He highlights the duplicity and evasion of the Jesuits in covering up repeated sexual abuse of children by one of their priests, in three different schools in three different counties. This priest ended up as a part-time chaplain in Saint Vincent’s Hospital.

This reflects the wider ethos of the Catholic church in Ireland. They believe that they are above the law of the State, and they will prioritise their own evangelising mission, including in any influence that they are allowed to have in the new national maternity hospital.
Atheist Ireland has always argued that the State should own and directly run the national maternity hospital. It should not cede control over this essential public service to any private body, never mind to a charity associated with the Catholic church.
Please consider joining Atheist Ireland if you are not already a member. We are a voluntary group with no paid staff, and we depend on our members to continue our lobbying on this and other issues including secular education and religious oaths for high office. You can join here.
⏩Atheist Ireland ➖ Promoting Atheism, Reason And An Ethical Secular State.
I could not agree more, the ethos of the Catholic church is foreign to the needs of a maternity hospital or, for that matter any other hospital. Abortion in Ireland is now a legal right for women, within reason, but any hospital controlled by any so called religious order can refuse to carry out such an operation, despite it being a womans legal right. My advice to the Catholic church, or any other church, is stick to your pulpit and do not attempt anything more ambitious like the affairs of state!
ReplyDelete"The Augustinian Doctrine Of The Eternal Damnation Of Unbaptized Infants And The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Reprobation, Surpass In Atrocity Any Tenets That Have Ever Been Admitted Into Any Pagan Creed." - William Lecky (1838–1903) History of European Morals (1869)