You would think given the strategic disaster which the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army inflicted on the mighty American forces in Vietnam, not to mention Laos and Cambodia, that the United States would implement a workable strategy for handing over power to the Afghan army and government.
But then again, this is a Democratic administration in the White House, not a strong-arm Republican Party regime, so what did we expect from a ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden Washington clique.
Whilst many of the scenes in Kabul in Afghanistan are reminiscent of the mad rush to evacuate Saigon in Vietnam in 1975, the long-term political implications for the Democratic Party could be even more catastrophic, namely The Donald back in the White House after the next Presidential Election in a couple of years’ time.
Don’t be daft Coulter, I hear the skeptics and critics moan - it’ll never happen. Let’s not forget the uniqueness of American politics. Initially, the pundits thought Hillary Clinton would stroll into the White House ahead of Donald Trump. She didn’t!
Then The Donald was predicting victory over the ageing ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden. The former lost!
Presumably, the aim of the Democratic Party was that ‘Sleepy Joe’ would keep the Oval Office seat politically warm until it could prepare a liberal African American female for the post in 2024.
But that was before Biden had overseen the greatest military disaster in American history since the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941 which rapidly ushered a supposedly politically neutral US into World War Two.
It should be noted that the Americans did not accept the unconditional surrender of Japan in 1945 until Japanese forces had been utterly crushed. In 2021, the United States has militarily pulled out of Afghanistan before the Afghan government and army were ready to effectively deal with any resurgent Taliban activity.
Is the Biden administration about to sit back and watch a potential genocide unfold in Afghanistan against anyone and everyone who does not adhere to the Taliban’s unique and theologically warped version of Islam?
Put bluntly, how many Muslims will be butchered by the Taliban for not observing ultra strict Sharia law?
And it’s not just moderate Muslims and those who helped the Coalition forces who have to fear the ‘Tally Terror’ - the country’s extensive Christian population would be well advised to get across the border, any border.
Are we about to see another genocide in Afghanistan akin to the slaughter unleashed by the notorious Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s in Cambodia?
Worse still, did the Biden administration do a deal with the Taliban in exchange for America quitting Afghanistan? Given the crisis caused by the Covid pandemic, the last thing the United States would want would be another 9/11 terror attack on American soil.
And given the fluffy bunny weakness and liberal policies of a Biden government, it should come as no surprise to the Western administrations that America would ‘turn tail and run’ regarding Afghanistan.
Publicly, the Republican Party - and especially its Hard Right - must be appalled at the Biden capitulation. Privately, every Republican activist must be rubbing their hands with glee, chomping at the bit for the next Presidential election when The Donald could very possible be back in the Oval Office.
Follow Dr John Coulter on Twitter @JohnAHCoulter Listen to commentator Dr John Coulter’s programme, Call In Coulter, every Saturday morning around 10.15 am on Belfast’s Christian radio station, Sunshine 1049 FM. Listen online. |
It was Trump that done the dirty deal with the Taliban. Biden was left to implement it; disastrously it must be said.