Industrial Action @ An Post
An Post has been in breach of several employees’ constitutional right to both leave and join a union of their choice. The Company has frustrated member attempts to disassociate from the Communication Workers’ Union by failing to act on written instructions from the employees to the Payroll Department stipulating a cessation of CWU deductions.
As employees have made it very clear that they have no wish to continue as members of the CWU, the Company has no right whatsoever to block the employee termination of contributions to the CWU. To what union an employee subscribes is a private matter between employee and union. The company has neither a right nor a role in regulating the relationship between employee and union. It trashes both the ethos and purpose of trade unionism.
The Dublin Postal Drivers have always enjoyed negotiating and representational rights within their workplace and this should continue as members of the IWU. Employees should not be penalized or disadvantaged in any way by the company on the basis of which union they choose to affiliate to.
The Independent Workers’ Union represents the majority of An Post’s HGV drivers across Dublin. IWU’S Dublin Postal Drivers’ Branch intends to picket the Mails and Parcel distribution centres on Sundays, beginning the March 10th.
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