le Pen and Zammour, the far right between them, on c32% although Macron looks a shoe-in for the Elysse. We look around us on occasion and acknowledging around a 1/3 of adults support a variant of fascism and avoid using English when we're in crowds. In the recent Ukraine presidential elections fascist parties achieved barely 2% of the vote. Then I saw the ground shifted "Ah yes, that's true but since the political elite is fascist it's of no importance whether actual fascists get elected." This at least is a shift from the early reason supporting Putin, his reason, that Ukraine isnt really a country anyway. It's a reasonable point nonetheless to see that the name of the party isn't the point and afterall the right wherever, has in various ways been able to shift debate rightwards and seeing the British labour party, Melanchon in France etc rascism and neo fascism are common enough in political discourse everywhere. But civil society matters and in France we comfort ourselves as foreigners with the consolation that 70% of adults don't vote for fascists. Neither are the brits and their army nazis. Even if they individually are they aren't yet. In France around 80% of the police/les flics voted for le pen in 2017 but France isn't a fascist and won't be any time soon. I could write at length about Zemmour's defence of Vichy and so on, of the still bitter legacy of Algeria in French politics. I could even say in response to your other correspondents that none of the Ukrainians I know and work with in Europe programmes ,none of the left in Ukraine that I'm acquainted with get much space in the social media in Ireland or the UK from what I read. Maybe limited, fair enough, but you would never know about the depth of socialist opposition in Ukraine both to Putin and their own government. Just a few random thoughts on a Sunday afternoon.

    1. Thanks for that Pol S - recently listening to a podcast I heard the person being interviewed (far-left professor type) claiming that the Communists had rolled over in Ukraine and voted for the authoritarian programme.
      I don't think Britain or France is fascist or likely to be in my life time if at all.
      Still in politics a change can be like a forest fire. And the general drift is to the right not the Left.

  14. The Israelis are a enigma Anthony. They are certainly fascist in their treatment of the Palestinians, but cannot be by virtue they are Jewish Nazi. This is where the difference is important, though both are evil, because in the early years of Italian fascism many wealthy Jewish people were members. To imagine the Israelis cannot be fascist is misguided and wrong. Whether they are fascist, in its full sense, is debatable. Fascism has many facets along with being anti communist, anti socialist and anti trade unionist. The corporate state, the state as a business, bringing business people into government, like, in the case of Italy Fiat and Macarooni and, in the Nazi variant, Krupps and IG Farben. Is Israel a corporate state? Or an anti Palestinian, police state? Is it a fascist state in its full sense? It is dictatorial and not nice, thats for sure but oppossition parties do exist, not so in fully intergrated fascist and Nazi states.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

  15. Stephen Scullion comments

    I posted a picture of allegedly 2 or 3 soldiers of the Border Guard Azov's with the Ukrainian flag with a Nazi-Swastika emblazoned into the middle of the flag to the IRSP page just to get a few views on it, start a discussion, try to find out if it was staged ect, the post is still in the hands of the admins to see if they think it was fit for the page, thinking now with the elections nearing it might not see the publics view, but a great article from the quill.

  16. Jim Monaghan commented on Facebook

    There are no doubt fascists in Ukraine and in Russia itself. Are they a dominant force? Not as yet. Who knows in the future?. Who knows in Russia itself? But for the moment they are not a significant factor. The term fascist and Nazi is thrown around without much attempt to put it into context, size, relevance etc. On many occasions is it just used as a handy insult. British Imperialism and its allies in the media stated that the republican prisoners were just criminal fascists. The main fact is that a small nation is being invaded by its much bigger neighbour. The mass of the people are resisting this invasion, no evidence of Russian tanks being welcomed. The Ukraine government is rightwing, if I was Ukrainian I would not vote for them. Then, I have never voted for a party in government here anyway.

  17. Tony Maguire commented on Facebook

    Some excellent food for thought in this article which takes the reader behind the jingoistic hysteria of the mainstream media. I don't pretend to know where this conflict is going but wouldn't it be interesting, ironic and comedic if the West ended up in a WW3 by supporting a Fascist regime to oppose another Fascist regime?
