Huff PostAnderson Cooper Interviews Ex-QAnon Follower Who Believed CNN Anchor Ate Babies.

Lee Moran

“I apologize for thinking that you ate babies,” the former conspiracy theorist told the CNN host. 

A former follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory has apologized to Anderson Cooper for once thinking that the CNN anchor ate babies.

Jitarth Jadeja told Cooper that he “100%” believed the bonkers idea, which he claimed was prevalent among supporters of the unhinged movement, in a preview clip released Friday of an upcoming CNN investigation into QAnon.

“Did you, at the time, believe that Democrats, high-level Democrats and celebrities were worshipping Satan, drinking the blood of children?” Cooper asked Jadeja, who ditched the movement in 2019 after watching YouTube videos that debunked its premises.

“Anderson, I thought you did that,” Jadeja responded. “And I would like to apologize for that right now. So, I apologize for thinking that you ate babies. But, yeah, 100%.

A surprised Cooper asked Jadeja, who lives in Sydney, Australia, if he “actually” believed he “was drinking the blood of children.”

“Yes, I did,” replied Jadeja, who said some followers still think Cooper is a robot.

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Baby Eaters

Huff PostAnderson Cooper Interviews Ex-QAnon Follower Who Believed CNN Anchor Ate Babies.

Lee Moran

“I apologize for thinking that you ate babies,” the former conspiracy theorist told the CNN host. 

A former follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory has apologized to Anderson Cooper for once thinking that the CNN anchor ate babies.

Jitarth Jadeja told Cooper that he “100%” believed the bonkers idea, which he claimed was prevalent among supporters of the unhinged movement, in a preview clip released Friday of an upcoming CNN investigation into QAnon.

“Did you, at the time, believe that Democrats, high-level Democrats and celebrities were worshipping Satan, drinking the blood of children?” Cooper asked Jadeja, who ditched the movement in 2019 after watching YouTube videos that debunked its premises.

“Anderson, I thought you did that,” Jadeja responded. “And I would like to apologize for that right now. So, I apologize for thinking that you ate babies. But, yeah, 100%.

A surprised Cooper asked Jadeja, who lives in Sydney, Australia, if he “actually” believed he “was drinking the blood of children.”

“Yes, I did,” replied Jadeja, who said some followers still think Cooper is a robot.

Continue reading @ Huff Post


  1. Didn't Jonathan Swift make a modest proposal that Irish peasants eat their babies to solve Ireland's famines?

  2. “Did you, at the time, believe that Democrats, high-level Democrats and celebrities were worshipping Satan, drinking the blood of children?”

    I have been believing that for years, only because that's what the evidence tells me. Twice a year politicians, heads of State, European Royals, CEO's of large corporations go to Bohemian Grove and they engage in Moloch worship. One of the ceremonies carried out is the Cremation of Care , where either a mock or real child/human sacrifice takes place. Moloch made an appearance in the leaked Clinton/Podesta emais ...( email #30489 )

    “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .”

    The Freedom Articles reported "This may be taken literally, or it quite possible that in pedophilia code that chicken means child, in which case it may be referring to child sacrifice."

    Once the men folk have finished having their homosexual orgies in front of Moloch in the Grove, they go home to their wives and families, put on Armani suits at tell you, me and a boy named Sue we all have bat flu.
