You would expect that independence supporters would be welcoming this new option to the independence fight. You would be wrong. Sadly, if the treatment of the ISP is anything to go by alleged Independence supporters will spend more time attacking this new party than promoting it.
I choose the opposite. I will give AFI my full support as I have with ISP and Scotia Future. I would also respectfully plead all three of them to work out a joint strategy to maximise the outcome do not act like rivals!
Even although up until now I have been promoting the Super Majority for independence by showing my support for SNP1 / ISP2 I will now add caveats over different regions and the progress of AFI. My preferred choice is still a super-Indy majority the colour of the party rosettes is of much less interest to me.
Even although up until now I have been promoting the Super Majority for independence by showing my support for SNP1 / ISP2 I will now add caveats over different regions and the progress of AFI. My preferred choice is still a super-Indy majority the colour of the party rosettes is of much less interest to me.
... The fact that I have urged SNP in the Constituency or only ever voted SNP is overlooked by my detractors.
Sturgeon's SNP reminds me of Adams' SF without the violence or threat of. Debate with their critics seems to be out of the question, straight to the smear tactic. I'm not a member of any independence party, although I helped my mates campaign in 2014. The author makes a lot of good points, as well as seeming intent on infighting to solidify her power, her insistence on blaming Westminster on all her faults is transparent and tiring