We are off to A Rúa today. A long walk ahead and it is to be hilly. My feet are once again bandaged and with the painkillers I am able to tackle the walk. However I do notice that I am running out of bandages and plasters and so will have to skimp on the number of times I change these along the route today as I want to keep a good supply for the last leg tomorrow to Santiago which is 24.5Km.
We have a late start this morning as breakfast is not being served until 8. There was a serious amount of rainfall and a storm last night. Very overcast today with rain expected around noon and still very warm though.
We see and pass very few walkers today so many must have taken today off as a rest day. Because we split two of our days in to 14/15Km walks we are not entitled to a day of if we want to cover the 100Km within our timetable of a 6 day hike.
Most of today we are alone with our own thoughts and our conversations are made up more of words of encouragement rather than topics or subjects. It has been a very contemplative day today but also enjoyable in an odd manner.
Eventually today is finished. It is really warm but what a feeling to take the weight of the feet. Our room is in what appears to be a converted barn or storehouse of sorts and it is also stunning.
The hamlets have been left behind as we close in on Santiago. This village though is of the style of housing of the hamlets on the first day but these are in much better shape and well administered too. These look like holiday homes.
Later after our meal I went to pay for a few extra drinks we had outside of those covered by our meal. The chef who also happens to be the owner and very laid back for a chef was standing behind the bar and asked us how many drinks we had. I told him we had two each outside of those covered by the meal and he sighed and waved them away … it’s OK, don’t worry … and that was that. I can’t imagine that ever happening here!
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