UnHerdWhy would Boris Johnson want to “egg up” a virus that has cost more than 67,000 lives in the UK? 

Peter Franklin

It’s amazing what you can find in the murkier recesses of the Internet. For instance, yesterday I read that Boris Johnson had “egged up the transmissibility of the new strain of the virus” as an excuse for cancelling Christmas. However, he overdid it — and thus accidentally scared our neighbours into closing their borders. Whoops!

Here’s this shocking revelation in full, which was supplied by Lionel Barber:

Wow! You don’t get that sort of analysis from the BBC, do you? And that’s just as well, because it’s complete nonsense.

Boris Johnson didn’t “egg up” anything. What he said on Saturday was a fair reflection of the official scientific advice from NERVTAG — The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group. Here’s the relevant document, which includes the following key statement:

“In summary, NERVTAG has moderate confidence that VUI-202012/01 demonstrates a substantial increase in transmissibility compared to other variants.”


At this stage our understanding of the VUI-202012/01 variant is incomplete, but neither NERVTAG nor the Government have tried to hide that fact.

Continue reading @ UnHerd.

It’s Not Just The Covid Cranks Spreading Misinformation

UnHerdWhy would Boris Johnson want to “egg up” a virus that has cost more than 67,000 lives in the UK? 

Peter Franklin

It’s amazing what you can find in the murkier recesses of the Internet. For instance, yesterday I read that Boris Johnson had “egged up the transmissibility of the new strain of the virus” as an excuse for cancelling Christmas. However, he overdid it — and thus accidentally scared our neighbours into closing their borders. Whoops!

Here’s this shocking revelation in full, which was supplied by Lionel Barber:

Wow! You don’t get that sort of analysis from the BBC, do you? And that’s just as well, because it’s complete nonsense.

Boris Johnson didn’t “egg up” anything. What he said on Saturday was a fair reflection of the official scientific advice from NERVTAG — The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group. Here’s the relevant document, which includes the following key statement:

“In summary, NERVTAG has moderate confidence that VUI-202012/01 demonstrates a substantial increase in transmissibility compared to other variants.”


At this stage our understanding of the VUI-202012/01 variant is incomplete, but neither NERVTAG nor the Government have tried to hide that fact.

Continue reading @ UnHerd.


  1. Larry Hughes comments

    I think if you take a step back, don't permit yourself to get caught up in the MSM and government induced hysteria for two minutes the fog of Covid-19 WW3 playacting can clear. Fauci, Witty and Holohan are the cranks. The super crank is so called professor Ferguson of Imperial college London. These guys are presenting deliberately flawed and misleading data (Ferguson) to initiate the first UK lock down. Witty and Holohan cite stats on infection rates from testing gear that's well known for a long time to be unfit for purpose. False positives galore. These stats are presented like a daily mortality rate. There is no counter narrative permitted. Even though scientists from other institutions have attempted to emulate Ferguson's "modelling" and failed even with his own data...he has now been reinstated by Boris. They perhaps share the same interest in women. In Ireland with 82,100 + cases ( testing accepted lol) this has resulted in 2000 having died since March, WITH or from covid19 isn't stated. Bottom line is, hysterical drama queens throwing figures like 67,000 dead FROM covid19 about simply makes THEM the cranks. I hope you can all slither out from under the bed for Christmas dinner. Eat it through your masks Assholes!! Your menu for today, more government turds for the turd munchers. Merry Christmas.

    Peter Franklin

    I think if you take a step back, don't permit yourself to get caught up in the MSM and government induced hysteria for two minutes the fog of Covid-19 WW3 playacting can clear. Fauci Witty and Holohan are the cranks. The super crank is so called professor Ferguson of Imperial college London. These guys are presenting deliberately flawed and missleading data (Ferguson) to initiate the first UK lock down. Witty and Holohan cite stats on infection rates from testing gear that's well known for a long time to be unfit for purpose. False positives galore. These stats are presented like a daily mortality rate. There is no counter narrative permitted. Even though scientists from other institutions have attempted to emulate Ferguson's"modelling" and failed even with his own data...he has now been reinstated by Boris. They perhaps share the same interest in women. In Ireland with 82,100 + cases ( testing accepted lol) this has resulted in 2000 having died since March, WITH or from covid19 isn't stated. Bottom line is, hysterical drama queens throwing figures like 67,000 dead FROM covid19 about simply makes THEM the cranks. I hope you can all slither out from under the bed for Christmas dinner. Eat it through your masks Assholes!! Your menu for today, more government turds for the turd munchers. Merry Christmas.

  2. Is the pensive quill becoming sinn fein in disguise 🤔
