In the aftermath of the appointment of the decadent Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS, Michael Shaw Mahoney discusses ultra conservative Irish America.
Susan Collins has difficulty speaking. The Republican senator from Maine suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, a condition that dams her flow and gives her oratory a broken, halting quality. Susan Collins does not have the gift of the gab, but the senator cannot help it.
Susan Collins has difficulty speaking. The Republican senator from Maine suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, a condition that dams her flow and gives her oratory a broken, halting quality. Susan Collins does not have the gift of the gab, but the senator cannot help it.
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Photo credit: Mónica Graciela Mahoney |
We Americans are taught at an early age that Honest Abe grew up in a little cabin and read the family Bible by candlelight. It’s an old yarn, and it’s true. The Lincoln family lived on two hardscrabble farms in LaRue County, Kentucky, right smack in the middle of the state, and the family Bible still exists. A massive thing with butternut pages, it rests in a glass case a stone’s throw from where baby Abraham was likely born. The Great Emancipator’s humble origins, his rise from rural poverty to the leadership of the fight against bondage and oppression, made him a likely candidate for adulation among the thousands of Irish who survived the coffin ships crammed with the refugees of the potato blight. Lincoln’s ascendency to the White House coincided with the rough assimilation of Ireland’s cottier class to the dog-eat-dog world of America’s teeming eastern cities, to Boston and New York in particular. Battered by hunger and indifference, those bereft of the lumper landed in a ring of competition and carnality. For some Lincoln must have been a sympathetic figure. But not for all.
In 1863 after Lincoln introduced a draft to augment the Union armies during the American Civil War, many recent Irish arrivals to New York City protested. They were none too keen on getting shot for the rights of the black man. Not long off the coffin ships, these incorrigible Irish rowdies, many of whom spoke English as a second language, burned and looted a good chunk of Manhattan. They also turned on the city’s blacks, hanging some of their victims from lampposts, setting fire to others. In the mayhem, the indigent survivors of an agricultural disaster gave the lynch mob its muscle, and in their powerlessness to combat being used as cannon fodder by a nation they hardly knew, the crazed Irish had to find someone lesser, someone to serve as a scapegoat. Lincoln be damned, they must have thought, emancipation be damned.
The Irish immigrant ancestor of Susan Collins did not come over during the Famine. Arriving in the 1820s, he set up shop in Maine, well away from urban squalor, and began a sawmill, the prototype for a company still run by members of the Collins family. We don’t know what that ancestor thought about the race question in America. However, a conservative, entrepreneurial streak soon began to take hold in the Collins family. Its patriarchs bought into the American Dream, the Horatio Alger rags to riches trope that, one must admit, the Collins clan brought to fruition. They stocked away enough acorns to keep them from the chill and vulnerability of an Irish life lived in America’s ghettoes where Paddy, Mick, and Mary struggled to be white and stay one broken rung above blacks, where they watched the arrival of other tribes, the Italians and eastern Europeans who came from lands that Donald Trump, if he lived then, would dismiss as “shithole countries”. The family of Susan Collins had a buffer and built a tidy fortress.
Which brings us to the curious case of one Brett Kavanaugh, America’s little darling. Through some twist of fate, the newest member of the United States Supreme Court shares a surname with one of Ireland’s most celebrated poets. They have little in common. Poets do not generally weep nostalgically about their high school workouts with their kegger buds, in Brett’s case the charming Tobin and Squee who, after four years of towel snapping and Delaware beach bacchanalia, became alums of the Jesuit institution Georgetown Prep and a school girl named Renate, the earth girl they claim was easy.
Brett Kavanaugh failed his job interview in front of an entire nation, but thanks in large part to the vote of Susan Collins, he now holds down one of nine seats on the Supreme Court. Collins was not swayed by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations of sexual assault, nor was she nudged to a NO vote by the implorations of numerous law professors and the retired justice John Paul Stevens. Brett Kavanaugh belongs to a special species of Irish-America. He’s a member of an acquisitive breed of bourgeois Roman Catholics expert in the art of shape shifting to become, at least on the surface, super WASPs: White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (i.e. untouchable white dudes with lots of power).
Kavanaugh’s alma mater, Georgetown Prep, is not an elite American prep school, like say Andover, Groton, or even Woodberry Forest in Virginia, where Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) learned some of his chops before returning to El Paso and the border along the Rio Grande. No, Georgetown Prep is a Jesuit school. It’s a Roman Catholic high school dedicated to athletics; unlike Belvedere in Dublin, which can claim James Joyce, Georgetown Prep is second division. For Americans who tuned it, the school now has a reputation for producing fit beer drinkers and professional date rapers. Bret Kavanaugh also went to Yale – he’s quite proud of that apparently – but he could never have become a member of Skull & Bones, the secret society at Yale that looks like the tomb of Roman patricians and can claim Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger as members. Skull & Bones is a WASP nest.
The desire for power and respectability has shaped many so-called Irish-Americans, a group with many subsets and a group more accurately dubbed Americans with Irish surnames. There’s Irish by DNA, Irish by passport, and Irish by imagination or fantasy. Choose your definition. Depicted as violent simians in Victorian cartoons, Irish immigrants to America in the 19th century, as noted previously, had to stomp on blacks and other immigrants to become more fully white and American. While the Roman Catholic Church certainly shoved conservative family values down the throats of Irish immigrants and still exerts a disproportionate influence given the Roe vs. Wade debate, social class in a supposedly classless society became the greasy plane upon which some Irish slid to the right. An old friend Danielle Pelfrey Duryea, a graduate of Yale University and Georgetown Law School, recently wrote:
The transformation from Irish to Irish-American fascinates me too, especially because I have so much feeling for the former and so little for the latter. I’m far less inclined to lay the blame (for right wing conservatism) at the steps of the American Roman Catholic Church – not least because it’s hard to best the 20th century Irish Church for conservative strictures. The example of Italian-Americans overlaps with that of Irish-Americans to an extent that suggests an alternate, and to me more likely, pair of explanations: the logic of American racism combined with that of American anti-Catholicism, creating an endless desire in both groups to differentiate themselves from an abjected black American underclass and to strive for complete access to and acceptance by wealthy WASP power – see the WASP-emulation of places like Kavanaugh’s Georgetown Prep.Where that Roman Catholic Irish-American insecurity is most acute, the striving for white power is most conspicuous and craven. Fox News, with its cast of swollen talking heads, has made the reputations of several now prominent Irish-Americans. Bill O’Reilly, forced to leave the network under a cloud of sexual harassment charges, became the trusted talisman of millions on the right wing. O’Reilly has always promoted the idea of American exceptionalism, reaping the profits from quickly cobbled biographies of white men leading the way in America’s manifest destiny. Bill O’Reilly is the descendent of a potato farmer from County Cavan who fled Ireland early in the lumper blight.
Another Fox star, Sean Hannity, grew up on Long Island and likes to point out that his Irish grandparents from counties Cork and Down were humble, hardworking folk who earned everything they had. Hannity is now the minister of propaganda for Donald Trump. Joseph Goebbels never did the job so well. The vast majority of GOP voters, the ones Hillary Clinton infamously dubbed “deplorables” in the 2016 presidential election, see O’Reilly and Hannity as the great white hope. They have no awareness that these right wing chest thumpers with Irish surnames descended from Irish men and women who suffered endless abuse, who in some cases were even murdered. In 1855, a Know-Nothing mob in Louisville, Kentucky set fire to tenements occupied by Irish and German immigrants, killing 26 people on a tragic day now known as Bloody Monday. That stain on the Nativist movement of the 19th century was a precursor to Charlottesville, though on Bloody Monday the hate was primarily directed at Irish canal diggers in particular and Roman Catholics in general.
The painful history of Irish second-class citizenship has faded. The vilified immigrant has become the demagogue who now scapegoats more recent arrivals. O’Reilly, Hannity, Steve Bannon of Breitbart, and yes Brett Kavanaugh too, have joined the motorcade of shiny golf carts. They have entered the inner sanctums of cigar smoke: fully white, fully protected, fully committed to holding the fort against the brown barbarian hordes.
The American political parties, it must be stressed, made an ideological flip in the 20th century. The Republican Party of Lincoln slowly morphed into a reactionary party of social conservatives friendly to the interests of the wealthy while the Democratic Party, formerly so entrenched in the South, moved away from its support of segregation and Jim Crow. The parties would be unrecognizable to their supporters of a century ago. The GOP of Susan Collins, a political party now kidnapped by Donald Trump, has little in common with the republicanism of those who fought against Franco and fascism in Spain. Nor does it resemble the “good old IRA” that confronted the British Empire in the era of Ireland’s War of Independence. Trump supporters of the ‘Merican variety would undoubtedly brand James Connolly a commie libtard. Michael Collins feared the wealth gap that Republicans in the United States ignore or openly work to widen. Collins wrote in 1922, “What we must aim at is the building of a sound economic life in which discrepancies cannot occur. We must not have destitution or poverty at one end, and at the other an excess of riches.” Michael Collins was opposed to hacienda economics. Admittedly, the American GOP does share – at least until recently - the social conservatism of Eamon de Valera and Fianna Fáil, an Irishman and party also known to wear the republican scarf in all kinds of intricate knots. The historian R. L. Foster writes in his seminal book Modern Ireland: 1600-1972:
But ‘Republican’ could stand for anything from merely anti-British to agrarian-syndicalist-revolutionary, not to mention exclusivist-Gaelic-Catholic; it was a moral stance as much as a political affiliation.The dust from the Kavanaugh hearings has settled. The boy-man who loves his calendars and beer is a Supreme Court justice. He works with Ruth Bader Ginsburg now. Some decisions have an impact the sages, prophets, and lesser prognosticators, like the dogs in the street, can foresee at the time. When Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith returned from London, having given away a sizeable chunk of their island, many Irish instinctively knew there would be hell to pay and more war to wage. They were right of course. Susan Collins (no relation to the Big Fella except maybe in the distant mists) also made a momentous decision; in the end, nobody was really surprised by her Yes vote for Kavanaugh. She nailed her colors to the mast for all to see. She let the boys bust out the rum and flog the blackguard who decries the captain suffering from sunstroke. Collins has let the boys flog the women too. Especially the women. We will have to wait and see how her party loyalty, her alliance with forces deaf to the cries of the Irish departed, affects the United States and the generations of Americans to come. In the meantime, the ropes are pulled tight around the wrists and the lash is raised on high.
➽ Michael Shaw Mahoney, (MA Queen's University Belfast) is a teacher and father of two from Louisville, Kentucky.
Unfortunately Michael oppressed peoples oft times, when given the opportunity, go on themselves to become the oppressors; particularly so, those whom have been indoctrinated rather than educated.
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to imagine that these folk ought know better ... alas though the world is currently populated by greater numbers with more degrees and higher qualifications, many of that cohort have less insight, less heart and consequently, it seems, scarcely any wisdom.
Thanks for addressing this issue Mike. A lengthy thoughtful piece.
ReplyDeleteIt's cringeworthy how badly the Democrats are flailing about trying to undermine Trump. Perhaps if they brought forward proper policies that the yanks can get their teeth into rather than operating kangaroo courts they'd get more traction.
ReplyDeleteWolfe Tone
ReplyDeleteRobert Mueller's Special Investigation into the conduct of the 2016 US Presidential Election in no kangaroo court but a properly constituted judicial body which is steadily getting to the bottom of the criminal nexus that existed between Russia, Trump aides such as Paul Mannefort, Julian Assange, Nigel Farage and no doubt Cambridge Analytica and how it stole the election. The same axis of evil operating on behalf of faceless right-wing plutocrats which brought us Brexit.
Barry - Wolfe Tone is right about the Democrats but even more, that decrepit Hilary by even running ensured Trump's victory.
ReplyDeleteMichael, thank you for posting your insights; I can't tell you how many times I searched for the connections that would explain the dissonance between the suffering of Irish immigrants to the US and these hard right monsters with Irish surnames flirting with fascism, devoid of any sense of their heritage.
ReplyDeletePeter King,Ira supporter,Muslim hater and draft dodger who loves Yank imperialism.
ReplyDeleteOnly a lunatic would take the bait of 'Russian collusion'. A complete lunatic I tell ye!
ReplyDeleteBtw, mueller,clapper and the other 'former' security advisors were involved in such cases the Make believe Iraq WMd's and the FBI agent that facilitated the Omagh bomb. Highly credible? Lunatics would argue they are.
this was an absolute witch hunt of the worst order. An attempt to destroy a good man with some accusation from 1982 with zero evidence. It was a sham from start to end. It reminded me of reading about the supergrass trials of the early 80's in Belfast. Total farce.
ReplyDeleteRyan - the great line from the above piece was about him publicly failing his job interview. His performance was abysmal. His lying more than anything else convinced many people he had a case to answer. There was much more than zero evidence unless you dismiss the testimony of a woman claiming to have been raped as zero evidence. Why didn't he just fess up and say of course he screwed anything that moved and drank like a fish instead of offering some bollix about flatulence? Doesn't mean he raped anybody. It is what students and young people do when they are pushing out the boundaries. Why US society is fascinated in poring over somebody's teenage days like a penny dreadful, is what is really dreadful. In my view the only thing that merited investigation was the rape allegation, not his boozing or bonking.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your comments. The primary intent of my piece was to discuss how some Americans with partial Irish heritage or Irish surnames become right wingers and most recently acolytes of Donald Trump. Of course the Kavanaugh imbroglio gets some attention in the piece, but his form of conservatism, rather than his public exposure, is the phenomenon many on this side of the pond have tried to explain. The counter to Kavanaugh, Collins, O'Reilly, Hannity, Bannon and Peter King (R-New York) is of course the Kennedy clan and today's Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), and Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas). As Anthony points out in the above comment, Kavanaugh failed a job interview. This is an idea that I stole from the "failing" New York Times. Kavanaugh was not indicted or put on trial for a criminal act. Many of us red-blooded American males, however, found his display on national television completely damning. Threaten to take away a privileged frat boy's toys, and he devolves right before your eyes.
ReplyDeleteOn a separate note, Hillary Clinton was a disastrous candidate. She was the wrong person at the wrong time and ran a crap campaign. The tent of the Democratic Party is fairly large, and those of us in the First West of Kentucky and Tennessee have many issues with the cultural elites of California and the East Coast. They think we're all shoeless hillbillies, and it gets harder every damn day sitting on the bench while they (e.g. Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, and yes Hillary Clinton too) get run over and crunched out there on the field. Yank 'em.
They've just called Hillary Clinton "Left-Wing" on the radio in Australia!
ReplyDeleteI shit you not!
The primary intent of my piece was to discuss how some Americans with partial Irish heritage or Irish surnames become right wingers and most recently acolytes of Donald Trump. Of course the Kavanaugh imbroglio gets some attention in the piece,
ReplyDeleteMichael, just because you and 40 million other Americans have Irish names, it doesn't make you Irish. What you are others are pissed off at is Trump won and the DNC a got bloody nose and by the looks of things haven't recovered.
Hillary Clinton was a disastrous candidate. She was the wrong person at the wrong time and ran a crap campaign
The person who ran her campaign was the sleaze bag John Podesta who now trys to control the narrative in the Wahington Post. Michael here is a small refresher on the Benghazi Committee Hearing (Trey Gowdy made mince meat out of her in front of the whole world great viewing). I could throw into the mix the mysterious murder of Seth Rich who leaked the Clinton/Podesta emails to Wikileaks and paid the ultimate price. His murder wasn't an MS-13 botched robbery.
As for the job interview that you ,Anthony and others say he failed....I watched the whole lot from start to finish and Miss Goody Two shoes, by her own words went to a party and didn't know how she got there and doesn't know how she got back home. But remembers Bret was there and dropped a few names including her best friend who has no recollection of the get to together. Bret Kavanagh was interviewed six times previous for his various positions, Miss Goody Two's accusations made it seven investigations for Bret and his family. Now Bret for all his high school jinx and partying, managed to pass all his exams with flying colours. What the DNC are very afraid off is the 40,000+ sealed indictments, or better still how many of them will end up on the door steps of the Arkansas Mafia or the Chicago outfits (Obama was a stool pigeon for the CIA..exactly the same as George jrn in his day).
Some unspoken truths..The DNC have never forgiven Bret Kavanagh for being part of the Ken Starr team that investigated BIll for lying to the American public about having sex with Monica. Here is another wee nugget to dwell on, many moons ago when Kavanaghs mother, who was one of the first female judges in America , she had to forclose on a house owned by Miss Goody Two's mom. Also check out Christine Blasey Ford's lawyer, Debra Katz and Hillary.
ReplyDeleteSo it is blame the woman time again.
I would have to concur with Frankie. I thought he came across as any other innocent person would be when faced with sex abuse allegations I.e he came out fighting. If he'd did the opposite and been nice and composed he'd have been hung as well for being too controlled and robotic(rehearsed). If someone falsely accused me I'd be furious and I certainly wouldn't be polite to the accuser.
ReplyDeleteThe pathetic charade took a new low when the democrats led supporters tried to imply one was a sexist for not believing a woman when she makes a claim but believes men when they claim abuse from clergy. Pathetic and a new low even by their standards. The irony is that the more pathetic they act the more it seems to galvanise Trump and his support base.
Hey Barry why is it every time a man defends himself its "blame the woman". Have you not heard of Duke Lacrosse, UVA Rolling stone, Tawana Brawley? All lies and garbage! People have a right to defend themselves. This accuser had no idea where the crime occurred 36 years ago, all the witnesses she named as being there had no idea what she was referring to and stated they were not present. I Thought I was watching Harry Kirkpatrick or Joe Bennett in Crumlin Road courthouse.
ReplyDeleteWolfe Tone
ReplyDeleteBrett Kavanaugh was not on trial for any alleged offences at the Senate confirmation hearings; he was going through an extended job interview process as has been explained earlier in this thread. He came across as someone lacking in the capacity to reflect on his behaviour as a young man. His faux victim performance and contempt for Prof Ford is so typical of smug, entitled, white, male attitudes familiar to anyone who has had the misfortune to encounter and suffer such products of single-sex, misogynist Catholic schooling.
Ryan, men need to be able to defend themselves otherwise there is no point in a trial. Anyone making an accusation has to prove their case. His accuser has thus far not proved her case. He did such a poor job in refuting her which in turn fuelled the belief that his credentials are far short of impeccable. Issues which really should have no bearing on him (his love for beer and bonking as a student) fed into a discolouration of his character. His attempt to deflect attention away from those irrelevant issues merely helped divert it onto the much more serious matter of rape. Harry Kirkpatrick and Joe Bennett are not good examples. Most people with experience of the North's conflict don't accuse them of telling lies per se but object to the procedure. In the blocks we used to laugh at the propaganda term "paid perjurer."
ReplyDeleteFrankie - he passed very little with flying colours. He passed but his performance was well below par, and the colours looked very faded by the end of it. If you look at a guy like John Bolton who is much more dangerous than Kavanaugh - abhor his politics and perspectives as we might, it is hard to imagine him putting in such a weak performance in front of any committee.
As for the Democrats going for him - that's politics but if they expect us to believe a word they say about him, themselves or anybody else, forget it.
No more pieces for us? I thought the last one was to be part of a run.
ReplyDeleteWhat woman do you want to lay the blame at for hanging Miss Goody Two shoes out to dry? Remember Christine wanted everything to be done in secret. We know Diane Feinstien's office had the details well in advance of any one and so did her team of lawyers headed by HIllary's friend Debra Katz... What one would you like to blame for leaking the alledged sexual harassment of Miss Goody Two shoes? Was it Diane, Debra or one of Christines bestest girl friends?
We know you can't blames anyone but the DNC for the soap opera. In your own time Barry, do a bit of research into the incident in the lift when Ted Cruz was cornered. And check out the women doing the shouting for the Mee Too bollicks thats sweeping this rock.
Then in your own time go and google Richard Kerr Kincora abuse victim and ask why today he hasn't seen justice and why MI5 are trying to shut him up. Where is his ME TOO hashtag????
There was a glitch in the Matrix, when I sent the Flat Earth piece I also sent one called "Fuck you John Podesta" that was attached on an email...Long story short, I will resend it I know a few of links have been pulled by youtube censors. So I will dig out BITChute links and resend it ASAP..Like todayish...
‘frankie’, Why do you refer to Dr Christine Ford as “Miss goodie two shoes”?
ReplyDeleteUnless You know more information than the rest of Us, seems the most despicable term for a woman who was assaulted.
... by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz ( in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
ReplyDelete‘frankie’, Why do you refer to Dr Christine Ford as “Miss goodie two shoes”?
I was going to call her Penelope Pitstop (the dumb blonde in Wacky Races who didn't know where she was going in her car).
Unless You know more information than the rest of Us, seems the most despicable term for a woman who was assaulted.
By who, where and when....? If like she says Bret Kavanagh assulted her when she was at High School in Maryland, all she has to do is simply go to to Maryland Police Dept. and file a complaint/charge against Bret. Best of my knowledge there is no statue of limitations on sexual assult charges there. And she can either use the money from her Go Fund Me page to pay her lawyers or set up a new one. Her last Go Fund Me rasied somewhere between $700,000 and almost $1 million. There is no chance she will sell her $3millon+ house to help with her legal fees. What we do know is, nobody mentioned in the hearing could corroborate anything Chrissy said. Including her best friend .
On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"Simply put," Walsh said, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."
Here is a quote from Ford’s High School Yearbook at the time of her Kavanaugh accusation. Which someone connected to Miss Goody Twos tried to delete from the internet since at least June/July 2018 (approx. the same time as Diane Feinsteine's office knew of the allegations).
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”
Christine Blasey was a Holton Arms School cheerleader in the early 1980s. Field hockey, lacrosse, softball, tennis and track and field have been sports played by girls at Holton-Arms. Blasey was a cheerleader, as described in the Scribe 1984 yearbook.
“Holton’s cheerleaders provide team support. Their enthusiasm radiate warmth and energy to both the team players and fans,” it was written about the Holton Arms cheerleaders. “When the cheerleaders got spirited enough to cheer Holton’s J.V. games, it certainly was party time!”
Seems to me she was doing just as much (if not more) partying as Bret did. (TBC)
ReplyDelete.. by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz (in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. .
You are correct it was Flake and not Cruz who was ambushed in the lift. In my defence I had just finished watching Diane Feinstine deny that her office had anything to do with hanging Miss Goody Two Shoes out to dry.
But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
How did Miss Goody Two Shoes end up with two very well connected Washington lawyers on her legal team? I am to believe Michael Bromwich who was hand picked by Obama to reform the regulation of offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, acts as the attorney for former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and who worked for lhe lobbying firm Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and co-chair of the Obama transition team, was forced out from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, because some partners objected to his decision to represent a soccer mom "pro bono".....
If Rachel Mitchell had been allowed 2X30 mins questioning sessions rather than the 5/10 min time slots, more would have been cleared up. What was very clear from the outset was Miss Goody Two Shoes questioning was very much 'soft ball' when compared to what either Anita Hill or Paula Jones experienced.
"If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, I would probably tell her that I'm sorry, it's unfair, but you don't have a case."
Those words were spoken by Debra Katz when she defended BIll Clinton against Paula Jones allegations going back to when BIll Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas. Clinton later settled the case for $850,000.
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ReplyDelete**delted post because I got my copy/pate out of sync...Noting has been changed...
.. by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz (in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. .
You are correct it was Flake and not Cruz who was ambushed in the lift. In my defence I had just finished watching Diane Feinstine deny that her office had anything to do with hanging Miss Goody Two Shoes out to dry.
But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
How did Miss Goody Two Shoes end up with two very well connected Washington lawyers on her legal team? I am to believe Michael Bromwich who was hand picked by Obama to reform the regulation of offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, acts as the attorney for former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and who worked for lhe lobbying firm Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and co-chair of the Obama transition team, was forced out from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, because some partners objected to his decision to represent a soccer mom "pro bono".....
If Rachel Mitchell had been allowed 2X30 mins questioning sessions rather than the 5/10 min time slots, more would have been cleared up. What was very clear from the outset was Miss Goody Two Shoes questioning was very much 'soft ball' when compared to what either Anita Hill or Paula Jones experienced.
"If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, I would probably tell her that I'm sorry, it's unfair, but you don't have a case."
Those words were spoken by Debra Katz when she defended BIll Clinton against Paula Jones allegations going back to when BIll Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas. Clinton later settled the case for $850,000.
Let's clear up who exactly ambushed Flake. One of the sisterhood is Ana Maria Archila, an executive director of the George Soros funded the Center for Popular Democracy , an organization that works toward creating an “inclusive, equitable society” by advocating for “communities of colour, immigrants, working families, youth, women and the LGBTQ community .The other was Maria Gallagher a known unpaid activist for the CPD or as MSN like to say ..
ReplyDeleteGallagher, a New York resident, isn’t linked to the CPD directly, but is “just a passionate person,” . the Miami Herald reported
Shortly after they both hurled abuse at Jeff Flake, who had just come out of a Senate Hearing , they both tweeted a picture, that looked more like two girly lesbi friends on holiday than two victims of sexual abuse.
What is very important to take on board is both Archila and Gallagher never spoke to anyone about their alledged abuses until the Kavanaugh investigation.
ReplyDelete“I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me,” Gallagher told Flake, who could only look away in utter shame, unable to meet her eyes. “I didn’t tell anyone, and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter.”
Gallagher later told the Daily Beast that this was the first time she’d ever spoken about being assaulted: She had never actually told anyone before. It had just come out, right there, in front of everyone, soon to be broadcast on national TV. Her mother had called her after seeing it on cable. Even she had not known. Gallagher needed to step outside to go and talk to her about it. “This won’t be an easy conversation,” she said
Ana Maria Archila, apart from being paid by George Soros like Maria Gallagher hadn't told anyone about her alledged sexual abuse story. The first her father heard about anything was when she contacted him the moring of the Senate Hearing to say...
"I always carried the fear that my parents would feel that they had failed in taking care of me if I told them," Archila said Friday night in a phone interview with The Washington Post. . Today I texted my father and I said, 'You're going to hear something that we haven't talked about, and I want you to know that I'm okay,'" she said.
Imagine for one second two complete stangers running up to you screaming they are the victims of sexual abuse, while waving placards in your face.That is exactly what happened to Flake.
Later that day Archila dropped this bomb.....
“Are you a paid professional?” MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson asked Archila.
“I work for a community organization, I work for a network of community organizations,” Archila said, adding that it is her “job” to organize people into action.
Do I believe Antia Hill and Paula Jones? Yes. Do I believe Maria Gallagher or Ana Maria Archila? Nope. As for Miss Goody Two Shoes. ....
I will leave her for another day....
**Glitch in the matrix...nothing was changed only the order I wanted it appear.
.. by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz (in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. .
You are correct it was Flake and not Cruz who was ambushed in the lift. In my defence I had just finished watching Diane Feinstine deny that her office had anything to do with hanging Miss Goody Two Shoes out to dry.
But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
How did Miss Goody Two Shoes end up with two very well connected Washington lawyers on her legal team? I am to believe Michael Bromwich who was hand picked by Obama to reform the regulation of offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, acts as the attorney for former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and who worked for lhe lobbying firm Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and co-chair of the Obama transition team, was forced out from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, because some partners objected to his decision to represent a soccer mom "pro bono".....
If Rachel Mitchell had been allowed 2X30 mins questioning sessions rather than the 5/10 min time slots, more would have been cleared up. What was very clear from the outset was Miss Goody Two Shoes questioning was very much 'soft ball' when compared to what either Anita Hill or Paula Jones experienced.
"If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, I would probably tell her that I'm sorry, it's unfair, but you don't have a case."
Those words were spoken by Debra Katz when she defended BIll Clinton against Paula Jones allegations going back to when BIll Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas. Clinton later settled the case for $850,000.
ReplyDeleteEarlier in your posts you said the great line from the above piece was about him publicly failing his job interview..
Exactly what stage of the job interview was below par? Brett Kavanaugh had already had six job interviews previously by the FBI in the lead up to the nomination of SCOTUS and never once was there any allegation of sexual miscondut . In the week before Christine Fords baseless claims made it the 7th time, Kavanaugh was questioned for almost 30hrs, by all accounts he gave a very solid preformace and held his own.
Frankie - If you look at a guy like John Bolton who is much more dangerous than Kavanaugh - abhor his politics and perspectives as we might, it is hard to imagine him putting in such a weak performance in front of any .
I have a funny feeling Bolton told Lindsey Graham to forget about his one time bromance with John McCain, because like Zed, he's dead. Lets face it people Audie Murphy is an American WW2 war hero. John McCain was an American POW, sometimes they can be the same but not in this case. Lindsey is a smart man and figures with both Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy not seeking re-election, there could be room at the top of the table come 2020.
Just before the Kavanaugh/Ford soap opera unfolded there was a memorial held for John McCain. And several people have picked up on the interaction between Lindsey Graham and Huma Abedine. Huma Abedine was Hillary Clinton's Ms Fix It . I bet it didn't go un-noticed by Bolton.
This is how I think not only Bolton but Trumps inner circle played a hidden hand. Everyone, apart from Lindsey Graham, who questioned either Ford or Kavanaugh centered around the 'sexual abuse allegation'. Lindsey Graham questions to Brett Kavanaugh talked about Military Law vs Criminal Law.. Once the Mid Terms are out of the way and the Mueller Investigation is over, the servers with Clintons wikileaks are handed to Trump, heads will roll. Bolton is like a pit bull waiting to be unleashed.
ReplyDelete"Being paid by George Soros"; the "party girls". Your dog-whistles are going into overdrive but, of course, you have form on the antisemitism front with your invocation of the Rothschilds during our recent exchange on whether a certain ethnic group from a certain country in the Middle East should be forcibly returned to Eastern Europe.
As regards, Christine Blasey's partying, good-time girl or slut shaming in order to acquit predatory and entitled men is the oldest trick in the patriarchy's playbook.
Btw, the victims of Kincora are as worthy of a #Me Too hashtag as Maria Cahill, the victims of St Colman's and any other sex abuse episode we care to remember. All abuses of power imbalance.
Frankie - the performance struck me in general as very low par. I took no view on the rape allegation other than that the woman was within her rights to bring it if that is how she recalls it. Does not mean he raped her. But there was seepage from his poor handling of other matters into the credibility of his defence against the rape allegations. Which means the things he never had a chance of being believed on - bonking and boozing as a student to put it flippantly (and about which there should never have been a fuss) had a knock on effect. I would be more concerned about his view of presidential immunity and his religious conservatism which will have a detrimental effect om women's rights.
ReplyDeleteDon't expend the effort Frankie on providing all those links on my account. I never open them. It's a comments section of a blog and as much as I enjoy other takes, I rarely have the time or inclination to dig much deeper.
ReplyDeleteFrankie - the performance struck me in general as very low par.
We will have to agree to disagree, I thought under the circumstances Bret played it great. It wouldn't have mattered who Trump nominated, the DNC would have opposed it, try to stall the vote until after the mid terms..If Trump could have resurrected Judge Scalia (who in my book was murdered by members of the DNC to shut him up)...The DNC along with MSN would have cried foul. Trump wasn't meant to be elected and Brexit wasn't meant to happen and Soros, Clinton's, Obama's and Bush families are crapping themselves.
I would be more concerned about his view of presidential immunity and his religious conservatism .
Bret, like Trump are Jesuit educated and Pope Francis (Jesuit) is the Capo di tutti i capi. And most of the faces who hold positions of real power in the US today are Roman Catholic. Trump could have nominated Amy Coney Barrett, mother of 7 (two adopted from Haiti**). Her youngest biological child has special needs) , practising Roman Catholic. But Bret got the nod.
which will have a detrimental effect on women's rights
The people controling the narrative in the US today ,don't give a second thought to womens rights. How are womens rights enchanced by a leaked letter/memo that cames from either Diane Fienstines office or Debra Katz office? Ford in her defence wanted everythnig done behind closed doors and out of the media spot light.
** . Hillary Clinton wrote a letter to reduced the sentence of Laura Silsby, who was convicted of sex trafficking children from Haiti. While Amy Barret adopted two children and offered them a loving home.
Links, Nikola Tesla and Johnny Cash. The reason for the links are as much for me as anything, more of a point of reference on the web I can access easily access. Kinda like an online book marker..Sometimes I like to source my stuff.
In the middle of WW2, Nikola Tesla died, one of the last people to see all of his works, proto-types, experiements before they were handed over to Titos Yugoslavia was Donald Trumps favourite uncle. Fast forward until March 1953, when the dust was finally starting to settle after WW2, the Cold War was heating up and Tito was still trying to figure out what Telsa papers he didn't get. Johnny Cash between struming his gutar while stationed in Landsberg, West Germany. Was also a Staff Sergent intercepting Soviet Army transmission as a morse code operator What happened next, ins't taught in school....
On March 5th, 1953, while working on his post, Cash intercepted a very important communique from the Soviets. At the time, Joseph Stalin, Soviet Premier Leader was in a quite poor health condition, and as the first man of the Soviet empire, his health status was very important to the U.S intelligence community. While transcribing the Soviet Morse Code chatter, Johnny Cash became the first American to hear the news of the death of the Soviet leader. Sgt.Staff Cash immediately reported the important news to his superiors and the rest is history.
(Deleted comments explanation, I was replying to Msspikemilligan points and for what ever reason the first part got lost in the matrix a few times..The more I tried to correct it, the bigger the hole I made for myself...Basically this is the 1st part that is missing)
.. by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz (in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. .
You are correct it was Flake and not Cruz who was ambushed in the lift. In my defence I had just finished watching Diane Feinstine deny that her office had anything to do with hanging Miss Goody Two Shoes out to dry.
But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
How did Miss Goody Two Shoes end up with two very well connected Washington lawyers on her legal team? I am to believe Michael Bromwich who was hand picked by Obama to reform the regulation of offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, acts as the attorney for former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and who worked for lhe lobbying firm Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and co-chair of the Obama transition team, was forced out from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, because some partners objected to his decision to represent a soccer mom "pro bono".....
If Rachel Mitchell had been allowed 2X30 mins questioning sessions rather than the 5/10 min time slots, more would have been cleared up. What was very clear from the outset was Miss Goody Two Shoes questioning was very much 'soft ball' when compared to what either Anita Hill or Paula Jones experienced.
"If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, I would probably tell her that I'm sorry, it's unfair, but you don't have a case."
Those words were spoken by Debra Katz when she defended BIll Clinton against Paula Jones allegations going back to when BIll Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas. Clinton later settled the case for $850,000.
ReplyDelete"Being paid by George Soros"; the "party girls". Your dog-whistles are going into overdrive but, of course, you have form on the antisemitism front with your invocation of the Rothschilds during our recent exchange on whether a certain ethnic group from a certain country in the Middle East should be forcibly returned to Eastern Europe.
Lets leave Balfour to oneside. Although there is Zionist agenda being played out and in part George Soros is paying for it. It is the only reason he liquidated a lot of his business empire. Ana Maria Archila, one of the two women who ran up to Flake and screamed dogs abuse at him about something he han't a clue about while waving a ready made placard in his face is an executive director of the George Soros funded the Center for Popular Democracy. The other mad woman is Maria Gallagher who is in her own words (check all links) is an unpaid activist for the CPD.....
Imagine Barry going about your daily routine and out of the blue two very vexed women , waving placards in your face start screaming about being victims of sexaul abuse. How would your react?
As regards, Christine Blasey's partying, good-time girl or slut shaming in order to acquit predatory and entitled men is the oldest trick in the patriarchy's playbook.
Bill Cosby who is a predator was jailed. Anthony Weiner should have got longer, is also a predator. All Miss Goody Twos has to do is go to Maryland Police along with Katz and Bromwich and file a charge/complaint against Bret. She wont do it because it wasn't Bret who she alledges didn't get further than 2nd base...If like she says Mark Judge was there , file charges against him. Someone hung her out to dry and it wasn't from the GOP...
Btw, the victims of Kincora are as worthy of a #Me Too hashtag as Maria Cahill, the victims of St Colman's and any other sex abuse episode we care to remember. All abuses of power imbalance.
We know the reasons why none of the above you mention will never recieve a Mee Too hashtag, never mind justice, is they are up against the Irish Catholic Church, Vatican, British Royal Family and certain members of SF who were once members of the PIRA.
(Deleted comments explanation, I was replying to Msspikemilligan points and for what ever reason the first part got lost in the matrix a few times..The more I tried to correct it, the bigger the hole I made for myself...Basically this is the 1st part that is missing)
.. by the way it wasn’t Ted Cruz (in your elevator confrontation story), It was Jeff Flake. .
You are correct it was Flake and not Cruz who was ambushed in the lift. In my defence I had just finished watching Diane Feinstine deny that her office had anything to do with hanging Miss Goody Two Shoes out to dry.
But sure don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
How did Miss Goody Two Shoes end up with two very well connected Washington lawyers on her legal team? I am to believe Michael Bromwich who was hand picked by Obama to reform the regulation of offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, acts as the attorney for former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and who worked for lhe lobbying firm Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and co-chair of the Obama transition team, was forced out from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, because some partners objected to his decision to represent a soccer mom "pro bono".....
If Rachel Mitchell had been allowed 2X30 mins questioning sessions rather than the 5/10 min time slots, more would have been cleared up. What was very clear from the outset was Miss Goody Two Shoes questioning was very much 'soft ball' when compared to what either Anita Hill or Paula Jones experienced.
"If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, I would probably tell her that I'm sorry, it's unfair, but you don't have a case."
Those words were spoken by Debra Katz when she defended BIll Clinton against Paula Jones allegations going back to when BIll Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas. Clinton later settled the case for $850,000.
Frankie LOL ! The last time I read this much shite was browsing the comments section of the Mercer family funded Brietbart news!
ReplyDeleteYou should bounce over there with the rest of the right wing lunatics!
The family of Seth Rich have asked people like you to desist from spreading fake stories about their son. They successfully got a retraction from the Rupert Murdoch funded Fox news. They have actually labelled those who spread such stories as “dangerous sociopaths.
ReplyDeleteWho hung Christine Ford out to dry...Diane Fienstine or Debra Katz?
Why has Hillary and Podesta never denied the contents of the leaked emails, which are online for you to read yourself?
Who leaked the emails???? The Russians....All available credible evidence leads to Seth Rich and his murder was not a botched MS-13 Robbery..
ReplyDeleteLet's take walk down memory lane
Msspikemilligan My guess is Morrison was compromised over some type of 'honeytrap' ( I only hope the fella involved was over the legal age!) 1:06 AM, February 03, 2016
frankie Msspikemilligan, So you think Danny is a kiddy fiddler and was compromised by the Spooks and flipped? 10:39 PM, February 04, 2016
Msspikemilligan Frankie, like everyone else , who knows! What I do know is while his sexuality is his own business, in his making claims against AM and the Dark he has opened the door to him being questioned, and all issues are fair game. 1:06 AM, February 03, 2016
So let me get this straight, and I stand to be corrected. You can make a claim against Danny Morrison having sex with a male under the age of consent with out any proofs and everyone is OK with it (or at least you are ok in making claims, that when asked to back them up, you can't cite a single source... All you have said is you believe it to be true based on a "guess" and "all issues are fair game." Unless like you said to me, you know more than you are saying......)
If all issues are fair game concerning your allegations involving Danny Morrison, then why can't issues surrounding Miss Goody Twos Shoes be "fair game?"
Surely calling into question her legal team and their politcal connections and motives have to be questioned. And the fact not even her best friend who Ford claims to be a witness denies all knowledge of the inncident and questions Ford's claim about ever meeting Bret.
Frankie, I’ll make it clearer for You. Morrison became “fair game” once he made outrageous claims against Mackers and The Dark! His sexuality is his business, that was made quite clear. In this field I do have more knowledge than yourself and It will stay that way!
ReplyDeleteNo-one claims you have no right to believe Brett Kavanaugh. People like you confirm the whole basis of this original article, that the Kavanaghs, Collins supporters, like Yourself, tend to be conservative, right wing and reactionary!
Hope that clears it up for Ya! Please respect the Seth Rich Family and desist from spreading your nonsense!
Many thanks again to Mr Mahoney for this important article. It should bring great shame on us all. People of colour, were lynched , I stand to be corrected, but I believe two small children were lynched by Irish Immigrant draft dodgers in the upper west side of Manhattan. Kudos to Carrie and Anthony for allowing a wide range of views.
ReplyDeletePeople like you confirm the whole basis of this original article, that the Kavanaghs, Collins supporters, like Yourself, tend to be conservative, right wing and reactionary! Hope that clears it up for Ya!
I can only speak for myself but I don't claim to be anything other than a Rockabilly, and I make my own mind up about things. I am not left wing, right wing, never voted for anyone in my life before and at the moment, I don't see me straying from that point of view. Stormount, RHI and Brexit don't really inspire me enough to vote.
I will ask you, Barry and who ever wants to answer a few simple questions that very few are asking...
1. Who hung Christine Blasey Ford out to dry? After all she had asked for a closed hearing to protect innocent people....
2. Who leaked the allegations to the Press that Diane Feinstine's office sat on for weeks?
3. If Debra Katz who defended Bill Clinton against Paula Jones and Micheal Bromich are big shot lawyers. Why can't they all go and file a charge against both Bret Kavanagh and Mark Judge. Again, to the best of my knowledge, there is no satute of limitations where the crime is alledged to have taken.
4. What was Lindsey Grahams line of questioning about?
5. Tell me how two women, one employed as a co executive for the CPD and one an activist for the CPD. advanced the cause of hi-lighting sex abuse crimes, womens rights or Abduls right to take out his prayer mat and give it the habdullahs five times a day?
5. How bona fide are Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher?
What was beamed across the world on CNN,BBC,FOX,RAI,BFMTV,RTE was this....Two supposedly unconnected women each with an almost identical story of being victims of historical sexual assult, decided the best way to advance any rights was to run up like two mad women and scream in Jeff Flakes face, who had just come out of the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing... (I have no idea what anyone seen, but I went WTF is going n here)
I am meant to accept that because MSN say both Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher decided on the same day, at almost the same time, independant of each other, thought the best way to tell the world their stories of alledged historical sexual abuse crime and advance any sort of rights was to abuse and assult Flake during a break in the Senate Hearing when he was coming from listening to Fords testimony about an alledged historical assult charge....I am meant to believe wasn't stage managed. It was deffo very badly co-ordinated.
ReplyDeletePlease respect the Seth Rich Family and desist from spreading your nonsense!
What nonsense am I spreading about Seth Rich or his family? I am simply asking who murdered Seth Rich and why was he murdered. Here is New York Times piece titled "The Washington Times Retracts Column About Seth Rich’s Killing". The article concludes like tihs..
"Seth Rich was 27 when he was shot in the back near his Washington home in 2016. While the police have theorized that he may have been killed in a botched robbery attempt, right-wing commentators have repeatedly connected the death to the leaked Democratic National Committee emails,"
No one in Washington believes his murder was a robbery gone wrong. All credible evidence points to Seth Rich murder playing some part in getting the leaked Clinton/Podesta emails to wikileaks. Exactly what the NY Times said.
Frankie - I went to the spam folder by chance and four of your comments were in it. Blogger do this for some reason beyond my control. I marked them as "Not Spam", so they uploaded. Hopefully, it did not cause your case any damage. If a comment does not appear within hours of you sending it send me an email and I will look in spam for it. Same for everyone else.
ReplyDeleteAnthony, thanks for sorting out my misplaced post's....The matrix is innocent this time it was my mistake, that glitch was all down to me..
ReplyDeleteFrankie - what I still don't understand is how they all went to spam. You are a regular contributor here which tends to mean Blogger doesn't send regulars to spam.
ReplyDeleteVery easy to understand. I was replying to Niall about conspiracy theories while having a spliff and also keeping an eye on the US midterms and I had what can only be described as a blonde moment and posted things to Bates and Wilkes that you fixed and placed in the correct threads...
And before anyone goes PC crazy, yes I smoke weed and post sometimes. Ructions O'Hara likes to have a glass of red wine while going into the vortex...(check out the transcripts...), I enjoy going green..