From the Loyalist blog It's Still Only Thursday, a view on the North's cultural war.

“Manufactured Outrage”

What would happen if an ethnic minority group raised concerns about the neutrality of the learning environment at a major university in England?

What would happen if, for example, representatives of the Sikh community said that members of that community did not feel comfortable at Oxford University because, amongst other things, the newly elected Students Union president had liked and shared social media posts praising and glorifying the Nazis?

Would that community be listened to? Would their concerns be addressed? Or would their concerns be dismissed as “manufactured outrage”, would those raising their concerns be harangued, vilified, insulted, mocked, abused and threatened by huge numbers of online trolls, many of them masquerading as so-called ‘moderates’?

Unfortunately, in Northern Ireland, the latter is exactly what has happened. Concerns were raised by members (and representatives) of the Unionist and Loyalist community about the neutrality of the learning environment at Queen’s University Belfast.

Continue reading @ It's Still Only Thursday,

➽ Follow It's Still Only Thursday on Twitter @0nIyThursday

The Big Green Elephant In The Room

From the Loyalist blog It's Still Only Thursday, a view on the North's cultural war.

“Manufactured Outrage”

What would happen if an ethnic minority group raised concerns about the neutrality of the learning environment at a major university in England?

What would happen if, for example, representatives of the Sikh community said that members of that community did not feel comfortable at Oxford University because, amongst other things, the newly elected Students Union president had liked and shared social media posts praising and glorifying the Nazis?

Would that community be listened to? Would their concerns be addressed? Or would their concerns be dismissed as “manufactured outrage”, would those raising their concerns be harangued, vilified, insulted, mocked, abused and threatened by huge numbers of online trolls, many of them masquerading as so-called ‘moderates’?

Unfortunately, in Northern Ireland, the latter is exactly what has happened. Concerns were raised by members (and representatives) of the Unionist and Loyalist community about the neutrality of the learning environment at Queen’s University Belfast.

Continue reading @ It's Still Only Thursday,

➽ Follow It's Still Only Thursday on Twitter @0nIyThursday

1 comment:

  1. The elephant in the room isn't 'green' it's tribalism.
    If you identify as a representative of a tribe you are fair game for members of the opposing tribe.
    Some of these tweets are funny and it has to be said, some are fair comment, but those tweets which wish people dead or mock those who died during the conflict, no matter which side they were on, are vile and unacceptable.

    I suggest that if you want your complaints to be listened to you do not present them in the form of an attack. It may also be helpful to admit that yes your side is as bad as those you are complaining about. Since I'm not part of either tribe that comment can't be treated as either a 'cop out' or 'whataboutery'.
