Angela Nagle ➤ Talk to an educated Irish person in a global city today, and you will quickly discover that they hold the twin ideologies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland: a vague sentimental remnant of the Irish ethno-nationalism of the revolutionary period and the internationalist and multicultural open society values of Google. 

... As a former colony, historically unsullied by the sins of slavery and imperialism, Ireland’s national identity has been largely free of the culture of pathological self-hatred found across most of the liberal West today. An uncomplicated sense of national pride has remained the default, even and sometimes especially on the political Left. But all of that is about to change.

“Toppling statues is just the beginning”, ran a recent Irish Times headline, if the goal is “How to make Irish culture less racist.” As self-flagellating stories about the Irish public’s racism are set to now become a daily part of life, Ireland’s elites can breathe a sigh of relief. Any populist pressure they sensed brewing while overseeing a deeply economically unequal society with skyrocketing homelessness, rents and outward youth migration can now be replaced with an imported moral narrative that turns the spotlight around on the reactionary masses who must, in the name of equality, learn to think of themselves as privileged.

Continue reading @ UnHerd. 

Will Ireland Survive The Woke Wave?

Angela Nagle ➤ Talk to an educated Irish person in a global city today, and you will quickly discover that they hold the twin ideologies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland: a vague sentimental remnant of the Irish ethno-nationalism of the revolutionary period and the internationalist and multicultural open society values of Google. 

... As a former colony, historically unsullied by the sins of slavery and imperialism, Ireland’s national identity has been largely free of the culture of pathological self-hatred found across most of the liberal West today. An uncomplicated sense of national pride has remained the default, even and sometimes especially on the political Left. But all of that is about to change.

“Toppling statues is just the beginning”, ran a recent Irish Times headline, if the goal is “How to make Irish culture less racist.” As self-flagellating stories about the Irish public’s racism are set to now become a daily part of life, Ireland’s elites can breathe a sigh of relief. Any populist pressure they sensed brewing while overseeing a deeply economically unequal society with skyrocketing homelessness, rents and outward youth migration can now be replaced with an imported moral narrative that turns the spotlight around on the reactionary masses who must, in the name of equality, learn to think of themselves as privileged.

Continue reading @ UnHerd. 

1 comment:

  1. Ireland may have been unsullied by the sins of slavery and imperialsm but generations of Irish people were subject to colonisation by the brutal patrriachal culture in which countless thouands of fallen women and children were systematically abused in the carceral archipelago of industrial schools, orphanges, laundries and schools run by the criminal enterprise known as Irish Caztholic Church hierarchy and financ ed by thr state.

    Is the author seriously wanting a return to the monoculoture that was Irish society where it was possible to go through adult life wothout meeting a single perdon from another religious persuasxion nedver mind a black or brown face?

    Everyday racism is the expwrienced of many Irish people of colour just at is in so many other Euro-American countrries. Those of us protected by white privilege (and I include myself in thart number) frankly just do not get it.
