A fine of €75,000 and three years in prison. That’s the shocking sentence Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right National Rally, could face for tweeting a series of violent photos.
In December 2015, one month after the Paris terror attacks in which 130 people died, the broadcaster Jean-Jacques Bourdin was interviewing a renowned terrorism expert. Bourdin asked if there were similarities between the rise of homegrown jihadism and the rise of the far-right Front National (as Le Pen’s party was called at the time).
Le Pen took to Twitter to express her outrage at the comparison, accusing Bourdin of making ‘vile remarks’ and ‘unacceptable smears’. It was the tweets which followed that could lead to her imprisonment. ‘This is Daesh’, she tweeted, posting a series of violent photos of ISIS executions. One showed a Syrian soldier crushed beneath a tank ...
… The tweets caused uproar among the political class. The police launched an investigation within a day. Le Pen has since been charged with ‘circulating violent pictures liable to be seen by children’. Earlier this month, public prosecutors recommended she face trial.
Continue reading @ Spiked Online
This paragraph just about sums France up for me...
ReplyDelete'Castelnau argues that since Emmanuel Macron assumed power, there has been a ‘systematic instrumentalisation’ of the law against his political opponents, and not his just right-wing opponents. Police have also raided the offices of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the left-wing France Insoumise, and have brutalised the yellow-vest marchers to try to bring them to heel.'
Biggest mistake France made in the run off in the last Presidential election between Marine and Macron was voting in Marcon. All France needs to do to restore the postcard is next time around vote Marine in for 1 term. Was she wrong for tweeting the picture's? No. Will she go to jail? Doubt it. The laws designed to protect children from ‘perverts’ and ‘psychopaths’ being used to silence her is a nonsense and everyone knows it. After Trump and Brexit the last thing France/EU wants is more of the same....And Le Pen is seen as a threat to the status quo (yellow vests are a close 2nd, who are getting hammered each weekend on the streets of Paris to a virtual news black out)
Lets talk perverts....Marcon, apart having an affair (now married with), with a married woman (who thought it was ok to have under age with pupils while a teacher) is nothing other than a glove puppet for the EU and the Zionist bastards who in part fund the EU.
ReplyDeleteAnd what guarantee is there that the bould Marine would remain in office for just one year> The Orbans, Erdogans, Maduros and probably the Trumps, Duerte Harrys, Salvinis and Bolinisaros have a nasty habit of prolonging their stays in office by strangling civil society, the media and the independence of the judiciary as well as stigmatising out-groups and immigrants.
Frankly I have little sympathies with the Tommy Robinson type thugs and Jew baiters of the yellow vests.
ReplyDelete“And what guarantee is there that the bould Marine would remain in office for just one year>”
Little to none, then again what I said was this ..“All France needs to do to restore the postcard is next time around vote Marine in for 1 term. “ (gonna chalk your mistake up to a typo and not a try at 'spin'). I will come to Marine later, who is still being held accountable due to the crimes her father committed.
One of the things I struggle to understand with a lot of your comments is the constant referencing to 'how much you loathe Jew haters' at every opportunity. If you read the piece again you will find out it has fcuk all to do with Jews, It has loads to do with freedom of speech, censorship, silencing dissent and as a sideline how to protect children from viewing graphic images online.
As you mentioned them, let's talk Tommy and The Donald (you hate both equally). What do you think about Tommy exposing John Sweeney from Panorama? And so far we know, no matter what Mueller has turned up, they know Trump and his crew didn't hack the DNC server's that led to the Podesta/Clinton leaks. Soon questions will be asked about the Uranium One Deal and Hillary Clinton.
Another of your pet hates is you almost always mention the same heads of state who you think are bad eggs who have a...“nasty habit of prolonging their stays in office by strangling civil society, the media and the independence of the judiciary as well as stigmatising out-groups and immigrants”
How are the crimes-abuses of political power committed by Duerte Harrys, Salvinis, Bolinisaros, The Orbans, Erdogans, Maduros any different to the crimes Thatcher, Regan, Blair, the Clinton's, Bush x2, Obama, all Israeli Governments who have committed the same and in some cases more extreme crimes/abuses of power by 'strangling civil society, the media and the independence of the judiciary' to prolong their political careers? Or how European and International bankers were allowed to get away with crippling economies and countries (namely Ireland) ? We already know the Orbans, Erdogans, Maduros like the rest of us on this rock, we are not part of the big club Carlin said most of us are excluded from.
What about both the BLP and British Government not respecting the the result of the 2016 Brexit referendum? Both said in the 2017 General Election that they would respect the vote. People accept the vote of the Scottish Referendum and the vote for whether 'to have/not to have' a Welsh Assembly (which was won by a smaller margin than the 2016 ref.)
DeleteOn 16th February this year members of the Gillet Jaunes hurled antisemitic insults at the distinguished French Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielraut. The next day swastikas were scawled over Jewish gravestones in Alsace.
No matter what John Sweeney is supposed to have said and done, the fact remains that Tommy Robinson is a corner boy thug with convictions for mortgage fraud and assault, a background in the BNP and EDL and who almost aborted the trial of a grooming gang when he illegally streamed live images of the defendants on Facebook.
What is your ideal way of respecting the Brexit vote? A no-deal exit on the basis of a narrow majority that would not be sufficient to change the constitution of a golf club. A vote won by lies, dark money, foreign interference and appeals to racism; you know the rest.
It was the Russians wnho hacked the DNC servers with the encouragement of thde Donald.
Barry - Tommy Robinson is everything you say he is and worse.
DeleteI just wonder how often an issue can be returned to once voted on. My own view is that in order to stop endless reruns until the losing side eventually gets their way a weighted majority second time round such as 65/35 would be the best way to go. It would serve as a salutary lesson to voters first time out that it is not a practice run: if they don't like it the task of overcoming it will be monumental and serious heavy lifting will need done if it is to be reversed on a second outing. I think Brexit is a disaster but I think there are consequences for democracy if it is overturned without a substantial majority. A new vote that reverses it but only narrowly would not be a lot better if at all than what exists at present.
Barry - as for the Russians and Trump, the Pres has emerged largely unscathed from Mueller. The US complaining about people meddling in their elections does sound rich given its own history of meddling in so many themsleves
DeleteNo matter what John Sweeney is supposed to have said and done
What John Sweeney did do and say was get drunk on TV license payers money to the tune of £220.00 while trying to frame a UK citizen while admitting he admired the former head of PIRA. I don't care about Tommy or his views. The BBC and the goons who enforce the TV license are just a different cheek of the same arse Tommy shit's from. The goons who knock on peoples door steps telling people who struggle to keep their heads above the poverty line, threaten people with fines up to £1,000 and or 6mths in prison if they watch the BBC without a license should be jailed for intimidation. We know some of the money can go to getting Sweeney drunk, while trying to frame someone while championing a terrorist organisation. But you want to brush it under the carpet.
“What is your ideal way of respecting the Brexit vote? A no-deal exit on the basis of a narrow majority that would not be sufficient to change the constitution of a golf club. A vote won by lies, dark money, foreign interference and appeals to racism; you know the rest.
I do, if remain had of won by the same margin you would be the first to champion the vote. Fact is remain lost. I want the vote respected because it will kick the British border on Ireland where it belongs. Into the middle of the Irish Sea...
“On 16th February this year members of the Gillet Jaunes hurled antisemitic insults at the distinguished French Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielraut. The next day swastikas were scawled over Jewish gravestones in Alsace.”
Barry, there are anti-Semtic Islamophobic acts of vandalism every week in France, Germany, USA, take your pick of counties. In this part of the world there are sectarian attacks on Orange Halls, GAA clubs No one is defending them, basically because the acts are indefensible. But not all the yellow vest protesters are anti-Semtic as I pointed out. There are a lot of angry people in France from the young to the old who simply want Macron (a EU banker) to pack up and leave the Elysee Palace and take his wife (a former school teacher who had sex with at least one underage pupil) with him...
DeleteThe reimposition of customs posts at the border owing to a Brexit sans customs union is hardly kicking it into the Irish Sea. Somehow Border Communities Against Brexit do not seem to be as sanguine as you about the disappearance of the border. I guess this is because they exist in the actually existing world of uncertainty and risk to jobs and livelihoods that has is the spectre of Hard/No-Deal Brexit rather than luxuriating in the chimerical prospect of a one and indivisble Republic.
Surely a referendum result which could have been swung by 700,000 extra Remain votes is hardly the basis for such a fundamental reset of the UK's relationship with the rest of the European Union.
Frankie, anybody that is still clinging to the narrative that 'the Russians put Trump in the White house' shouldn't be taken seriously. If anything it's the zionists that put him there but oops my bad, we aren't allowed to go there!
ReplyDeleteWhat Marine wants is Frexit and if you are in France illegally and committing crime, you will do time then she will give you a one way plane ticket back to where you came from, if you are there illegally she will look at each case on merit, Gets my vote. I want the same in Ireland. The pup both these islands were sold in 1973/74 about how the benefits in joining include deals like duty free, cheap holidays in the sun and how you will able to buy a baguette in Grafton Street because we are all the same and one big happy family is now being exposed as part of the Zionist agenda for what it always has been..
In December 2015, one month after the Paris terror attacks in which 130 people died, Marine tweeted a few pictures that exposed the realities of ISIS executions. Within a day a police investigation is launched and Marine was charged with circulating violent pictures liable to be seen by children. Are Marines tweets any more graphic than watching JFK having his brains being blown out in slow motion on a youtube video or his autopsy photos that google images host? Throw into the mix this..when your nemesis speaks out in your defence then you know things are not adding up Jean-Luc Melenchon who once called Le Pen “half-demented,” denounced the court order as a “political decision.”
If you had read Myers piece he finishes by saying.. “If Le Pen’s case does make it to court, and she is jailed for her tweets, it is not just her allies who should be afraid. Everyone who cares about freedom of expression should be worried. ”. And remember it wasn't that long ago someone in the thought police reported a Quill Facebook post thought for today. . And the powers that be will use everything trick in the book including calling into question your mental health to advance their agenda.
What happened Barry was the Zionist, Global bastards who own the agenda you now admit was in place before WW2, fcuked up around 20 years ago when they started to unleashed the power of the internet to the world and it is coming back to haunt them. And the only way for them to control it (apart from pulling the plug) is back door in censorship until it is much like China's version of internet freedom.
For the past several months you have been very vocal about how anti-Semitism plagues the BLP and given the chance you'd have Corbyn in stocks while whoever wants throws rotten tomatoes at him. For years Marine has been doing her best to distant herself and her party from Jean Marie's legacy and stamp out the same anti-Semitic tropes who you say infest the BLP..
It is only Marine but her niece who also is putting time and space between herself and Jean Marie.....
DeleteGiven the chance, I would no more have Corbyn in stocks then I would have soldiers of Third Para using his image as target practice as they were discovered doing in their Afghan base on social media. Cracking eggs on politicians' heads is not my style either as I actually respect the mandate that MPs have from their electors because I respect the principles of representative democracy as opposed to the "democracy" of the mob.
Yes, Marine and her niece may be trying to give their party a makeover by toning down on the overt antisemitism. But when push comes to shove, the appple will not drop too far from the tree.
So what agenda wnhich I allegedly admit was in place before WWW2 did the "Zionist, global bastards" (how would you react to seeing the words "Fenian bastards" on the pages of TPQ?) own? And how did the unleash the power of the internet on the world? Was Tim Berners-Lee a secret Zionist?
The more I read such paranoid rantings, the more I wonder what you are smoking.
DeleteSome more fact's for you to check...We both know I have....
So what agenda wnhich I allegedly admit was in place before WWW2 did the "Zionist, global bastards" ”
Cast your memory back a few weeks to the Splits article on TPQ.
Barry Gilheany :Since the Zionist project commenced long before the Second World War so I cannot see how the Nuremberg judgment can be applied retrospectively.
I have to ask the question again, exactly how long before WW2 was the Zionist plan put in place? How long after Balfour?
“(how would you react to seeing the words "Fenian bastards" on the pages of TPQ?) own?
Are you referring to the Brian Mór piece titled 'Unrepentant Fenian Bastards.'
Or the Martin Galvin piece which starts.....
“An influential New York radio program, Radio Free Eireann, where Brendan Hughes’ voice was often heard, begins each week with a song that shouts the words “unrepentant Fenian bastard!”
And how did the unleash the power of the internet on the world? Was Tim Berners-Lee a secret Zionist?
Barry if you want me to write a piece about the internet and the truth behind 5G..it's water off a duck's back. Unlike yourself I don't use Window's or Mac's..I haven't since 2006. That's when I discovered Back Track 2..Today it is called Kali Linux (yep I have the latest release)..
Let us wait (forever maybe) for the publication of the Mueller Report in its entirety before exonderating the POTUS with a small penis.
Considering both you and Stormy want to talk about The Donald's flute..The uncircumcised hard on you appear to have for everything Jewish..What is it all about? Are you trying to butter up a woman within the Jewish faction of the BLP? If I am right, my advice is simply ask her out and you might be lucky and end up sharing breakfast together. I did many years ago, not because he was Jewish..but because she was French with a great ass...
What you call my "uncircumsised hard on for everything Jewish" is part of my opposition to race or religious or any other sort of group prejudice you wish to name and the distortion of historical record which is bigotry's sibling; you are a pathological offender in that regard.
DeleteSince you have decided to opine on my private life may I comment that your objectification of your ex-partner's derriere is probably one of the reasons you are no longer together and that it gives away your misoygnistic streak.
When I mentioned the words "Fenian bastard"; I meant how you feel and react if they were used by a TPQ contributor wkith an obvious antipathy towards Irish Catholics and Nationalists? Marty Quinn used the words "Orange bastard" and Steve R rightfully called him out on it.
The Zionist project that I refer began long before World War I and Balfour when Jewish emigres from pogram ridden Eastern Europe began to buy up land in Palestine at the end of the 19th century. That is a simple, undisputed matter of history.
Delete“When I mentioned the words "Fenian bastard"; I meant how you feel and react if they were used by a TPQ contributor wkith an obvious antipathy towards Irish Catholics and Nationalists?
Short version, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I have been called worse on the internet and in public life and I didn't lose any sleep..Sticks and stone may break my bones etc...but whips and chains excite me....
; you are a pathological offender in that regard.
Is that really the best insult you can come up with? If that is the case, it is very poor...
your objectification of your ex-partner's derriere is probably one of the reasons you are no longer together
Wrong again Barry. Truth is we were fcuk buddies-friends with benefits. (we were not in a 24/7-365 relationship) who had breakfast together loads of times one day she said “Frankie, I am pregnant and you are the daddy..” And today we are very good friends. After the first trimester she decided to continue with the pregnancy in France partly because she believe the NHS sucked and she would have better treatment in the leafy suburbs of Paris. A few weeks later I packed a few things, never bothered telling my boss my plans, walked away from a job in 1991, handed my keys ofa fully furnished flat to my neighbor and bought a one way ticket to the leafy suburbs. I took loads of flak from certain family members...Mostly because she is Jewish..
And guess what Barry in time honored fashion there is a rockabilly connection.. In a few days time my oldest wee girl is 26 (9th April) and she shares it with none other the King of Rockabilly Carl Perkins who wrote the classic Blue Suede Shoes in 1955...
Good to see you now admit there was a Zionist agenda...Calls into question the setting up of a Jewish home land due to the horrors of WW2..
A bit of Brexit for you Barry and how much I do not understand peoples thinking etc...Om March 12th 2016 I asked Peter and Steve ….
“Both of you talk about what if the majority of the PUL-ers vote against a UI in a OIOV and how do their rights be protected etc if a UI came about etc..Then what about the Brexit vote. Imagine the majority of PUL-ers decided to stay in Europe (farming subsidies, peace money project's..) but the majority within the UK decided to pull out because of the immigration crisis etc..Does the UK gov pander to the PUL-ers and say " Ok, you lot voted to stay within, so you are part of Europe but the rest of the UK isn't"...?
Thats is basically what happened. If you want I can link what I said after the result..Basically if they have a hard border they will piss off every dissent Republican. If they have no border/UI, they will piss off every extreme Loyalist..So they will fudge the border..What do I know..I am simply a spliff smoking misogynist who listens to Rockabilly music...
DeleteSlight typo when I said I went to the leafy suburbs in 1991 it was 1994. Honest mistake, in part due to my key board was made for right handed people and I am a lefty..And the '4” is on top of the '1' I pressed the wrong key..Don't try and hang me for that. Everything else from packing in a job to the mother of my oldest wee girl having a great ass is exactly as I said.
Kollestrom's belief that the 9/11 and 7/7 Islamist terrorist atrocities were inside jobs with Zionist backing which feature in the rest of the article.
The official story about 9/11 and 7/7, I have never bought into it. And what Kollestrom said is closer to the truth than you imagine. One of the things I try to do is debunk myself and when I can't then I look closer and start questioning everything. One of the main reasons I started to question official narratives is simply down to discovering The Blanket in 2006 by chance. My advice to you Barry is click the link and go into the vortex of The Blanket and educate yourself. You will find out some very uncomfortable truths about the conflict. Maybe you will then start to give a fcuk about this place. and question official narratives.
On 7/7 I am meant to believe that a few mad mullah's decided to conspire to strap bombs to their bodies and pack explosives into rucksacks and detonate bombs killing scores of people one Thursday morning in July...Throw into the mix they just happened to set the bombs off in the exact same places and time where intelligence agencies, police, paramedics etc were holding drills and exercises to prepare themselves for the same events that unfolded that day.. What's the odds on that?
Exactly the same as 9/11..The day USAF and other US military bodies decided to hold war games, 19 heads , most who couldn't fly a kite, decided to hijack four planes and do maneuvers that Tom 'top gun' Cruise couldn't do with all the special effects and CGI Hollywood have to offer...Wake up Barry, there is still time.Who exactly were The Dancing Israelis. If you want to know what almost probably happened to the passengers on 9/11 click here. You defend Hillary at every chance. Explain what was the letter all about? Would you defend a sex trafficker Barry? What is the truth behind the allegation of The Donald and Epstein?
We already know the Steele dossier has been debunked by Steele (yet you still believe it)..Richie hasn't been with Icke for over a year, No one knows how many died in death camps (includes the holocaust memorial). How many more George Soros were there? Why are Israel bombing Yemen?
Back to the title of the original piece (we know every thing wikileaks has put out so far is 100%), what is your take WikiLeaks claiming the CIA allowed creation of ISIS...
Some more rockabilly Barry...Jerry Reed 1957 Rockin in Baghdad (Rockabilly's wanted to rock in Baghdad in 1957...The West in 2007 invaded the place and blew it up..).........
Last week Barry you exercised your democratic right to protest because you disagreed with the result of a democratic vote held in 2016...At the same time 73 year old Geneviève Legay was exercising her democratic right to protest against Government cuts got her skull fractured after being baton charged by French state forces...Macron's reply was get over it and serves you right. This is the same president who told pensioners a few months before to moan less, telling pensioners: “We don’t realise how lucky we are.” The French government has forced pensioners to make higher social security contributions amid budget cutbacks, prompting protests.
ReplyDelete@ wolfe tone, Hillary put the Donald in the White House. We both know that..And Seth Rich was murdered because he helped Wiki leaks expose what Clinton and her band of mercenaries were up to....
Now it time for coffee and a spliff.
DeleteWhen I and the other 999,999 were marching for a People's Vote the notion of torching property and hurling rocks at police or intimidating bystanders did not enter any of our heads.
I have every sympathy with Genevideve Legay as the brutality of the CRS goes before them. But when legitimate protest descends into the mob violecne that is increasingly the calling card of the Gillet Jaunes then unfortunate consequences will arise. 60s style Civil Rights protestors they are not.
The Gillet Jeunes are now making their unwelcome presence felt in Britain where they are getting exercised about the supposed health risks of 5G and are shamelessly racialising the tragic deaths of three young people in SW London at the hands of a hit and run driver who just happened to be of South Asian ethnicity by alleging a plot by the CPS and courts to suppress the truth.
ReplyDeleteYou have no evidence that Seth Rich was murdered and without such evidence (which should be shared with the appropriate authorities) Makikng such unfounded statements which may have the effect of causing harm and distress to bereaved should carry the appropriate legal consequences.
Barry when I say I struggle to understand a lot of what you say, it is because I struggle to understand what you say.
ReplyDelete“You have no evidence that Seth Rich was murdered and without such evidence (which should be shared with the appropriate authorities) Makikng such unfounded statements which may have the effect of causing harm and distress to bereaved should carry the appropriate legal consequences.”
Let's clear up your last point again I think you will find Seth Rich was murdered. By who, I have no idea who the trigger man was. What I do know is it was not a robbery gone wrong. And I believe he was directly connected to the leaked Clinton/Podesta emails that cost him his life.
According to detective Rod Wheeler, the police department were ordered to “stand down” by members of the DNC as police began uncovering evidence that Seth Rich’s murder was connected to damaging leaks about Hillary Clinton that Seth had passed onto WikiLeaks, and not the result of a botched robbery as originally believed.
Considering the article is about freedom of speech, censorship, quelling dissent, let's throw into the mix two journalist's who have been subjected to censorship for speaking about things MSN wont touch. First is Julian Assange who gave an interview shortly after Seth Rich was gunned down to a Dutch television program 'Nieuwsuur' that all but named Rich as the person who handed over the USB thumb drive. The second person who has also been censored on occasions by various social media outlet's is Richie Allen. Last March Richie Allen interviewed a CIA operative Ray McGovern about his views on #Russiagate, Russian Spy Poisoning & Seth Rich Murder , McGovern gives his take on the murder of Seth Rich at 27mins 27secs..
Basically Rod Wheeler a detective in Washington is on record saying the DC police were told to 'stand down' when they began uncovering links to Seth Rich's murder and the leaked Clinton/Podesta emails. Julian Assange all but names Seth Rich as the person who handed over the USB and a former CIA operative is of the same school of thought. Why don't you (or why didn't you) contact Mueller with your evidence that The Donald was behind Russia-Gate and the hacking of the DNC's severs instead of crying to me about it.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, Richie Allen. In the course of writing my article on Labour antisemitism this name is mentioned in dispatches. Richie Allen has an online radio show hosted on the website of David Icke and whose guests have included Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom who appeared on Holocaust Memorial Day to discuss 'the myths and realities of the Holocaust' (Dave Rich. "The Left's Jewish Problem. Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Antisemitism" Fully Updated Biteback Publishers 2018. A proper conspiratorial asswipe.
Julian Assange, he of dubious personal hygiene who has stank the Ecuadorian embassy out for the last seven years, is a close collaborator of the nicotine stained man frog, Nigel Farage. I place absolutely no value on Julian Asshole sxays. He has the blood of Afghan interpreters whose names appeared on unredacted cables which bhe calloulsy released with no thought or care for the consequdences.
My theories on Russian collusion with Trump are based on the excellent book by that name by the Russian expert Luke Harding of the Guardian. Let us wait (forever maybe) for the publication of the Mueller Report in its entirety before exonderating the POTUS with a small penis.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever fact check?
“Ah yes, Richie Allen. has an online radio show hosted on the website of David Icke ”
I think you will find Icke and Allen split from each other well over a year ago. Don't believe me click here
“My theories on Russian collusion with Trump are based on the excellent book by that name by the Russian expert Luke Harding of the Guardian. ”
So now you have only a theory. It wasn't that long ago you were 100% sure. Let's have a look at your theory and see who else like yourself doesn't fact check. The Russian expert Luke Harding's book Collusion - How Russia helped Trump Win The White House. Harding in part used Christopher Steele's 'dirty dossier' that even Mueller has said is baseless.
The former British intelligence officer who compiled the infamous dossier that included allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and the Russian government says that he thinks the dossier is between 70 and 90 per cent accurate,
In reality not even Steele is sure of how much his own fact check, checks out..It could be 70% or 90%..Why not only 30% or none of it...
Glenn Greenwald , who once wrote for the Guardian said ' The book presents no evidence,' Check the piece out Barry and check Greenwalds facts/questions.. The Guardian itself is basically a solid newspaper but like yourself it has a hatred for Assange. In Julians and Wikileaks defense everything they have printed to date has been found to 100% fact checked. Unfortunately we cannot say the same for yourself, Steele, Harding or The Guardian....
ReplyDeleteNicholas Kollerstrom does not deny the Holocaust but question's the official narrative. Don't believe me click here and listen..Short youtube video 1min 33seconds. What Nicholas Kollerstrom argues is the Holocaust narrative has developed out of rumours, misunderstandings, and wartime propaganda. And when he conducted scientific research into the gas chambers he found the levels of cyanide that should have been there, simply wasn't. He also questions the maths behind the number of people who lost their lives in the concentration camps. And questions the veracity of the photographs taken at the end of WW2 showing starving prisioners in various concentration camps. Were they due to Nazi treatment or in part due to the Allied forces carpet bombing roads and rail lines.. He also questions why very few talk about Allied concentration camps were over 1million POW's starved to death at the hands of Americans, British and French forces. Nick Cohen from The Guardian point's out, Kollerstrom say's he is being silenced by 'the thought police'...
“The distinguished astronomer exercised his right as an intellectual in a free society to speak his mind. His university responded by stripping him of his research fellowship and declared that it wishes to have 'absolutely no association' with him. To make matters worse, Kollerstrom was denounced by University College, London, one of Europe's greatest bastions of academic integrity, whose founder, Jeremy Bentham, defended intellectual freedom with the stirring words: 'As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.'
DeleteThe Nazi's themselves kept meticulous records. Sworn affadivits from the first troops to liberate the camps also confirm what they saw, never mind the actual survivors testimonies. Hell, we even have Himmler on audio referring to his 'Final Solution'. Not sure how Kollerstrom can ...'not deny but question'.
Seems like an attempt at apologetics to me.
Steve R
DeleteAnd an attempt at apologetics that is a part of an incremental campaign to delegitimise and eventually erase the historical memory of the Holocaust.
Btw Frankie the decision to implement the Final Solution at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 was fully minuted.
ReplyDeleteKollestrom may not deny the actual event but does everything possible to minmimise and relativise the Holocaust and the numbers who died in (6 million never forget). To even suggest that that starvation in thde camps was in any way due to Allied bombing rail and road links to them is preposterous bearing in mind that the Allies steadfastly refused to do so as winning the war took priority over stopping the Holocaust.
You quote the first paragraph of Nick Cohen's article while neglecting to point out Kollestrom's comments about postcards from Auschwitz and his belief that the 9/11 and 7/7 Islamist terrorist atrocities were inside jobs with Zionist backing which feature in the rest of the article.
In the absence of the public availability of the Mueller Report in its entirety then I believe that Steele's report has validity.
That Richie Allen is not longer hosted on David Icke's site does not alter my impression of him as conspiracy theorist who promotes lies such as those spread Kollerstrom.
I am beginning to join a few dots together such as your obsessive antiziomism and antiglobalism, your hostility to transgenderism; your dislike of feminist politicians such as Hillary Clinton and Jess Phillips, your promotion of baseless conspifracy theoriers such as Bill Gates'population wipe out vaccine, your support for Brexit and giving a free pass to Trump and am coming to the conclusion that you hold far right views and sympathies. Well I do not engage with far right (or far left) bigotry so do not expect any more interaction from me as I have better things tdo do with my life.
ReplyDeleteDo yourself a favour and stop spitting your dummy out and saying things such as..
“so do not expect any more interaction from me as I have better things tdo do with my life.”
You said the same on 'Splits' and other pieces on TPQ. Grouch would say similar but would more often than not come back to the same article and post..
“I actually respect the mandate that MPs have from their electors because I respect the principles of representative democracy as opposed to the "democracy" of the mob.”
Is this the mandate that British MP's said they would respect when both the 'big two' stood on tickets in 2017 saying they will respect the 2016 referendum or the mob's mandate in Brussels?
“The more I read such paranoid rantings, the more I wonder what you are smoking.”
What paranoid rantings Barry? Last night like now, I was taking my favourite dugs of choice..Drinking black coffee with no sugar and smoking Amber leaf baccy. Tonight I will have a few spliffs, sink a tube or three of beer and plug in one off two guitars and listen to Rockabilly Radio...
“I am beginning to join a few dots together such as your obsessive antiziomism and antiglobalism, your hostility to transgenderism; your dislike of feminist politicians such as Hillary Clinton and Jess Phillips, your promotion of baseless conspifracy theoriers2
In the days of transgenderism do you think fearless Jess will grow a pair of balls stand up in parliament and ask for justice for the victims of Kincora? I doubt she has the balls to use her parliamentary privilege, probably because the world knows it will lead to Louis Mountbatten and very possibly other members of the Zionist who either live in Royal house holds or frequent the corridors of Westminster.
Hillary...Why should someone get my vote when I know she covered up for a sex trafficker, covered up for her husband who sexually abused women, lied about Bengazi, lined her pockets and her foundations while selling Uranium to the Russians...
My problem, and it is a big problem/question I have is concerning the Donald isn't about his flute or talking about pussy but his relationship with a known child rapist called Jeffery Epstein. At the minute what I know is Donald is on record saying Jeffery likes them young and something happened to a then 13 year old girl in the early 80's...Personally I believe Epstein has a little black book and video footage that shows young girls being exploited by some of the biggest movers and shakers on this rock. Which is probably why no one is in jail....
“In the absence of the public availability of the Mueller Report in its entirety then I believe that Steele's report has validity.”
Even Steele says he doesn't know how much is true, he has admitted the sleaze allegation wasn't true and he should have fact checked but you want to believe it is 100%...
“Kollestrom may not deny the actual event but does everything possible to minmimise and relativise the Holocaust and the numbers who died in (6 million never forget)”
I will for argument sake go alomg with the 6 million fugue..It wasn't 6 million Jews. There was blacks, Roma's, homosexuals and who ever else the SS took a dislike to...If people want to have day set aside to remember the horrors of WW2, let it encompass all the victims and not be selective....
It was 6 million Jews (including 1.5 million killed in mass shootings and van gassings in the territory oF the former USSR and at least 3 million of Polish Jews) as well as 3 million Russian POWs plus gays, Roma and Sintis, mentally ill and learning disabled exterminated in the T4 programme the methods used in which prefigured the Final Solution which all amounts to 12 million people MURDERED BY THE NAZI regime as opposed to those wno died in battle.
DeleteAll historians of the Holocaust (David Cesarani, Martin Gilbert, Laurence Freedman and others) vouch for the historical accuracy of the 6m figure of Jews murdered and clearly through methodiocal historiography the specifically anti-Jewish nature of Hitler's racial Darwinist ideology.
I object to Frankie's sleight of hand statements not because I am a philosemite but because genociode is the supreme crime in international law and any attempts at denial, relativision or trivialisation of it be it the Shoah, Bosnia, Rwanda, Armenia, Camnodia, Darfur have to be challenged in the interests of truth and memory. Frankie with his attribution of all the evils of the world from child abuse cover-up, banking crashes to wars in the Middle East to the ubiquity of Zionism as swell as his opposition to any form of Jewish state is displaying the classic features of modern antisemitism.
Barry - his opposition to any Jewish state might just be an extension of his opposition to any state based on religion, whether it be Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant. He might be opposed to the idea of religion having special privilege. I certainly am. In Ireland the Gardai can now wear turbans and hijabs but not Liverpool or Leeds scarves.
Delete" his opposition to any Jewish state might just be an extension of his opposition to any state based on religion,"
Basically a short version of my thoughts. Religion shouldn't be taught in school either. My two youngest kids have no religion. They wouldn't know what the inside of a chapel never mind what the inside of mosque looks like..To me all religions are like the BBC quiz show 'pointless'..
Delete“I object to Frankie's sleight of hand statements not because I am a philosemite but because genociode is the supreme crime in international law and any attempts at denial, relativision or trivialisation of it be it the Shoah, Bosnia, Rwanda, Armenia, Camnodia, Darfur have to be challenged in the interests of truth and memory. ”
Isn't that what I do Barry challenging the narrative in the interests of truth and the memory of all victims of genocide. Which is why I mention Allied death camps..Throw into the mix the systematic rape of German women and young girls at the hands of Soviet troops at the end of WW2. Let's stay on genocide and talk about a modern day genocide being covered up by MSN and most other media out lets..YEMEN..
Israel joins Saudi coalition against Yemen-Univited
“TEL AVIV – Israeli warplanes have reportedly gate crashed the ongoing Saudi coalition against Shia Houthi insurgents threatening the Yemeni Government.
Squadron Leader Muhammad bin Muhammad of the Royal Saudi Air Force said, “I was just lining up for a beauty precision strike on a truck load of Houthis, or it could’ve been a wedding, it’s hard to tell from 30,000 feet, when this F-16 with a Star of David cut me off and napalmed the whole lot of them. Zionist fucker didn’t even give me the traditional ‘thumbs up’ afterwards. And no he cannot be ‘my wingman any time.’”
The Unite Nations is incapable of pressuring Saudi Arabia to end it's military operation in Yemen as the Kingdom has the support of the Unite States And Israel..
Yemen is another story because the Saudis seem to have the support of the [US President Donald] Trump administration … and of course the Saudis are also very close to the Israeli leadership and so this mafia is still able to hold off international pressure and essentially do what it wants and I don’t think the UN and the countries of the world have enough courage to stand up to it,”
Owen Jones from The Guardian has this to say...
“ Saudi Arabia and Israel are killing civilians and Britain is complicit..The slaughter in Yemen and the Palestinian territories is happening with British arms and support – and media silence ”
Let's go back to WW2 Barry and the holocaust. As I linked in a reply to Daithi, what's your take on the Zionist bastard Soros who happens to be a Jewish banker still having no regrets for helping Nazi's round up Jews to be taken to death camps and slaughtered? Begs the question how many more George Soros was there ? We know he collaborated with Nazi's... Does that make him anti-Semitic, anti Jewish or simply a cunt.?
DeleteFrankie with his attribution of all the evils of the world from child abuse cover-up, banking crashes to wars in the Middle East to the ubiquity of Zionism as swell as his opposition to any form of Jewish state is displaying the classic features of modern antisemitism
So I am anti-Semitic because I speak up for all victims of child abuse and I am not afraid to ask why people in power cover it up, be it the Vatican, European Royalty or other.. because I have no time for Zionism or its bankers be they in Westminster, Brussels, Washington DC, Tel Aviv or Rome I am anti Semitic? And as Anthony said because I have no time for any religious state be it Catholic, Jewish, Taliban or any other kind of religion you care to mention. Personally Barry I believe you got your nose put of joint the moment when you asked “Why do Irish people support Palestinians and why are most pissed off with how Israel treats Palestinians” and I said..”My oldest wee girl is Jewish." You were not expecting that answer... One state for all the people living there and all have the same rights., gets my vote. None of this two tier crap that you support.
Now you have revised your figures up to give or take 12 million people who died. In 2013 The Telegraph put the figure as high as 20 million.
“ The new figures of 15 to 20 million, which have astonished some Holocaust historians, come after thirteen years of painstaking study at Washington's Holocaust Memorial Museum. Historians at the museum brought together and studied the huge amount, and often disparate, files and research on the Holocaust. ”
The Holocaust Memorial Museum. has this to say about official records (2019)
“Calculating the numbers of individuals who were killed as the result of Nazi policies is a difficult task. There is no single wartime document created by Nazi officials that spells out how many people were killed in the Holocaust or World War II.
If the Holocaust Memorial Museum freely admit there is no one official record of how many died and where they died, how can you be so sure?. The memorial has tried to get a figure by using census figures from before and after WW2 as well as eye witness testimonies but the figures are a guesstimate. No one is arguing people died,. Using your figures 12 million died that 6 million Jews died and 6 million non Jews, why not have a day for non Jews who died at the hands of Nazi's and Allies in death camps? Why are you reluctant to speak about Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps where there was also a very deliberate policy of extermination..I am not trying to re-write history Barry nor am I playing (what you appear to do) play numbers games..Both sides were equally as bad as each other. Japanese and the Soviets were up there with the best of them for comitting war crimes in WW2..
Do you think the Two Ronnies are anti-Semitic or anti-catholic?
While I go and get a hair cut and buy beer for my fridge, why not put your feet up Barry and listen to some Jewish Rockabilly
Frankie , a friendly suggestion to use or ignore as you please: try and get (probable/effective) trolls to put more energy into it than you do . You have had this broadly similar type of interaction for over a year now.
ReplyDeleteI value the honesty of your inquisition, even if I think you are wrong in what part Kollerstrom played in collecting the data you mention. It’s been debunked anyway from its source anyway.But, If the number of deaths attributed to the Auschwitz death camp has been revised down since 1945, it’s reasonable to ask why the total of 6m given at Nuremberg encompassing those camps numbers remains unchanged, and nobody should be censured today for doing so in and of itself.
I would prefer if Irish boys and girls were more familiar with Holocausts closer to home (An Gorta Mor), something grouch in here (god bless him) caused me to look at further, knowing little of the specifics previously.
Because Nuremberg was a facade;a show trial; all for show, to paint the allies alone as the saviours and squeaky clean. The victors write the history.
DeleteI meant to reply on Never a Straight Answer (kinda like Barry when you come to think about it)..you said...
“Frankie, some MMA Podcast guys discussed flat earth type theories a while back so I looked into it just to see”
You were talking about Joe Rogan. I listen to Joe sometime, mainly because it doesn't take any brain power. I knew right away who you meant...Back to your points...
I am not arguing Jews died horrible deaths within the death camps. I am arguing that it wasn't only Jews. There was blacks, gypsies, homosexuals, captured allied forces, and people from most counties in Europe who the SS took a dislike to lost their lives..Why not have a day that simply remembers everyone who died in concentration camps (includes those who dies in US/French camps at the end of WW2) and not make it all about the Jew's or make it out only Jews died. We know from his own mouth Soro's sold his own people out. And has no regrets doing so...How many more George Soro's was there?
What was the difference between a Jewish man being starved to death in 1944/45 at the hands of Nazi's to a German (probably forced drafted) starving in an Allied death camp in 1944/45?
Daithi only for books penned by Richard O'Rawe or what Carrie McIntryre skilfully put together in 55 hours I wouldn't know the truth about the 1980/81 hunger strikes and how PSF and the British allowed six of the 10 hunger strikers in 1981 to die in similar circumstances as all victims in either Nazi or allied death camps.
I would prefer if Irish boys and girls were more familiar with Holocausts closer to home (An Gorta Mor),”
Tell that to Barry. He had to be dragged by the scruff of the neck in an article he wrote . to acknowledge An Gorta Mor. According to Barry it is all about the Jews. But as we both know Daithi there was three genocides on the Island all down to the British...
Spliff time...
Frankie, indeed it was a Joe Rogan podcast, Eddie Bravo was one of the guests and he was talking about flat earth. I was curious to know what his angle was, but anyone that’s ridiculed/shunned without having their ideas addressed directly is someone I will investigate further. Its neither the skeptic nor believer approach, it’s the scientific one. It’s makes me laugh you reply now to a year old(?) comment, it’s the Frankie approach though!
ReplyDeleteWolfe tone, indeed a corollary of that is the biggest victims of white supremacism/fascism are other whites.