It's Still Only Thursday ➤ We have heard a lot recently about so-called “systematic racism” and about how the UK has a problem with racism. 

The Black Lives Matter movement, allied with the Far-Left, have vandalised statues, assaulted police officers and, in the opinion of many commentators, set race relations back years.

But how often do you actually encounter overt racism online? Do you, for example, regularly encounter twitter accounts that call for racial or religious genocide or ethnic cleansing?

Are there many openly racist individuals on Twitter or Instagram stereotyping ethnic minority groups as stupid, backwards, ignorant and intimately involved in crime, especially drug dealing?

I ask because there are dozens, possibly hundreds, of social media accounts doing exactly that on a daily basis to my community.

Continue Reading @ It's Still Only Thursday.

Do Orange Lives Matter?

It's Still Only Thursday ➤ We have heard a lot recently about so-called “systematic racism” and about how the UK has a problem with racism. 

The Black Lives Matter movement, allied with the Far-Left, have vandalised statues, assaulted police officers and, in the opinion of many commentators, set race relations back years.

But how often do you actually encounter overt racism online? Do you, for example, regularly encounter twitter accounts that call for racial or religious genocide or ethnic cleansing?

Are there many openly racist individuals on Twitter or Instagram stereotyping ethnic minority groups as stupid, backwards, ignorant and intimately involved in crime, especially drug dealing?

I ask because there are dozens, possibly hundreds, of social media accounts doing exactly that on a daily basis to my community.

Continue Reading @ It's Still Only Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure sonebody could compile a compendium of equally repulsive tweets from PUL trolls.
