The following came out of initial meeting of the Dublin Sinn Fein officer board with councillors in attendance. They are in shock and have decided to blame voters. It was penned by Natalie Treacy, the chair of Sinn Fein in Dublin. A meeting of the party Cuige is scheduled for Thursday. TPQ puts out Councillor Treacy's polemic minus any grammatical corrections.
Be warned this is a long rant but I need to get this off my chest before I finally take a few days off to spend with my family and to rest.
So it's a week now since the elections and I received that devastating phone call to tell me that the people of my core area's didnt bother to take 10 minutes out of their day to go and vote for me and that I am probably not going to be 're elected. Now this would be perfectly fine ,if I hadn't of worked my arse off for the last 5 year's on behalf of the people I represent. This would be perfectly fine ,if you the people I represent didnt believe I deserved to be 're elected.
This would be perfectly fine, if you believed that our council would be better off without Sinn Féin fighting your corner in Fingal but NO, this was simply because the people in my core area's just didn't bother to come out and vote !
As I sat in a room last night with all my other Sinn Féin elected comrades from across Dublin and listened to them all talking about what we did wrong in the elections because we did make mistakes of course we did. And we will learn by our mistakes and we will move on. But one thing we can't do is work any harder than we did. Every one of our Councillor's and their team's worked their hardest on behalf of the community's they represent. However what stood out in the room most was the hurt. Yes the hurt ,hurt we all felt that our core area's didnt bother to take the time to come out and vote for us.
After all our hard work over the last 5 year's. I am talking about those we grew up with, those we went to school with, those we are raising our kids with, those who think we are fantastic reps in their area's. Those who are now reading this post. You see at some stage you the voter, the person that has the power to make a difference in your area for the better. You need to take responsibility. You need to realise that for the next 5 year's when our councils right across the country, that are now led by FF and FG are decimating our communities. When our working class area's are now getting their funding cut again. When our working class area's are being neglected and left behind again because we don't have Sinn Féin in there fighting your corner and FF/FG couldn't give a damn about you. You need to take some responsibility for that. You need to realise that all the moaning in the world is not going to help you. You had the power to make a change and you just didn't bother to come out and vote
As it happened in Dublin West we managed to retain our 3 seats on FCC. And I was returned as the Castleknock Sinn Féin councillor again and Why? Because lucky enough people outside of our core area's that we also represent and worked hard for appreciated the work we done and know the value and the power of their vote . Lucky for the rest of our area's that they did come out and out and bothered to vote. And I will continue for the next 5 year's along with my SF colleagues to work as hard as we did for the last 5 year's. But we lost some of the hardest working councillors you will find all over the country. And it wasn't because of people going out to vote for other party's ,that would be fine, thats democracy. People are entitled to vote for who they want. And people should vote for who they feel will represent them best and look after their needs and who will stand up for them and fight their corner.
But to simply just not bother to vote... As I already said you need to take some responsibility for what is going to happen in your council's for the next 5 year's and wake up before the next general election is called. Sin é.....
The following came out of initial meeting of the Dublin Sinn Fein officer board with councillors in attendance. They are in shock and have decided to blame voters. It was penned by Natalie Treacy, the chair of Sinn Fein in Dublin. A meeting of the party Cuige is scheduled for Thursday. TPQ puts out Councillor Treacy's polemic minus any grammatical corrections.
Be warned this is a long rant but I need to get this off my chest before I finally take a few days off to spend with my family and to rest.
So it's a week now since the elections and I received that devastating phone call to tell me that the people of my core area's didnt bother to take 10 minutes out of their day to go and vote for me and that I am probably not going to be 're elected. Now this would be perfectly fine ,if I hadn't of worked my arse off for the last 5 year's on behalf of the people I represent. This would be perfectly fine ,if you the people I represent didnt believe I deserved to be 're elected.
This would be perfectly fine, if you believed that our council would be better off without Sinn Féin fighting your corner in Fingal but NO, this was simply because the people in my core area's just didn't bother to come out and vote !
As I sat in a room last night with all my other Sinn Féin elected comrades from across Dublin and listened to them all talking about what we did wrong in the elections because we did make mistakes of course we did. And we will learn by our mistakes and we will move on. But one thing we can't do is work any harder than we did. Every one of our Councillor's and their team's worked their hardest on behalf of the community's they represent. However what stood out in the room most was the hurt. Yes the hurt ,hurt we all felt that our core area's didnt bother to take the time to come out and vote for us.
After all our hard work over the last 5 year's. I am talking about those we grew up with, those we went to school with, those we are raising our kids with, those who think we are fantastic reps in their area's. Those who are now reading this post. You see at some stage you the voter, the person that has the power to make a difference in your area for the better. You need to take responsibility. You need to realise that for the next 5 year's when our councils right across the country, that are now led by FF and FG are decimating our communities. When our working class area's are now getting their funding cut again. When our working class area's are being neglected and left behind again because we don't have Sinn Féin in there fighting your corner and FF/FG couldn't give a damn about you. You need to take some responsibility for that. You need to realise that all the moaning in the world is not going to help you. You had the power to make a change and you just didn't bother to come out and vote
As it happened in Dublin West we managed to retain our 3 seats on FCC. And I was returned as the Castleknock Sinn Féin councillor again and Why? Because lucky enough people outside of our core area's that we also represent and worked hard for appreciated the work we done and know the value and the power of their vote . Lucky for the rest of our area's that they did come out and out and bothered to vote. And I will continue for the next 5 year's along with my SF colleagues to work as hard as we did for the last 5 year's. But we lost some of the hardest working councillors you will find all over the country. And it wasn't because of people going out to vote for other party's ,that would be fine, thats democracy. People are entitled to vote for who they want. And people should vote for who they feel will represent them best and look after their needs and who will stand up for them and fight their corner.
But to simply just not bother to vote... As I already said you need to take some responsibility for what is going to happen in your council's for the next 5 year's and wake up before the next general election is called. Sin é.....
Be warned this is a long rant but I need to get this off my chest before I finally take a few days off to spend with my family and to rest.
So it's a week now since the elections and I received that devastating phone call to tell me that the people of my core area's didnt bother to take 10 minutes out of their day to go and vote for me and that I am probably not going to be 're elected. Now this would be perfectly fine ,if I hadn't of worked my arse off for the last 5 year's on behalf of the people I represent. This would be perfectly fine ,if you the people I represent didnt believe I deserved to be 're elected.
This would be perfectly fine, if you believed that our council would be better off without Sinn Féin fighting your corner in Fingal but NO, this was simply because the people in my core area's just didn't bother to come out and vote !
As I sat in a room last night with all my other Sinn Féin elected comrades from across Dublin and listened to them all talking about what we did wrong in the elections because we did make mistakes of course we did. And we will learn by our mistakes and we will move on. But one thing we can't do is work any harder than we did. Every one of our Councillor's and their team's worked their hardest on behalf of the community's they represent. However what stood out in the room most was the hurt. Yes the hurt ,hurt we all felt that our core area's didnt bother to take the time to come out and vote for us.
After all our hard work over the last 5 year's. I am talking about those we grew up with, those we went to school with, those we are raising our kids with, those who think we are fantastic reps in their area's. Those who are now reading this post. You see at some stage you the voter, the person that has the power to make a difference in your area for the better. You need to take responsibility. You need to realise that for the next 5 year's when our councils right across the country, that are now led by FF and FG are decimating our communities. When our working class area's are now getting their funding cut again. When our working class area's are being neglected and left behind again because we don't have Sinn Féin in there fighting your corner and FF/FG couldn't give a damn about you. You need to take some responsibility for that. You need to realise that all the moaning in the world is not going to help you. You had the power to make a change and you just didn't bother to come out and vote
As it happened in Dublin West we managed to retain our 3 seats on FCC. And I was returned as the Castleknock Sinn Féin councillor again and Why? Because lucky enough people outside of our core area's that we also represent and worked hard for appreciated the work we done and know the value and the power of their vote . Lucky for the rest of our area's that they did come out and out and bothered to vote. And I will continue for the next 5 year's along with my SF colleagues to work as hard as we did for the last 5 year's. But we lost some of the hardest working councillors you will find all over the country. And it wasn't because of people going out to vote for other party's ,that would be fine, thats democracy. People are entitled to vote for who they want. And people should vote for who they feel will represent them best and look after their needs and who will stand up for them and fight their corner.
But to simply just not bother to vote... As I already said you need to take some responsibility for what is going to happen in your council's for the next 5 year's and wake up before the next general election is called. Sin é.....
Yes and none of the others sold out by signing a soi disant "policing agreement". I was asked about this up here, just south of the border and replied "If SF want votes let them go to the police and ask them".
ReplyDeleteIs this legit? If it's...breathtaking in it's arrogance.
ReplyDeleteSteve - it is legit. Had it not been we would have put satire in the tag line. The title is our own, not Councillor Treacy's. Was it a rush of blood to the head, the response to which should not therefore be judgemental? Or as it more indicative of a deeper malaise? It is common knowledge about the party's history of internal bullying which reflects a sense of authoritarian entitlement. The noxious fumes of that culture might simply have polluted Ms Treacy's thinking without her being in any way responsible for consciously creating the culture.
ReplyDeleteThis could be straight from a handbook written by some Fascist leader, this is the real Sinn Fein the Provo’s were ran along the same lines “do what we say and don’t ever question “ and the same theory has been the modus operando for Sinn Fein , the problem with Sinn Fein is they never believed in democracy to begin with so “their voters” having the audacity to not to vote No 1 beside their hard working volunteers is wrecking their well thought out plans , they demand equality from everyone else but now its “their voters” who are not being equal. I remarked to a friend around the time when Adams was handing on the baton to a new leader that like most leaders who ruled the roost there was no way would someone better than he take control and Mary Lou certainly proved me right
ReplyDeleteThey are now for climate change that should tell us a lot about how they operate.