By Erik Augustin Palm
With its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, though, Sweden’s upright image has been tarnished. Over the past few weeks, the world has watched as Sweden’s public health agency has largely ignored international scientific consensus on the most efficient and lifesaving response to COVID-19: social distancing.
Sweden is the only nation in the group of more economically developed countries taking an almost entirely laissez-faire approach to the pandemic. As a native Swede who has been based in the United States for the past 10 years and recently made a temporary return to my home country, I have found it difficult to experience Sweden’s uniquely incautious yet self-assured response, even if it hasn’t been entirely unpredictable. Sweden’s problematic approach has many layers.
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I don't know about this. Just watched Elon Musk there saying he believes the death rate to be greatly exaggerated. Seen similar claims by doctors that dying whi!e having covid was being counted as covid actually killing you. I don't know if this is true or not but I do know a sustained lockdown isn't feasible. It's already cracking. As much as I hold politicians, all of them, in contempt, this was a situation where you're damned if you do or if you don't. Everyone has an opinion on this and nobody is covering themselves in glory. Scientists can't agree, break their own curfew. Maybe herd immunity was the way to go. Who knows?
DeleteOn the contrary deaths from Covid-19 in care homes, for example have been likely been under-estimated.
There is widespread scientific consensus that immediate quarantining of infected persons; tracing and testing of those who they had been in contact with; mass testing of the population and prompt lockdown. The experiences of Taiwan, Greece and New Zealand are evidence.
Pursuing herd immunity without vaccination would have led to hundreds, rather than tens, of thousands of deaths in the UK by now.
It is because of the ever-present threat of a second outbreak that 80% of the UK population want lockdown to stay.
If you were shot would you say the bullet or the blood loss killed you?
Delete"Pursuing herd immunity without vaccination would have led to hundreds, rather than tens, of thousands of deaths in the UK by now."
DeleteLol. Do you read the rubbish you write at all? Herd immunity it is then!
Is there anyone still buying this coronavirus horseshite? Craigavon hospital has been under no pressure for weeks, so much so, the staff are flat out on tiktok,etc. Thank god for the hot weather as its put the brakes on viruses such as colds and flu' per norm!
DeleteIf you believe that hot weather can kill off Covid-19 because it you believe that it is like the flu or cold, then such dangerous scientific illiteracy puts you in the same company as Trump and Bolsonario although you will probably take such comparisons as a complement.
I sincerely hope you lose no one to this scourge.
I know several people who have had it and survived, it's way worse than any flu. You think all these capitalist countries are doing this for a laugh?
DeleteSteve R, It's way worse than any flu you say? How so when all the 'experts' said it was the same symptoms as a cold/flu? And just like a cold/flu can be dangerous to very ill people, so can the Kung flu. It ain't rocket science. Btw, these capitalist countries will make a fortune with any crisis, that is those with the already made billions of loot. The great unwashed will be forced to cough up. Just follow the trail of money that the treasuries are leaving to 'fight the war' on covid-19.
DeleteI assume you are one of these robots who believes sunshine is dangerous then? What university repeated that to you? Btw, for one so intelligent why aren't you in the hot seat of a major govt after all you seem to think those in power, such as Trump, are thick and ignorant......surely it's a shoo in that are better capable of being the president of the States? In saying that for such a dumb ass Trump has done well to outwit all yous intelligent people unless of course you are a tin foil hat wearer and think he was put there by Putin! Lol!
DeleteBarry. How do you know this with such certainty? I don't claim to know the science. I can only say what I see. I live in Scotland there are 1700 deaths out of 5.4 million, hardly the plague. The town I live in has all but ignored the lockdown the last fortnight. A lot of people in the same boat as me, self employed with zero income, have gone back to work. Parks are full, kids playing together, people exercising together, visiting relatives etc. Up to now there's been no explosion of deaths. I don't the death rates in care homes, I'll take your word for it. Elon Musk and the doctors are American and were speaking of their system which is different. They made compelling arguments. You'll have to take it up with them if you take umbrage with it.
ReplyDeleteJust read an article in the telegraph saying Sweden has a death rate of three thousand out of a population of ten million. Is that right? If true that's not bad at all
ReplyDeleteSweden has very little inter generational living, one big reason why it's getting away with the herd immunity approach. Ireland has much to learn from Iceland and New Zealand, our borders were kept open at the behest of Brussels ; no complaints from Sf or Rsf ( unsurprisingly) 😠
ReplyDeleteSteve, that analogy isn't relevant. The bullet causes the blood loss. The point the doctors were making was patients were dying of kidney failure, heart attacks, stage four cancer etc the covid was immaterial. Yet they put it on the death certificate. I'll say to you what I said to Barry, if you take umbrage, take it up with them. I thought it was interesting and worthy of repeating.