The Beacon ✒ A number of conspiracy theorists along with activists linked to far-right parties were involved in an anti-mask rally that was held in Dublin on Friday.
Bryan Wall 6-December 2021 |
On the surface the rally, which attracted roughly 1,000 people, was held to protest against the mandating of the wearing of masks by children in schools in order to combat the spread of COVID-19. As the government has introduced another round of restrictions to deal with surging cases of the virus, the public is rightly angry. But considering the speeches at the rally, as well as those involved in its organising, it seems that a more nefarious agenda was at play. It looks as if the real plan involves luring people down the far-right, conspiracy theorist rabbit hole.
It isn’t the first time that such a rally has taken place. Dozens of similar rallies have been held over the duration of the pandemic. What made the one on Friday, 3 December different was the involvement of children. The organisers of the rally made their supposed defence of the rights of children the centrepiece of the day.
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If you still need a booster after being fully vaxxed and still need to be tested after being fully vaxxed and still need to wear and mask after being fully vaxxed and still end up in hospital after being fully vaxxed then.....
ReplyDeleteIsn't it time to admit that you have been conned......
Conned or not, this is not the main agenda of the modern day Blue Shirts, "O'Duffyites". The subject of masks, certainly after vaccines and boosters, is controversial. I, despite being vaccinated and boosted, refuse to acknowledge it as a vaccine. It is, my wording, a COVID-19 reduction jab.
ReplyDeleteAll that said, the neo-fascists and racist right are seeking an audiance. Their normal political garbage fails to attract anybody bar the political naive and ignorant, so they need another, more acceptable agenda to attract an audiance. Given the controversy over masks this fits the bill perfectly.
Caoimhin O'Muraile
Caoimhin, why did you comply gimp up and get jabbed? Were you afraid of what 'Big Brother' would do to you if you didn't fall in line behind the sheeple?
ReplyDeleteNo Frankie, and I'm not falling for that childish crap. Not afraid of "big brother" believe me, or any other brother for that matter, but it appears you are! A different "big brother" perhaps, but afraid you are possibly of the far right leadership!! Oh, what is a "sheeple?"
ReplyDeleteCaoimhin O'Muraile
DeleteDon't be afraid to answer the question. Why did you get jabbed and gimp up? Why have you let yourself become part of a social and medical experiment? I have been talking about what 'big brother' is planning and how they will use vaccines to cull the population on the rock we live on long before you became a quiller and I got laughed at by some quillers. I can link what I said from 4,5,6 years ago....And my opinion hasn't changed. If anything it has hardened.
I, despite being vaccinated and boosted, refuse to acknowledge it as a vaccine. It is, my wording, a COVID-19 reduction jab
What you and everyone else call covid-19 , I call bat flu. If you bothered to do any research you'd discover it's all bullshit. They can't make a vaccine for something when they don't know where the virus came from. Did the imaginary virus come from a wet market in Wuhan and if so what animal is the origin? I've seen a few beasts mentioned that they say it may have come from and I've read reports were they think it was a lab leak...What caused this so called pandemic? Was it a lab leak or from a wet market? What they have done is write a few lines of computer code and told the world "line up and get jabbed and trust us"...And you complied, like the rest of the sheeple.
perhaps, but afraid you are possibly of the far right leadership!
Again for TPQ, I have no idea what alt left or far right is. I do know I've never put myself on any electoral register, I've never and have no intention of joining any political party, never attended a political rally and no one has inspired me to get off my backside to place an X beside their name on any given Thursday. Simple fact is no matter what way people vote, the Government always gets in.....
Not afraid of "big brother" believe me, or any other brother for that matter, but it appears you are!
You were afraid enough to roll your sleeve up and take a jab because you think covid is real. I don't believe in bat flu anymore than I believe a bastard child died on across 2,000yrs ago for my sins. It's all mind control and my mind is mine for me and me only to control...I am writing a piece for TPQ, should be finished sometime this week called "I almost gimped up" and in it I will explain how the CDC, Twitter and Reuters are all inter connected and how they are all controlled by the Rockefeller family and how this latest scam has been years in the planning. I have been researching stuff for years......
DeleteI can't wait to read it!
Who are the far-righters who organised it?
ReplyDeleteAt a guess and one who thinks Donald Trump is great entertainment or anyone who thinks the last US election was won by the voter fraud..
DeleteNow the same heads forget how JFK got elected with more than a helping hand from Joe Kennedy's Mafia friends...Let's not fact get in the way of anything....
ReplyDeleteThe far right organised a rally some time back in North Dublin. It was against mask wearing which, in itself is a legitimate argument, they then suddenly hit on imigration. At this point most people left. It is the far-right who are using this pandemic as a smokescreen to pedal their real unsavoury agenda. Maybe you are independent of these people, and genuinely believe what you say. I think you are wrong, though like you am not a Doctor, or are you? I do think COVID exists, but think now it is weakening, this new variant is like comparing the highly contageous common cold with viral accute flu. No comparison between this new variant and the Delta one of last year. However, according to you none of them exist, like in the song The Urban Spaceman. I did not get jabbed because I was afraid of the authorities, I got jabbed because I did not fancy being unable to breath.
I do maintain this COVID is being used as a means of controling populations around the globe, and the refusal of big companies to drop Intelectual Property Rights, or patency rights, thus denying poorer countries the right to manufacture their own vaccines could well be an attempt, by the mega rich western countries, or a few hundred of their populations, to cull poorer countries by fefusing them the right to produce their own vaccines! The stuff which has been sent nine out of ten are useless because they are out of date. Pfitzer, Johnson and Johnson etc have a lot to answer for on this front.
Caoimhin O'Muraile