Gabriel Kuhn
 @ LeftTwoThree ✒ A joint review of Liam Ó RuaircPeace of Pacification? Northern Ireland After the Defeat of the IRA (Winchester, UK/Washington, USA: Zero Books, 2019) and Patrick MageeWhere Grieving Begins (London: Pluto Press, 2021).

I have been following politics in Northern Ireland since the late 1980s and have visited several times. During my first stay in 1991, Belfast was still under military occupation, which left a deep impression on me. 

During my latest visit in 2018, I did several interviews to report for German newspapers about how Brexit affected the political climate. I also try to keep up with new book releases and have recently read Liam Ó Ruairc’s Peace of Pacification? Northern Ireland After the Defeat of the IRA and the Patrick Magee memoir Where Grieving Begins.

The books couldn’t be more different. Peace of Pacification? is a rational, almost clinical, dissection of the so-called peace process. Where Grieving Begins is a personal account of an IRA volunteer involved in one of the most notorious IRA actions of all time, the so-called Brighton hotel bombing of 1984. The action killed five people who were staying in the Grand Brighton Hotel for the Tory’s party conference.   

Continue reading @ LeftTwoThree.

The Difficult Road To Peace In Northern Ireland

Gabriel Kuhn
 @ LeftTwoThree ✒ A joint review of Liam Ó RuaircPeace of Pacification? Northern Ireland After the Defeat of the IRA (Winchester, UK/Washington, USA: Zero Books, 2019) and Patrick MageeWhere Grieving Begins (London: Pluto Press, 2021).

I have been following politics in Northern Ireland since the late 1980s and have visited several times. During my first stay in 1991, Belfast was still under military occupation, which left a deep impression on me. 

During my latest visit in 2018, I did several interviews to report for German newspapers about how Brexit affected the political climate. I also try to keep up with new book releases and have recently read Liam Ó Ruairc’s Peace of Pacification? Northern Ireland After the Defeat of the IRA and the Patrick Magee memoir Where Grieving Begins.

The books couldn’t be more different. Peace of Pacification? is a rational, almost clinical, dissection of the so-called peace process. Where Grieving Begins is a personal account of an IRA volunteer involved in one of the most notorious IRA actions of all time, the so-called Brighton hotel bombing of 1984. The action killed five people who were staying in the Grand Brighton Hotel for the Tory’s party conference.   

Continue reading @ LeftTwoThree.

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