Irish Communist Reconstitution Committee ☭The Communist Movement in Ireland, 101 years after its first breath, stands at a crossroads of crisis and potential. 

In the seven years since 2015 the Communist Movement in Ireland has found additional energy and vitality in the form of a resurgent Connolly Youth Movement, in the context of a decade of heightened class war against the international working class following the 2008 capitalist financial crash. The resurgence of Marxism-Leninism as a force on the Irish left, along with people’s organisations defending working people’s rights, has created significant opportunities for increased class struggle.

Unfortunately, after the 2017 CPI Congress a faction emerged on the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland. Following the Congress they engaged in activity which was contrary to Congress policy, the Constitution, and the Programme of the CPI, by intrigue operating secretly, and keeping members outside their faction uninformed. The faction downplayed the necessity for an input from a working class perspective into the debate about the national question.

Their actions culminated in late 2020, early 2021, in the undemocratic expulsions of National Executive Committee members . . . 

Continue reading @ Communist Party of Ireland.

Irish Communists Signal Intent To Reconstitute Communist Party Of Ireland

Irish Communist Reconstitution Committee ☭The Communist Movement in Ireland, 101 years after its first breath, stands at a crossroads of crisis and potential. 

In the seven years since 2015 the Communist Movement in Ireland has found additional energy and vitality in the form of a resurgent Connolly Youth Movement, in the context of a decade of heightened class war against the international working class following the 2008 capitalist financial crash. The resurgence of Marxism-Leninism as a force on the Irish left, along with people’s organisations defending working people’s rights, has created significant opportunities for increased class struggle.

Unfortunately, after the 2017 CPI Congress a faction emerged on the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland. Following the Congress they engaged in activity which was contrary to Congress policy, the Constitution, and the Programme of the CPI, by intrigue operating secretly, and keeping members outside their faction uninformed. The faction downplayed the necessity for an input from a working class perspective into the debate about the national question.

Their actions culminated in late 2020, early 2021, in the undemocratic expulsions of National Executive Committee members . . . 

Continue reading @ Communist Party of Ireland.


  1. Typical of these parties who claim to be revolutionary. Either the state put their people inside to create such factions, thus disharmony and mistrust, or a power play occurs, again often at the instigation of the state, which tears the party/movement apart. This applies to any state and any movement considered potentially subversive. Of course, as it is suppossed to do, this makes building the revolutionary party very difficult.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

    1. I agree Caoimhin. It just sounds like Jehovah Witness stuff.
