From Right Wing WatchMark Taylor Says Black Men Are Hanging Themselves to Stoke Racial Division and Prevent Trump’s Reelection.

By Kyle Mantyla

Mark Taylor, a QAnon conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” about whom Liberty University made a movie in 2018, appeared on Chris McDonald’s “The MC Files” program Tuesday night and declared that Black men have been hanging themselves in an effort to stir up racial strife and prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

Continuing his long tradition of spouting remarkably insane conspiracy theories, Taylor dismissed reports that several people of color have been found hanged across the country in recent weeks as nothing more than a “deep state” plot against the president.

“It’s all about keeping the narrative focused on a civil war,” Taylor said

A bunch of garbage that’s been going on like that—we’ve had what, five hangings now? They found bodies hanging? Give me a break. We know that’s deep state-related, that’s pushing some of this stuff to try to drive the narrative. Now, some of them have been maybe suicides, people trying to martyr themselves because they know what it’s gonna do to this whole black, white thing, to try to start the civil unrest, to try to stoke the fires again. This is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to keep this going through the election.
Continue reading @  Right Wing Watch.

Christian Cuckoo Sees Anti-Trump Plot In Suicides Of Black Men

From Right Wing WatchMark Taylor Says Black Men Are Hanging Themselves to Stoke Racial Division and Prevent Trump’s Reelection.

By Kyle Mantyla

Mark Taylor, a QAnon conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” about whom Liberty University made a movie in 2018, appeared on Chris McDonald’s “The MC Files” program Tuesday night and declared that Black men have been hanging themselves in an effort to stir up racial strife and prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

Continuing his long tradition of spouting remarkably insane conspiracy theories, Taylor dismissed reports that several people of color have been found hanged across the country in recent weeks as nothing more than a “deep state” plot against the president.

“It’s all about keeping the narrative focused on a civil war,” Taylor said

A bunch of garbage that’s been going on like that—we’ve had what, five hangings now? They found bodies hanging? Give me a break. We know that’s deep state-related, that’s pushing some of this stuff to try to drive the narrative. Now, some of them have been maybe suicides, people trying to martyr themselves because they know what it’s gonna do to this whole black, white thing, to try to start the civil unrest, to try to stoke the fires again. This is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to keep this going through the election.
Continue reading @  Right Wing Watch.

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