Kyle Mantyla |
Radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire spoke at a conference in his home state of Ohio last weekend, where he shared the stage with notorious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Sherri Tenpenny.
Upon returning to his daily “Pass The Salt Live” webcast Monday morning, Daubenmire was fired up over vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions, which resulted in him having a screaming meltdown while accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci of working for Satan in an effort to destroy Christians.
Daubenmire spent a good portion of his program discussing “The Book of Giants,” an apocryphal biblical book supposedly written by prophet Enoch that purports to explain why God had to destroy the Earth with Noah’s flood. According to the Book of Giants, angels in rebellion against God had mated with human women, creating a race of giants known as the Nephilim, who were so wicked that God had no choice but to destroy the world ...
... “Dr. Fauci is an emissary of the devil, folks,” Daubenmire screamed.
Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.
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