While my Amazon copies of this book are en route, I write in response to a few of its pages sent to me.
Whole Cloth Fabrications in this book include:
1) Rupert falsely claims to have been present in a conversation with Frank O’Neill and me. I met Rupert but once; momentarily. It was at our Friends of Freedom (FOIF) fundraiser in Chicago’s Schorsch Hall where my only, once-ever, communication with Rupert was limited to brief salutations. I saw Rupert on only two other occasions, from afar. One was a fundraiser at the Abbey Pub in Chicago where I merely looked in from the door; the other at the Dublin “trial” of Michael McKevitt.
2) Rupert falsely claims that I once phoned him (Rupert) and even writes a conjured conversation.
3) Rupert falsely labels “FBI investigations” what had actually been criminal frame-ups and proven-wrongful incarcerations of me and others by FBI Agent Buckley who later became Rupert’s handler.
4) Rupert falsely claims that O’Neill and I “…fell out a lot.” We never once disagreed except on one issue; the vote as to purchasing weapons for the IRA for which O’Neill was urgently advocating under pressure (unknown to us) from Rupert in a new FBI attempt to imprison us. FBI Agent Buckley had already been caught twice criminally framing us. Once in Case US91CR911 when Buckley had incarcerated us based upon FBI audiotape evidence that proved to be massively fabricated. Buckley had previously framed me for the murder of the Langert family while he prohibited the local police from investigation their sole suspect, the actual murderer, 16-year-old David Biro using FBI Agent Lewis’ 357 Magnum. My freedom, if not my life, was saved when Biro blabbed through Buckley’s cover for him into Life Without Parole for two 1st Degree Murder, one Homicide, Breaking & Entering, etc. He remains in Downstate Illinois Pontiac Prison. I had never heard of Biro or his victims until news of the murders.
5) Rupert falsely claims that I accused him and many others of being spies. I had no basis for such accusation having met him only once, briefly, and far from suspecting him it was a complete shock when years later, about 2002, the British Crown decided to “out” Rupert in order to use him as a “witness” against McKevitt.
6) I did “out” two other long-time FBI moles in Chicago by exposing their deeds.
7) Rupert falsely claims “… the Fogartys were highly suspicious of newcomers, especially ones trying to push them into weapon purchases.” We did not know then that O’Neill’s unprecedented exhortations to acquire weapons for the IRA were being prompted by Rupert during secret meetings at O’Neill’s house every Tuesday at 10 a.m.
8) Rupert falsely claims that we ("the Chicago Four") were charged with “supplying materials to the IRA.”
9) Rupert falsely claims “Fogarty began to imagine bugging devices everywhere.” Having no contact with Rupert I had no reason to suspect him. He managed to split O’Neill from the FOIF and the two of them set up, unknown to O’Neill, an FBI false-flag operation. When, about 1993 I discovered that Rupert had fraudulently set up an “FOIF” web site soliciting funds to his personal P.O. Box at 41st & S. Halsted Sts. I notified the national Co-Chairs of the FOIF. They forced Rupert and O’Neill to cease using the name FOIF. They promptly adopted thenceforth the name of another existing organization, the Irish Freedom Committee.
During the years 1993 to 2002 while O’Neill was deceived by Rupert he did much damage to his own noble life’s work for justice. O’Neill’s life, from Rupert’s 2002 outing until his (O’Neill’s) death in 2011 was an agony of remorse. My wife and I were with him the day he died; saw his weakness while undergoing exercise, notified his wife and sister, and they were with him when he died later that day.
Throughout this book runs, despite homicide records to the contrary, the false notion that the terrorists are Irish republicans and that Rupert was on the side of justice (despite the Omagh dead and New York State Police affidavit that categorizes him (Rupert) "a lifelong criminal."
A take-away thought: Because Britain had publicly agreed to bear the cost of repairing property damage inflicted during the conflict, the IRA began bombing town centers. The first five were all bloodless. Then MI5 and the FBI got involved (as did Rupert) in the sixth bombing. This, the sixth bombing, which caused the deaths of twenty-nine innocents, was evidently “Mission Accomplished” as MI5 demobilized them by eMail to Rupert that evening. It speaks for itself that no authority; not the British, nor Irish, nor U.S., want to know what Buckley and Rupert were doing in Ireland during those years. By defeating the IRA and thus freeing up British forces, the Omagh massacre enabled the Neo-Cons’ wars in Iraq, etc. Omagh was incredibly fortuitous for the Neo-Cons. What other reason exists for the non-investigation of Agent Buckley’s and Rupert’s years in Ireland and involvement with the bombers? The transcript will show that Rupert, while “testifying” in Dublin in 2003 volunteered that Buckley had once "left me (Rupert) all alone” in Ireland while Buckley flew to the Atlantic Olympics (1996) bombing murder site. This fact is significant.
Any bona fide investigation of Omagh will show that it was a continuation of the pattern of previous crimes by Rupert, FBI Agent Buckley, and MI5. I possess notes made weeks prior to the Langert murders when honest, but petrified FBI Agent Joseph Doyle alerted my wife and me that some of his fellow agents had been bribed by MI5 and were consequently planning crimes to "silence" us (our human rights campaigns in Illinois, Chicago City Council and the US Congress). Was Buckley's 1994 deployment (with Rupert) to Ireland DESPITE his many crimes in Chicago for MI5, or Because of them? For MI5 benefit, Agent Buckley forbade the Winnetka, Illinois police from investigating murderer David Biro who had used FBI Agent Lewis' 357 Magnum to murder the Langert family. Buckley (and an FBI mole) then got Chicago's news media to link the IRA to that crime; before framing me for it so cunningly that I was doomed until murderer Biro saved me by blabbing through Buckley's cover for him, into prison.
Here is one of many powerful but circumstantial pieces of evidence: After we defeated both sets of FBI crimes against us; the framing of me for murders, and in completely separate Case US91CR911, we had a damages case against the FBI perpetrators that would have, with punitive damages, resulted in $millions not only for us, but $millions for our lawyers. It was a dream, case-already-proven windfall for any attorney. but all seven of our attorneys who had successfully defended us mysteriously refused to take our damages case. Later we found that, among the eighty or so lawyers and law firms we contacted nationally, all initially avid for it, none was willing to accept the case.
The Accidental Spy is another layer of lies to conceal previous official lies that conceal not only the Omagh mass murder but the Supreme Crimes (per Nuremberg Verdict) in Iraq, etc. that Omagh enabled. Ghost-Writer Sean O'Driscoll and life-long criminal Rupert deserve each other.
⏩ Chris Fogarty is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it "Perfect."
Well done Chris and Mary