Gideon Levy insists that Jeremy Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. His real sin is to fight against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates
The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.
On Tuesday it reached its climax in an article by the chief rabbi of Britain, Ephraim Mirvis, in The Times. Mirvis has decided that the anxiety of British Jews over Corbyn is justified and he is not fit to be prime minister. He called on Jews not to vote for Labour in the election on December 12.
Born in South Africa and a graduate of Har Etzion Yeshiva in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Mirvis is the voice of British Jewry. In Capetown, Johannesburg and Har Etzion, he should have learned what apartheid was and why one should fight it. His parents did so, but one doubts that he learned the moral lesson from the regions of disenfranchisement in which he lived in South Africa and the West Bank.
Continue reading @ Haaretz.
Gideon Levy insists that Jeremy Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. His real sin is to fight against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates
The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.
On Tuesday it reached its climax in an article by the chief rabbi of Britain, Ephraim Mirvis, in The Times. Mirvis has decided that the anxiety of British Jews over Corbyn is justified and he is not fit to be prime minister. He called on Jews not to vote for Labour in the election on December 12.
Born in South Africa and a graduate of Har Etzion Yeshiva in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Mirvis is the voice of British Jewry. In Capetown, Johannesburg and Har Etzion, he should have learned what apartheid was and why one should fight it. His parents did so, but one doubts that he learned the moral lesson from the regions of disenfranchisement in which he lived in South Africa and the West Bank.
Continue reading @ Haaretz.
The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.
On Tuesday it reached its climax in an article by the chief rabbi of Britain, Ephraim Mirvis, in The Times. Mirvis has decided that the anxiety of British Jews over Corbyn is justified and he is not fit to be prime minister. He called on Jews not to vote for Labour in the election on December 12.
Born in South Africa and a graduate of Har Etzion Yeshiva in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Mirvis is the voice of British Jewry. In Capetown, Johannesburg and Har Etzion, he should have learned what apartheid was and why one should fight it. His parents did so, but one doubts that he learned the moral lesson from the regions of disenfranchisement in which he lived in South Africa and the West Bank.
Continue reading @ Haaretz.
Labour went down to its worst election defeat since 1935 not because "of a contract on Corbyn" because it had for many years become alienated from its supporters inthe former steel, mining and other former heavy industry towns in the North East and Midlands of England and North East Wales. The loss of its electoral base in Scotland is another story but, likewise, cannot be attributed to some imagined Israeli/Jewish conspiracy but because of its terminal irrelevance to societal and political trends in post-industrial Scotland.
ReplyDeleteIt is a moot point whether Corbyn is antisemitic or not (I don't believe he is); what is far more relevant is the extent that he and his allies enabled the cancerous growth of far-left and Islamist (and maybe clasical far right) antisemisitism in the Labour Party in the guises of pro-Palestian advocacy and the connection between Jewry and moneyed capitalism.
The deindistrialisation of many of Labour's heartlands, the rank incompetence of Corbyn'sa leadership, the culture of bullying and intolerance of those outside the Corbyn cult in the Leader's Office and in many Constituency Labour Parties of which antisemitism and Labour's Brexit policy were two significant elements meant that a Corbyn premiership was never going to happen.
Barry, the imagined Israeli Jewish conspiracy that led to Labour's defeat is as imaginary as the endemic anti-Semitism within Labour. I believe in neither. Like you I don't believe he is anti-Semitic but he could have handled the anti-Semitism issue much better. Pro Palestinian activism is no more anti-Semitic than support for Israel is Nazi. It has been credibly established that the Israeli state has been pushing a policy of equating anti-Semitism with Anti-Israeli oppression in a bid to deflect substantive criticism of its repressive policies. I guess if it was a matter of anti-Semitism alone, it would never have been sufficient to lose Labour the election. The causes are much more deep rooted than that. The Corbyn leadership never had it within its gift to create, shape and sustain an anti-Tory coalition of forces. Far too many former Labour voters favoured Brexit to allow that to happen. A Corbyn victory was never likely to happen. In every situation Corbyn is always preferable to a war criminal as leader.
ReplyDeleteBullying and intolerance is what authoritarians do. Look at SF under Adams, where bullying was the natural method of control. The more authoritarian the British Left is the more we can expect bullying. Lisa Nandy commented on how she was bullied by the goondas for not backing Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteQuite a lot we agree with here. Had Corbyn and Momentum put as much elbow grease into supporting Remain in the EU referendum as they did in getting the Sainted One elected as Leader and controlling the Party's executive and decision making structures then Brexit would never have been a problem on the doorsteps as Remain would have won. But that was never going to happen as JC and his advisers have always been Lexiteers.
Just as Tony Blair will forever be tarnished by Iraq so Corbyn's leadership will always be stained by antisemitism. Both were entirely avoidable but perhaps inevitable because of the tunnel vision of both on states beginning with the letter "I". But Blair did win three elections on the spin .....
To talk about more important things, are you happy with Liverpool's fixture congestion caused by another sportswashing charade in a Middle Eastern autocracy? Hopefully it will not derail the title push.
Promotion looking good for us providing we exorcise the ghosts of not so distant past Easters!
ReplyDeleteI think you nailed it here:
"The Corbyn leadership never had it within its gift to create, shape and sustain an anti-Tory coalition of forces. Far too many former Labour voters favoured Brexit to allow that to happen."
English nationalists, left and right, wanted Brexit.
And since nationalism cuts across the usual L-R political spectrum...
Jeremy Corbyn and company should have beat BoJo to this punch.
Instead Corbyn waffled and got rhetorically outflanked by a liar.
And an obvious liar at that:
"All the times Boris Johnson called for Britain to stay in the single market."
"Does Boris Johnson remember what he said?"
Now here is my prediction:
Boris works for The City.
The City doesn't want out of the E.U.
And what The City wants The City generally gets.
Therefore, look for BoJo to negotiate a Banker's Brexit:
In other words, BoJo just faked Left for national populism's sake...
But will go Right for The City Banks (his natural constituency).
Which is why I think Jeremy Corbyn ought to stick around.
If for nothing else to say "I told you so."
Because leopards don't change their spots.
I would say the difference between Corbyn and Johnson is that,
ReplyDeleteJohnson's arguments were deeply flawed and easily countered as he lied quite openly but, and here is the BUT, he could convince....Corbyn's arguments were sound and logical but he couldn't else would a proven liar, let's be frank here, a liar proven many times, how else could the people have voted for him if he didn't convince them.....they didn't vote for May and she basically pushed the same view!
Labour can never with Corbyn or Corbyn 2.0. Just a brutal fact of political life.
ReplyDeleteBoJo is now legally committed to Brexit in the smallest possible window of time. Another brutally simple fact.
ReplyDeleteAll swindlers try to convince their marks.
And some do be they in politics, business or crime.