For a while my thought for today has been is 'how big of a cunt is Kamala Harris.' Quillers take 9mins 11seconds from your lives and watch this video and make your own minds up. The short version, forward the video until 5mins and listen....very short version forward until 7mins 28seconds.
Anytime I watch the video, well Kamala sounds like she is a cunt. As big as Hillary, jury is out.
Watched the video. Yes an injustice took place under her watch; injustices have always taken place on the watch of all prosecutors.
Should she apologise for it? I personally think so but it will not alter the fact that she is the democratically elected first women and first person of colour VP and will do good things.
At least she didn't send anyone to the death chamber which Uber C___t Donald the last weeks of his squatting in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Once again Frankie lets slip of the mask (gimp if you wish) to reveal certain view of women that the departed squatter in the White House would probably share.
Barry if Kamala was a man my opinion would be the same. If I had called Thatcher a cunt (and she was), I seriously doubt you would say she wasn't and she was the first woman democratically elected as PM for the UK.
You were fairly relaxed about Trump's pussy grabbing comment saying that most TPQ readers would say the same in their private moments.
You incorrectly stated that Jess Phillips MP walks around her home naked; she has said she lies naked in bed. You have also falsely accused her of having an anti-male agenda in relation to mental health sourced a video made by the notorious anti-femi nist Tory MP Phillip Davies to make this claim.
Barry - you have been in pubs. I don't know if you have ever worked on building sites - pussy grabbing is mild by comparison with what is said in those places. On Trump's part I think it reflected a certain attitude towards women that is not always or mainly at play in pubs or building sites. What odds what Jess Phillips does in her own house. I can't remember the point Frankie was making but it hardly matters whether she is naked in bed or in the house. None of our business.
Barry, There is a 'meme' doing the rounds you may or may not have seen. Quiller's, it is a picture of Ryan Giggs with a caption of him saying "I've been on top of my sister in law more times than Utd have been on top since Fergie retired"......Between us Barry, I found it funny. Before I float a joke on TPQ Barry, trust me no matter how misogynistic they sound in the space between your ears, if the good ladies I know find them funny, I then float them to the editors of the TPQ and they carry them or they don't. If you are that angry at what I say on TPQ (or you find yourself bored during lockdown), may I suggest you phone a womens rights group and ask to speak to the man in charge......
I can't locate the Trump pussy quote!!! But I know it ended with me saying
" Bessie was a lovely child from west Tennessee, Leroy was an outlaw hard and mean. One day she saw him starin' and it chilled her to the bone. And she knew she had to see that look on a child of her own. 'Cause ladies love outlaws like babies love stray dogs. Ladies touch babies like a banker touches gold. And outlaws touch the ladies. Somewhere deep down in their soul."
A while back Barry you wrote a piece for TPQ about Genocide. In the comments I explained some of the differences between us........"Tomorrow morning Barry, you will probably have a shower, eat breakfast, clean your teeth and greet the day...I will have beer for breakfast, smoke a spliff listen to Hank Williams while reading TPQ..........Guess that is the difference between the two of us. The only rules I will conform to are mine."
Anthony the point I made to Barry about one of his posters girls had to do with common purpose. I mentioned Jess when I wrote Fuck you John Podesta. What I said was....
"One of the ways common purpose filters out to the public is the sexualization of children within the education system. Here is an example of what Labour MP Jess Phillips (from todays Daily Mail) thinks......"
"She clarified that she wasn't suggesting 'we go into schools and teach children how to masturbate'. But she added that girls should be taught about orgasms in school. Mrs Phillips, whose husband Tom is her constituency support manager, says she regularly walks around naked at the home she shares with her husband and two sons. But this, she attributed to mostly 'laziness'.
Barry tell me again what I said was incorrect?
You incorrectly stated that Jess Phillips MP walks around her home naked; she has said she lies naked in bed. You have also falsely accused her of having an anti-male agenda in relation to mental health sourced a video made by the notorious anti-femi nist Tory MP Phillip Davies to make this claim.
Your opposition to a woman's right to choose abortion as indicated for your support for Dr. Anne (Aunt Lydia) McCloskey points to someone who appears not to be comfortable with autonomous women.
As Anthony says whether she walks around her house naked is nobody's business.
I have watched that video clip again and there is no way that she is disparaging men's rights or men's health issues. She was questioning why Phillip Davies was raising men's issues at a Women's Equality Select Committee where there so many other opportunities in the House to bring them up.
As a result of this clip Jess received multiple rape threats on social media which she has regularly got on other occasions. Do you wonder how terrifying that must be?
Something is wrong when somebody as intelligent as yourself climbs down the rabbit hole of alt-right conspiracist, disinformation outlets like the Canadian Patriot and parrots Trump's 'stolen election' lies that not even Fox News stands by.
BBC has a justified reputation for being among the best public service broadcasters in the world. But this reputation may not survive a Paul Dacre or Charles Moore being appointed Director-General by Boris. But it will make you happy, I guess.
Barry I read a wide range of stuff without rejecting it beforehand because of the source. I expect the truth is somewhere in the middle of all the views but definitely try NOT to listen to the BBC, there is NO truth there. You are an unqustioning cheerleader for a 'Sir Labour' farce. That is your choice.
I am not an unquestioning cheerleader for Keir Starmer or any sort of leader.
I was disappointed by his refusal to press for an extension of the Brexit transition period and by his voting through of Boris's back of a fag packet trade deal with the EU. I do not agree with him when he says that the Remain v Leave debate is over. His attempts to wrap Labour in the Union flag in order to win back the lost "Red Wall" votes.
I will 'crap' for Sir. Tom... in an adult nappy and send it to wherever the 22 billion was sent... the 22 billion no one seems to care about. Nice distraction Tom. Now bye-bye.
Anthony, I worked on a building site once in my life in 1990 London. I didn't last two hours before an old foreman from Kerry said "You aren't made for this kind of work" and set me packing with £20. It was an experience I'll never forget. There was a few pussy jokes and I always remember the foreman saying..."Short and thick does the trick, long and thin goes too far in".....
I have no idea what abortion has to do with me thinking Kamala is a cunt. Is she is as a big a cunt as Hilary is? My jury is still out. If you go into the vortex of TPQ you will see we covered abortion. And to save you the time in looking, I have looked into the eyes of one woman and agreed to an abortion and looked it to the eyes of another woman and we agreed not to abort. Both women are the mothers of my kids. All you have is a PHd to wave about. I've had two uncomfortable conversations with two women and I wear the T-shirt 24/7-365.
As Anthony says whether she walks around her house naked is nobody's business.
Abso-fcuking-lutely, it has nothing to do with Anthony's views on Jess. But how you misquoted what I said about Jess walking around naked, or at least she admitted doing it when I wrote Fuck you John Podesta. Phillip Davies raised a very serious point about men's mental health and Jess smirked at the idea. I will call out anyone, your poster girls or other for making fun at mental health issues. When Jess laughed, I was in a hostel in the Sandy Row and I watched 15 young men die who had mental health issues. I wrote about it on here on TPQ.
I have been watching you debate, exchange ideas....with several Quillers over the past few weeks/months and if it was a boxing match, they've all had you on the ropes and the referee would have no choice but to award them a TKO. They've even landed knock out blows and you were that punch drunk you did not even know you were just KO'd.
You have asked me if I read TPQ and do I understand the articles. A classic example is a piece by Jonathon Cook that the TPQ carried a few weeks back. In the piece when Cook said....."Exercise any doubt at all on either of these points and Katerji will lose no time in calling you an “Assadist”, “war crimes denier”, “antisemite”, “9/11 truther” and worse.]" <-------As a rule of thumb Barry that is your fall back position on every argument you have ever made on TPQ. Sometimes it is your first position as well. Recently you have asked Larry his views on HIV. Go back to your Genocide piece I linked and you will find the most plausible explanation for the origin of HIV/Aids.
So you Barry are ..." not an unquestioning cheerleader for Keir Starmer or any sort of leader".......Outside of your poster girls and all things Zionist, probably true. David suggested recently that you should get out more and expand your mind by reading alt views...I have suggested to you (at least twice) to drop a few micro dots and sit on Salisbury Plains with a pack of beer any hot summer night and look at the stars. You do come across as a very angry person, have you ever thought about taking up naked yoga in front of the mirror and while giving yourself the praying mantis?
"Phillip Davies raised a very serious point about men's mental health and Jess smirked at the idea"
It was men's issues generally that Davies raised not men's mental health issues specifically. Jess was laughing ironically about men's issues being raised on a women's equality select committee. I do not believe that Jess would smirk at any aspect of distress.
"And to save you the time in looking, I have looked into the eyes of one woman and agreed to an abortion and looked it to the eyes of another woman and we agreed not to abort. Both women are the mothers of my kids"
I acknowledge that and I would never bring anyone's personal experiences into a debate with them.
You did cite Anne McCloskey, well known anti-choice activist, approvingly as I recall and asked me when I believe begins. Philosophically I believe that individual, viable human life from which all human and civil rights flow begins at birth. You have every right to disagree.
Please do not patronise me. There may be very good reasons for anyone's anger which are not known to or understood by people who make such glib comments.
I do not do personal with anyone unless I am provoked into it by people, such as yourself, who make prejudicial comments about my education, life experiences and emotional states ; who make patronising comments like "you are hard work Barry"; who deliberately or otherwise misinterpret as you did when I commented that people who joined paramilitary organisations did not always lose their humanity in the process.
It is you that gets angry and disconcerted when I call you out for repeating antisemitic tropes about the Rothschilds. When I write about contemporary antisemitism; you respond by making ad hominem attacks on the academics that I quote such David Hirsch. When I challenge your views on Zionism or your call for the expulsion of East European "Zionists" from Israel/Palestine, you go into paroxysms of rage. And I am not a cheerleader for Zionism (or any other "ism" apart from humanism) or any "poster girl". I merely support the right of the state of Israel to exist as a place of refuge for Jews (within pre-1967 boundaries) alongside a viable state for another historically stateless people - the Palestinian Arabs.
TPQ is a free enquiry site. It is a site for the exchange of views and debate in which the guiding principle is "play the ball, not the persons". Try and remember that.
I write about conspiracy myths as they are a disease within Western discourse for reasons that are discussed in a post on today's TPQ. There is absolutely no evidentiary support for QAnon; that 9/11 attacks were "inside" jobs; that the Syrian White Knights; that Covid-19 was generated in a lab in Wuhan and that Jews are behind the Great Replacement. Unfortunately networks of supposed "academics", "journalists" and unscrupulous politicians have promoted these lies and, sadly, they are finding receptive audiences in these uncertain times.
I write about them; write bloody well and can match any of my detractor on this site.
You have had your adverse life experiences, Frankie I get that. So have I but I am not going to use them as ammunition against any opponent on this site (and there are many who I disagree profoundly with but who do not do personal).
Barry - you take these things much too seriously. Frankie is not behaving in a manner remotely like that loopy lawyer who had descended into trying to bully you.
Former IRA volunteer and ex-prisoner, spent 18 years in Long Kesh, 4 years on the blanket and no-wash/no work protests which led to the hunger strikes of the 80s. Completed PhD at Queens upon release from prison. Left the Republican Movement at the endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement, and went on to become a journalist. Co-founder of The Blanket, an online magazine that critically analyzed the Irish peace process. Lead researcher for the Belfast Project, an oral history of the Troubles.
For a while my thought for today has been is 'how big of a cunt is Kamala Harris.' Quillers take 9mins 11seconds from your lives and watch this video and make your own minds up. The short version, forward the video until 5mins and listen....very short version forward until 7mins 28seconds.
ReplyDeleteAnytime I watch the video, well Kamala sounds like she is a cunt. As big as Hillary, jury is out.
Watched the video. Yes an injustice took place under her watch; injustices have always taken place on the watch of all prosecutors.
ReplyDeleteShould she apologise for it? I personally think so but it will not alter the fact that she is the democratically elected first women and first person of colour VP and will do good things.
At least she didn't send anyone to the death chamber which Uber C___t Donald the last weeks of his squatting in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Once again Frankie lets slip of the mask (gimp if you wish) to reveal certain view of women that the departed squatter in the White House would probably share.
Barry - not at all a fair comment. Frankie has torn some misogynists a new one on this blog.
DeleteBarry if Kamala was a man my opinion would be the same. If I had called Thatcher a cunt (and she was), I seriously doubt you would say she wasn't and she was the first woman democratically elected as PM for the UK.
DeleteYou were fairly relaxed about Trump's pussy grabbing comment saying that most TPQ readers would say the same in their private moments.
You incorrectly stated that Jess Phillips MP walks around her home naked; she has said she lies naked in bed. You have also falsely accused her of having an anti-male agenda in relation to mental health sourced a video made by the notorious anti-femi nist Tory MP Phillip Davies to make this claim.
Barry - you have been in pubs. I don't know if you have ever worked on building sites - pussy grabbing is mild by comparison with what is said in those places. On Trump's part I think it reflected a certain attitude towards women that is not always or mainly at play in pubs or building sites.
DeleteWhat odds what Jess Phillips does in her own house. I can't remember the point Frankie was making but it hardly matters whether she is naked in bed or in the house. None of our business.
JC ain't the Massiah. Joe is.
DeleteA journal which follows the line of the late conspiracist, convicted fraudster and far leftie turned far rightist.
ReplyDeleteThere is a 'meme' doing the rounds you may or may not have seen. Quiller's, it is a picture of Ryan Giggs with a caption of him saying "I've been on top of my sister in law more times than Utd have been on top since Fergie retired"......Between us Barry, I found it funny. Before I float a joke on TPQ Barry, trust me no matter how misogynistic they sound in the space between your ears, if the good ladies I know find them funny, I then float them to the editors of the TPQ and they carry them or they don't. If you are that angry at what I say on TPQ (or you find yourself bored during lockdown), may I suggest you phone a womens rights group and ask to speak to the man in charge......
I can't locate the Trump pussy quote!!! But I know it ended with me saying
" Bessie was a lovely child from west Tennessee, Leroy was an outlaw hard and mean. One day she saw him starin' and it chilled her to the bone. And she knew she had to see that look on a child of her own. 'Cause ladies love outlaws like babies love stray dogs. Ladies touch babies like a banker touches gold. And outlaws touch the ladies. Somewhere deep down in their soul."
A while back Barry you wrote a piece for TPQ about Genocide. In the comments I explained some of the differences between us........"Tomorrow morning Barry, you will probably have a shower, eat breakfast, clean your teeth and greet the day...I will have beer for breakfast, smoke a spliff listen to Hank Williams while reading TPQ..........Guess that is the difference between the two of us. The only rules I will conform to are mine."
Anthony the point I made to Barry about one of his posters girls had to do with common purpose. I mentioned Jess when I wrote Fuck you John Podesta. What I said was....
"One of the ways common purpose filters out to the public is the sexualization of children within the education system. Here is an example of what Labour MP Jess Phillips (from todays Daily Mail) thinks......"
"She clarified that she wasn't suggesting 'we go into schools and teach children how to masturbate'. But she added that girls should be taught about orgasms in school. Mrs Phillips, whose husband Tom is her constituency support manager, says she regularly walks around naked at the home she shares with her husband and two sons. But this, she attributed to mostly 'laziness'.
Barry tell me again what I said was incorrect?
You incorrectly stated that Jess Phillips MP walks around her home naked; she has said she lies naked in bed. You have also falsely accused her of having an anti-male agenda in relation to mental health sourced a video made by the notorious anti-femi nist Tory MP Phillip Davies to make this claim.
MP Jess Phillips laughs at men's rights debate request (a 2min youtube video of Jess laughing)....
TBC....Beer time..
DeleteYour opposition to a woman's right to choose abortion as indicated for your support for Dr. Anne (Aunt Lydia) McCloskey points to someone who appears not to be comfortable with autonomous women.
ReplyDeleteAs Anthony says whether she walks around her house naked is nobody's business.
I have watched that video clip again and there is no way that she is disparaging men's rights or men's health issues. She was questioning why Phillip Davies was raising men's issues at a Women's Equality Select Committee where there so many other opportunities in the House to bring them up.
As a result of this clip Jess received multiple rape threats on social media which she has regularly got on other occasions. Do you wonder how terrifying that must be?
ReplyDeleteWhen BBC and MSM tell more lies and spout less sense than right wing outlets something is wrong.
Lord Labour your hero is hardly a Lefty 😂
DeleteSomething is wrong when somebody as intelligent as yourself climbs down the rabbit hole of alt-right conspiracist, disinformation outlets like the Canadian Patriot and parrots Trump's 'stolen election' lies that not even Fox News stands by.
BBC has a justified reputation for being among the best public service broadcasters in the world. But this reputation may not survive a Paul Dacre or Charles Moore being appointed Director-General by Boris. But it will make you happy, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI read a wide range of stuff without rejecting it beforehand because of the source. I expect the truth is somewhere in the middle of all the views but definitely try NOT to listen to the BBC, there is NO truth there. You are an unqustioning cheerleader for a 'Sir Labour' farce. That is your choice.
ReplyDeleteI am not an unquestioning cheerleader for Keir Starmer or any sort of leader.
I was disappointed by his refusal to press for an extension of the Brexit transition period and by his voting through of Boris's back of a fag packet trade deal with the EU. I do not agree with him when he says that the Remain v Leave debate is over. His attempts to wrap Labour in the Union flag in order to win back the lost "Red Wall" votes.
Exactly what are your issues with the BBC?
ReplyDelete'Exactly what are your issues with the BBC?'
There is no need for anyone to answer that... lol
ReplyDeleteI will 'crap' for Sir. Tom... in an adult nappy and send it to wherever the 22 billion was sent... the 22 billion no one seems to care about. Nice distraction Tom. Now bye-bye.
ReplyDeleteCheck out what Campbell has to say about labour and the BBC.
ReplyDeleteAnthony, I worked on a building site once in my life in 1990 London. I didn't last two hours before an old foreman from Kerry said "You aren't made for this kind of work" and set me packing with £20. It was an experience I'll never forget. There was a few pussy jokes and I always remember the foreman saying..."Short and thick does the trick, long and thin goes too far in".....
I have no idea what abortion has to do with me thinking Kamala is a cunt. Is she is as a big a cunt as Hilary is? My jury is still out. If you go into the vortex of TPQ you will see we covered abortion. And to save you the time in looking, I have looked into the eyes of one woman and agreed to an abortion and looked it to the eyes of another woman and we agreed not to abort. Both women are the mothers of my kids. All you have is a PHd to wave about. I've had two uncomfortable conversations with two women and I wear the T-shirt 24/7-365.
As Anthony says whether she walks around her house naked is nobody's business.
Abso-fcuking-lutely, it has nothing to do with Anthony's views on Jess. But how you misquoted what I said about Jess walking around naked, or at least she admitted doing it when I wrote Fuck you John Podesta. Phillip Davies raised a very serious point about men's mental health and Jess smirked at the idea. I will call out anyone, your poster girls or other for making fun at mental health issues. When Jess laughed, I was in a hostel in the Sandy Row and I watched 15 young men die who had mental health issues. I wrote about it on here on TPQ.
I have been watching you debate, exchange ideas....with several Quillers over the past few weeks/months and if it was a boxing match, they've all had you on the ropes and the referee would have no choice but to award them a TKO. They've even landed knock out blows and you were that punch drunk you did not even know you were just KO'd.
You have asked me if I read TPQ and do I understand the articles. A classic example is a piece by Jonathon Cook that the TPQ carried a few weeks back. In the piece when Cook said....."Exercise any doubt at all on either of these points and Katerji will lose no time in calling you an “Assadist”, “war crimes denier”, “antisemite”, “9/11 truther” and worse.]" <-------As a rule of thumb Barry that is your fall back position on every argument you have ever made on TPQ. Sometimes it is your first position as well. Recently you have asked Larry his views on HIV. Go back to your Genocide piece I linked and you will find the most plausible explanation for the origin of HIV/Aids.
So you Barry are ..." not an unquestioning cheerleader for Keir Starmer or any sort of leader".......Outside of your poster girls and all things Zionist, probably true. David suggested recently that you should get out more and expand your mind by reading alt views...I have suggested to you (at least twice) to drop a few micro dots and sit on Salisbury Plains with a pack of beer any hot summer night and look at the stars. You do come across as a very angry person, have you ever thought about taking up naked yoga in front of the mirror and while giving yourself the praying mantis?
Delete"Phillip Davies raised a very serious point about men's mental health and Jess smirked at the idea"
It was men's issues generally that Davies raised not men's mental health issues specifically. Jess was laughing ironically about men's issues being raised on a women's equality select committee. I do not believe that Jess would smirk at any aspect of distress.
Delete"And to save you the time in looking, I have looked into the eyes of one woman and agreed to an abortion and looked it to the eyes of another woman and we agreed not to abort. Both women are the mothers of my kids"
I acknowledge that and I would never bring anyone's personal experiences into a debate with them.
You did cite Anne McCloskey, well known anti-choice activist, approvingly as I recall and asked me when I believe begins. Philosophically I believe that individual, viable human life from which all human and civil rights flow begins at birth. You have every right to disagree.
ReplyDelete"You do come across as a very angry person"
Please do not patronise me. There may be very good reasons for anyone's anger which are not known to or understood by people who make such glib comments.
I do not do personal with anyone unless I am provoked into it by people, such as yourself, who make prejudicial comments about my education, life experiences and emotional states ; who make patronising comments like "you are hard work Barry"; who deliberately or otherwise misinterpret as you did when I commented that people who joined paramilitary organisations did not always lose their humanity in the process.
It is you that gets angry and disconcerted when I call you out for repeating antisemitic tropes about the Rothschilds. When I write about contemporary antisemitism; you respond by making ad hominem attacks on the academics that I quote such David Hirsch. When I challenge your views on Zionism or your call for the expulsion of East European "Zionists" from Israel/Palestine, you go into paroxysms of rage. And I am not a cheerleader for Zionism (or any other "ism" apart from humanism) or any "poster girl". I merely support the right of the state of Israel to exist as a place of refuge for Jews (within pre-1967 boundaries) alongside a viable state for another historically stateless people - the Palestinian Arabs.
TPQ is a free enquiry site. It is a site for the exchange of views and debate in which the guiding principle is "play the ball, not the persons". Try and remember that.
I write about conspiracy myths as they are a disease within Western discourse for reasons that are discussed in a post on today's TPQ. There is absolutely no evidentiary support for QAnon; that 9/11 attacks were "inside" jobs; that the Syrian White Knights; that Covid-19 was generated in a lab in Wuhan and that Jews are behind the Great Replacement. Unfortunately networks of supposed "academics", "journalists" and unscrupulous politicians have promoted these lies and, sadly, they are finding receptive audiences in these uncertain times.
I write about them; write bloody well and can match any of my detractor on this site.
You have had your adverse life experiences, Frankie I get that. So have I but I am not going to use them as ammunition against any opponent on this site (and there are many who I disagree profoundly with but who do not do personal).
Barry - you take these things much too seriously. Frankie is not behaving in a manner remotely like that loopy lawyer who had descended into trying to bully you.