Politicians today are obviously under direct instructions not to, under any circumstances answer a single question put to them. Following this pantomime was another equally funny show called Sunday Politics Live (Northern Ireland). This show is hosted by Mark Carruthers and one of his guests, via video camera, was the leader of the Traditionalist Unionist Voice (TUV) party, Jim Allister. Jim’s interpretation of democracy is ambiguous to say the least, nonexistent at worst, but, and as the name suggests, the TUV is in line historically with James Craig and orthodox unionism. A “Protestant land for a Protestant people” would appear as relevant today as it was when the six county statelet was born back in 1920/21 through the Government of Ireland Act 1920 and the treaty signed in 1921.
In true Craig fashion simple Sunny Jim suggested that they, the TUV, would never tolerate a Sinn Fein First Minister in the six-county assembly. He informed the viewers, and Mark Carruthers, that even if Sinn Fein became, via elections, the largest party in the assembly – which the Good Friday Agreement caters for – and the TUV became the second largest party, thus allowing them to nominate the Deputy First Minister, ‘he would refuse to nominate a candidate for the position of Deputy First Minister, thus making it impossible for Sinn Fein to nominate their candidate for the position of First Minister.’ What Allister was saying is that should that situation arise, he would totally ignore the electorate's decision to vote in Sinn Fein as the largest party. What he means is, and he implied this applicable to all strands of unionism, that there must never be a Sinn Fein First Minister irrespective of the voter’s choice!
This is Jim Allister who harps on about the democratic rights of the United Kingdom electorate to leave the European Union. Once again Allister fails to tell us that what is meant by the democratic will of the UK electorate, what is really meant is the electorate of England. He forgets the vote, including some of his own supporters: in the six-counties voters, along with Scotland and half of Wales, voted to remain in the EU in the 2016 referendum. On the one hand our lad Jim supports the right of one component part of the misleadingly called United Kingdom, England (population 55 million), to “democratically” decide what happens to all the other countries, including the six-counties (in real terms part of another country, this one) but totally refuses to acknowledge the vote in the six-counties.
The other guest, again by video camera, on the show was Fine Gael TD, Neal Richmond. Allister asked the FG man - the party who invited the now Democratic Unionist Leader Jeffrey Donaldson to their Ard Fheis - how he would feel if a foreign parliament made rules for the Republic? He emphasised the word foreign thus suggesting a xenophobic character about himself, something most sane people have known for years, and emphasised this word on numerous occasions almost foaming at the mouth. He then went on to say, ‘in many ways Neal's state already are answerable to a foreign parliament, making foreign rules but at least he has representation’ which the six-counties will not have if this arrangement often called the “Northern Ireland protocol” continues.
This is Jim Allister who harps on about the democratic rights of the United Kingdom electorate to leave the European Union. Once again Allister fails to tell us that what is meant by the democratic will of the UK electorate, what is really meant is the electorate of England. He forgets the vote, including some of his own supporters: in the six-counties voters, along with Scotland and half of Wales, voted to remain in the EU in the 2016 referendum. On the one hand our lad Jim supports the right of one component part of the misleadingly called United Kingdom, England (population 55 million), to “democratically” decide what happens to all the other countries, including the six-counties (in real terms part of another country, this one) but totally refuses to acknowledge the vote in the six-counties.
The other guest, again by video camera, on the show was Fine Gael TD, Neal Richmond. Allister asked the FG man - the party who invited the now Democratic Unionist Leader Jeffrey Donaldson to their Ard Fheis - how he would feel if a foreign parliament made rules for the Republic? He emphasised the word foreign thus suggesting a xenophobic character about himself, something most sane people have known for years, and emphasised this word on numerous occasions almost foaming at the mouth. He then went on to say, ‘in many ways Neal's state already are answerable to a foreign parliament, making foreign rules but at least he has representation’ which the six-counties will not have if this arrangement often called the “Northern Ireland protocol” continues.
This was part of the TUV chief’s argument for getting rid of the protocol, a situation which the UK Government with whom Allister is so eager to maintain the union with, negotiated themselves! When it was pointed out that the people of “Northern Ireland” voted to remain within the EU Allister then reverted back to the overall UK vote. So, when the vote goes against Jim Allister in the six-counties it can be ignored, irrespective of what the majority of the electorate want, and the overall vote of the UK, meaning England, carries the day. Has any of Allister’s own supporters, those allowed out on their own, ever thought that what their man is saying: which in real terms is let England vote for “Northern Ireland!” Should this happen and the people, both sides of the divide become third class Englishmen, Jim Allister would no doubt then fall back on the vote in the six-counties! If that vote did not go his way perhaps then he would fall back on James Craig's principles that only the Protestant vote should count!
This is what this demagogue really means and the difference between him and Jeffrey Donaldson is perhaps he says what the latter is thinking! “A Protestant land for a Protestant people.” So what has really changed since 1921? The Good Friday Agreement was supposed to change attitudes, superseding the Government of Ireland Act 1920, particularly hard liners like Jim Allister, but everybody should have known it would not achieve that or any of the other things which fooled people into voting for it. That agreement is perhaps second only to the Bible for contradictions, but much more on that another time.
The only way the people of the six-counties will get what they voted for in 2016, to remain within the European Union, is to come in with the rest of Ireland. If this vote did not, hypothetically, go Allister’s way would he ignore that mandate as well? In all probability yes, he would and so would Jeffrey Donaldson and Doug Beatie, despite the UUP campaigning for a remain vote. As one loyalist answered when asked if a border poll went in favour of reunification would he and loyalism accept it? he answered unambiguously No. So where are we really at?
The only way the people of the six-counties will get what they voted for in 2016, to remain within the European Union, is to come in with the rest of Ireland. If this vote did not, hypothetically, go Allister’s way would he ignore that mandate as well? In all probability yes, he would and so would Jeffrey Donaldson and Doug Beatie, despite the UUP campaigning for a remain vote. As one loyalist answered when asked if a border poll went in favour of reunification would he and loyalism accept it? he answered unambiguously No. So where are we really at?
How far have we come, when all the paper smiles are taken away, since the signing of the GFA? If Jim Allister, who is honest enough not to pretend he is pro agreement, has his way not only have we come nowhere since 1998, but more concerning we have perhaps come nowhere since 6th December 1921!
Perhaps Allister’s rantings on Sunday Politics Live if people could only see it - and I believe the British establishment can - are the biggest threat to liberal democracy, limited as it is, since Andrew Bonar Law. He as leader of the newly unified Conservative and Unionist party in 1912 made a speech against the Third Home Rule Bill. Law, the leader of His Majesty’s loyal opposition stated:
Perhaps Allister’s rantings on Sunday Politics Live if people could only see it - and I believe the British establishment can - are the biggest threat to liberal democracy, limited as it is, since Andrew Bonar Law. He as leader of the newly unified Conservative and Unionist party in 1912 made a speech against the Third Home Rule Bill. Law, the leader of His Majesty’s loyal opposition stated:
regardless of their tactics and lengths to which they might choose to go in order to combat the threat of Home Rule, they would be supported by the Conservative Party. There are stronger things than parliamentary majorities.
This is what this so-called democrat told an audience of Ulster Unionists. Allister’s answers to Mark Carruthers questions bore strong similarities to Bonar Law!
So, what will Ulster Unionism as a whole do if Sinn Fein become the largest party? Ignore this minor detail and expect the Alliance and Social Democratic and Labour Party to do likewise? Or will unionism split between the slightly more liberalised Ulster Unionists, and the more hardline Democratic Unionists and the Traditional Unionist Voice?
So, what will Ulster Unionism as a whole do if Sinn Fein become the largest party? Ignore this minor detail and expect the Alliance and Social Democratic and Labour Party to do likewise? Or will unionism split between the slightly more liberalised Ulster Unionists, and the more hardline Democratic Unionists and the Traditional Unionist Voice?
To finalise, let’s take the scenario which is in the GFA that both parts of Ireland have referendum on unification, and the 26 counties vote by a majority in favour of unification, and the people of the six-counties vote by a small majority against and to remain part of the UK? Does that part of the GFA get ignored? Do the wishes of the majority on the island of Ireland get brushed away in favour of a unionist minority? Time may tell, but do not bother asking Jim Allister - his position is clear: anti-democracy (especially for Catholics) and perhaps a dictatorship with him at the head, maybe even a UK dictatorship with Fuhrer Allister in Number 10!!!!!
Just read a Brian Feeney piece on the antics of him and Donaldson.
ReplyDeleteCaoimhin Muraile.
ReplyDeleteThey're up to no good Anthony, thats for sure. Donaldson, an ex UDR Corporal - does the rank ring a bell? B. Specials renamed UDR, ideologicaly this has all the danger signs. Allister, bad as he is, is only a pawn in a far more sinister game of chess.
Yet again the aul quote mined out of context.
ReplyDelete"The hon. Member must remember that in the South they boasted of a Catholic State. They still boast of Southern Ireland being a Catholic State. All I boast of is that we are a Protestant Parliament and a Protestant State. It would be rather interesting for historians of the future to compare a Catholic State launched in the South with a Protestant State launched in the North and to see which gets on the better and prospers the more. It is most interesting for me at the moment to watch how they are progressing. I am doing my best always to top the bill and to be ahead of the South"
As much as you hate the North, and no argument that you had many reasons, at least it wasn't run by pedophilic theocrats!
Steve R
ReplyDeleteFirstly I have no time for any religions or denominations of, that includes the Catholic Church, Protestant and Presbytarian churches. Secondly the six counties are not a nation state but, when it suits the English establishment part of the misleadingly named United Kingdom. The point I am making about Jim Allister is he, irrespective of the electorate deciding, has decided he does not want a Sinn Fein First Minister and will do all he can to prevent it. Imagine if SF had said they would not recognise a Unionist First Minister! There would have been a human cry about them being undemocratic, just like Jim Allister is. Time will tell whether SF ever become the largest party. Gentleman Jim would in all liklehood ignore any border poll if it did not go his way. Again time will tell.
You are quite right about the 26 counties once boasting, foolishly, of "a Catholic state". Today the South of Ireland, I am pleased to say, is no longer dominated by the Catholic Church and is multi cultural.
Caoimhin O'Muraile
DeleteOk I see your point. Jim Allister is a nutjob anyway you look at it. I expect to see him whither and become obsolete in the future.
Steve R,
ReplyDeleteThat's the point. We strive for a 'Republic' for protestant, catholic and dissenter. We have no interest in undemocratic theocratic statelets.
The Skin,
DeleteLook that's fair enough, but taking a few words out of context just alienates people when the entire quote has a completely different flavour to it.