“The colonized intellectual has invested his aggression in his barely veiled wish to be assimilated to the colonizer’s world.” (1) - Franz Fanon
If hindsight is 20/20, and it is, then Gerry Adams was always a dishonest person. So if he told you he was in the IRA you couldn’t believe that either without verifiable proof. If he told you it was Wednesday then check the calendar because he will say anything to anyone at anytime if it would advance his own interests.
Here are some of my favorite sayings by him:
There can be no such things as an Irish nationalist accepting the loyalist veto and partition. You cannot claim to be an Irish nationalist if you consent to an internal six county settlement and if you are willing to negotiate the state of Irish society with a foreign government - Gerry Adams, November 22 1984 (AP/RN)
No Irish nationalist could support any treaty which institutionalizes British government claims to a part of Irish national territory. Indeed, the term - 'constitutional nationalism'- used by Mr. Mallon (SDLP) and his colleagues to describe their political philosophy is a contradiction in terms. The only constitutional nationalist in Ireland today is Sean McBride. He puts his nationalism within a framework of Irish constitutionality. Mr. Mallon, however, puts his within the framework of British constitutionality. Irish nationalism within British constitutionality is a contradiction in terms. - Gerry Adams, 1986, The Politics of Irish Freedom, by Gerry Adams, Brandon Book Publishers, Ltd., Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland 1986, p. 112).
Gerry Adams removed the later quote from his 1995 and 1996 editions of this book. So by his own definitions he was no more an Irish Nationalist than former Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Garrett Fitzgerald was.
Like so many politicians, Irish and otherwise, Gerry Adams was a toxic Machiavellian. No different really than any Irish Prime Minister: i.e. Leo Varadkar, Enda Kenny, Brian Cowan or Bertie Ahern or pick a liar, any liar.
None strong men from the plains of Royal Meath!
All of whom will tell you one thing while they do another like the Provos saying “Not a bullet not an ounce”.
Hear the now current Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar's lie about Anglo bondholders paying the €1 billion Anglo Irish Bank bond due in 2011:
“What is happening in relation to the Anglo bondholders, they’ll be paid from Anglo’s own resources.” - Leo Varadkar, 11-1-2011
Yet in 2012 Leo Varadkar defended the Irish Government payment to Anglo Irish Bank bondholders:
So that makes the life of Irish Patriot Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, among others all the more poignant. Because whatever you thought of the man, he lived and died by his Irish Republican principles, which are attributes that have no place in the Republic of Ireland aka “Irish Free State”. No more than the French Resistance could have any place in the Vichy French State.
Just compare former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern to former Sinn Fein President Ruairí Ó Brádaigh,
Ó Brádaigh, was bright and articulate, a Bachelors graduate of University College Dublin (UCD) and a former School Teacher.
Ahern was a bumbling liar and thief who didn’t graduate from any of the places he said he did. Yet Ahern floated to the top of the Vichy Irish Free State like the turd that wouldn’t flush.
Whereas Ó Brádaigh, as Sinn Fein President, had always been politically marginalized and harassed by it.
Moral of the story: for political success in Ireland support the status quo of British partition. And that’s true on many levels in Irish business, government, academia and the media.
UK and EU Provincialism beats Irish Nationalism again and again!
And this is the (ahem) genius of Adams and McGuinness. They finally figured this out. Sunningdale for slow learners indeed! And lo and behold they too became “men of peace” for elite Anglo-American interests and their usual Irish lackeys. Just ask their good buddy convicted liar and war criminal Bill Clinton.
The very uneducated Martin McGuinness even became the British Provincial Minister of Education! Translation: they got their very little piece and you can still hear British MI6 laughing about it.
The Psychiatrist and World War II veteran Franz Fanon understood all this very well:
In the best of cases, (the leader of the nationalist party) barricades himself in a no-man’s-land between the terrorists and the colonialists and offers his services as a “mediator”; which means since the colonialists cannot negotiate with the Mau-Mau, he himself is prepared to begin negotiations. Thus, the rear guard of the national struggle, that section of the people who have always been on the other side, now find themselves catapulted to the forefront of negotiations and compromise – precisely because they have always been careful not to break the ties of colonialism. (2)
So until Ireland gets its own D-Day your man with the well oiled arse will continue to pay off Brit bonds. And he will do so by taxing not only water but if need be by taxing breathed air and sun light views. While at the same time he will continue to shrink Irish health, education and welfare benefits. All to the tune of an old Negro slave ballad sung by the usual chorus of crooked colonials:
“Ah boss man we’ll pick your cotton, three bags full or our asses get a wopp’en!”
It isn’t just the kid-fucking Catholic Church that’s always been giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Fine Gael dee and Fianna Fail dum are just two cheeks of the same bum! No wonder a lot of Irish leave as soon as they can before they lose their gag reflex.
Since truth told there is a whole lot less self-loathing among Israeli Jews than Irish. After all, they have their own currency and don’t mind learning their own language like Irish do. And that’s because Israel is not a colony so they have more pride of nationhood, in fact way too much because they are a colonizer.
Therefore balance and independence are everything!
For everyone everywhere.
Notes: 1. Franz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth, Grove Press (NY 1963) at page 22.
2. Ibid., at page 24.
➽ Eoghan O'Suilleabain is a US attorney.
What a good article, sums up my feelings. However, I am stuck with being Irish. I don't think I could take any pride in being associated with Israel though.
ReplyDeleteI know two lecturers who got jobs in ucd with just a primary degree, the late Stu Daultrey, Bill mc Gaughey, both in geography, Norris had a ba degree while lecturing.
ReplyDeleteI hold no brief whatsoever for Adams and co but they were only the latest generation of physical force nationalists who came to realise the utter impossibility of the one indivisible Utopian Republic to be achieved by armed struggle. A pity they didn't cop on a thousand deaths earlier.
ReplyDeleteI find the author's Vichy comparisons utterly inappropriate. For France, like much of Europe in the 1940s, was invaded and occupied by an eliminationist and utterly barbaric totalitarian power. Northern Ireland remains part of the UK as a result of an international treaty registered at the UN and endorsed by overwhelming majorities in two simultaneous referenda in both parts of Ireland in May 1998.
It is also an offensive comparison because of the collaborationist role played by the IRA in relation to Nazi Germany in contrast to the tens of thousands of Irishmen who signed up to fight and defeat Nazi tyranny. Does the name Sean Russell mean anything to the author?
Interesting assessment indeed, fully agree with the promotion of O Braidigh as the genuine Republican and patriot of our time.
ReplyDeleteJames Quigley
ReplyDeleteYou may not like being associated with Israel but the fact is that Michael Collins was a role model for the Irgun and Stern Gang in the 1940s something that nationalist devotees of the Palestinian cause are keen to airbrush from history.
Eoghan O'Suilleabhain replies to comments here more or less in the order put:
What a good article, sums up my feelings. However, I am stuck with being Irish. I don't think I could take any pride in being associated with Israel though.
Glad you liked it! But try Himalayan just for chuckles.
I know two lecturers who got jobs in ucd with just a primary degree, the late Stu Daultrey, Bill mc Gaughey, both in geography, Norris had a ba degree while lecturing.
But were they out loud and proud Irish Republicans or Nationalist? Because I never met one at UCD, although I did meet many unionists and partitionists there on the Faculty and in the Student body.
I have no brief whatsoever for Adams and co but they were only the latest generation of physical force nationalists who came to realise the utter impossibility of the one indivisible Utopian Republic to be achieved by armed struggle. A pity they didn't cop on a thousand deaths earlier.
So apparently Gerry Adams could never do enough for you. Which is proof again that he should never have gone down appeasement road. Rather like George Washington & Ho Chi Minh he should have just kept fighting or something. Since they proved you can achieve independence & unity by armed struggle. Just like the Mau Mau did in Kenya and the FLN did in Algiers. In fact it was by arms that England achieved its empire and the United Kingdom. Hence the phrase “British Gun Boat Diplomacy” and "Britania rules the waves". A pity the Brits didn’t cop on to this millions of deaths earlier and just stayed home. But that’s the kind of armed "struggle" that you apparently prefer, i.e. state violence and state terror. And God forbid anyone else should fight against it.
I find the author's Vichy comparisons utterly inappropriate. For France, like much of Europe in the 1940s, was invaded and occupied by an eliminationist and utterly barbaric totalitarian power.
So too was Ireland invaded and occupied by an eliminationist and utterly barbaric totalitarian power. Google “Oliver Cromwell” and “An Gorta More” for starters. Or do you really think Bloody Sunday 1972 occurred in a vacuum?
Northern Ireland remains part of the UK as a result of an international treaty registered at the UN and endorsed by overwhelming majorities in two simultaneous referenda in both parts of Ireland in May 1998.
Eoghan O'Suilleabhain replies P/2
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the first part: NI was part of the UK as a result of England’s force of arms. The so called international treaties at the UN simply ratified the Allies’ reality same as Okinawa remaining part of the US, and the Ukraine as part of the USSR. That was part of the Allies’ post-war status quo as formalized by the UN. In short it was just a Victors’ peace. As such your position boils down to Brit occupation & rule good, others’ bad. But more Irish died from Brit occupation & rule than French did from German. So maybe you’re right it is an utterly inappropriate comparison. The English have historically been way worse, just ask the Indians, Kurds, Kenyans, Boers, etc.
It is also an offensive comparison because of the collaborationist role played by the IRA in relation to Nazi Germany in contrast to the tens of thousands of Irishmen who signed up to fight and defeat Nazi tyranny. Does the name Sean Russell mean anything to the author?
Sean Russell just took a page from Winston Chuchill: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Just refer to his pact with the mass murderer & Dictator Josef Stalin. OK strategy for big country imperialists but not okay for small country nationalists? And that also explains England’s collaboration with Hitler in Spain 1936-1939. In fact it was the Brit Navy that carried Franco’s fascist forces from Morocco to Spain. And Hitler did his part there too with the Brits by providing Franco air cover to end democracy in Spain from 1939-1975. And also this was ratified by the UN post-WWII for what that’s worth. Does the name Francisco Franco mean anything to you? He was an old friend or Winnie & Dolph’s and for the same reasons. They all had a lot in common! Hence Winnie’s flattering statements about Dolph in the Parliament Record in the 1930’s. Yet you prattle on about Sean Russell. Ever hear of PG Wodehouse? And why didn’t the Brits ever indict him for helping old Dolph out?
You may not like being associated with Israel but the fact is that Michael Collins was a role model for the Irgun and Stern Gang in the 1940s something that nationalist devotees of the Palestinian cause are keen to airbrush from history.
No, it was the great Irish hero & patriot Tom Barry and his book “Guerilla Days in Ireland.” Stop giving that turncoat traitor Michael “Benedict Arnold” Collins any credit for that! And note how the Irgun & Stern Gang’s physical force nationalism got rid of the Brits! So much for utter impossibilities. Can you hear Sam Adams and Menachem Begin, among many other physical force nationalists, laughing at you? And nice try at avoiding any discussion of Franz Fanon!
Eoghan O'Suilleabhain
ReplyDelete"In fact it was the Brit Navy that carried Franco’s fascist forces from Morocco to Spain."
Could you provide a reference for this "fact"?
Reply by Eoghan O’Suilleabhain
ReplyDeletePeter said...
Could you provide a reference for this "fact"?
Sorry Peter, I misremembered some passages from:
Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 Paperback– March 7, 2017
by Adam Hochschild (Author)
At page 29:
With the help of sympathizers in London, the coup’s leaders hired a British airplane to secretly fly Franco from the Canaries to Spanish Morocco, where he took command of the Army of Africa. These more than 40,000 experienced troops were the plotters’ strongest force, but they were stranded in Morocco. Plans to swiftly transport them to Spain, where they could be the decisive factor in sweeping the Nationalists into power, were derailed when the sailors on many Spanish naval vessels refused to join the rebels, killed some of their officers, and remained loyal to the Republic.
At page 45:
Right-wing British military officers went out of their way to be helpful to Franco’s forces. The Commander at the British fortress in Gibraltar, bordering Spain, let the Nationalists use his communications equipment to stay in touch with their allies in Rome, Lisbon and Berlin. At one point he apparently supplied them with ammunition. Much of the British elite considered the Spanish Republic to be little better than the USSR: “If there is somewhere where fascists and Bolsheviks can kill each other off,” said Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, “so much the better.”
At page 47:
To satisfy the British and the French, the Soviet Union joined them and two dozen other countries in signing a formal agreement not to give or sell military supplies to either side in Spain. Despite the diplomats who arrived in their bowlers and fedoras for long, solemn meetings of a Non-Intervention Committee in London, the agreement, which included Germany and Italy among its signatories, was a sham. They cynical German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, joked that the body should be renamed the Intervention Committee. But participating allowed various governments to claim that they were working to prevent another continent-wide war.
At page 380:
45 “supplied them with ammunition”: Voelckers to von Weizsacker, 16 October 1936, Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 3, German and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1950), p. 112.
So as things turned out it was the Germans who then got the Spanish Fascists from Morocco to Spain. The British Navy, which was all over the place there then, did not intervene as per their agreement, and the Germans honored General Franco’s British connecting pass to Spain.
Eoghan O’Suilleabhain
ReplyDeleteFair enough, thanks for replying. As you know Britain was neutral in the Spanish Civil War but sympathies did fall more to the Whites than the Reds mostly due to the anti-Christian actions of the Reds in Spain. In Belfast nationalists and republicans took to the streets during the 1938 General Election to campaign against the sitting Labour Party MP because he openly supported the Reds in Spain chanting "we want Franco"(The Undefeated by Dr Conal Parr). Many voted for the unionist candidate and Midgely lost his seat. The Spanish Civil War divided many communities accross our islands.
Let's not forget though that the "Brit Navy" as you call them went on to play a major role in saving western Europe from facism.
I had the same question about the "Brit Navy" but Peter got there first.
ReplyDeleteThe British and the French to their eventual cost shamefully stood idly by and abandoned Spain's democratically elected government. They looked the other way whilst Hitler and Mussolini rehearsed their illegal aerial bombardments of non-military targets ... and later paid the price for their cowardly non-interventionist stance.
ReplyDeleteWhat you call the "Reds" in the Spanish Civil War were in fact the legitimate, democratically elected Popular Front Republicans who did not have Communists in their ranks although the Communists eventually seized control as described by George Orwell in "Homage to Catalonia".
The anti-clerical excesses that took place were sickening but were perpetrated informally by Anarchists and not centrally directed. In fact the Republican authorities did their best to stop the killings of 6,000 plus clergy. By contrast, the Francoist forces massacred as a matter of policy leftists, trade unionists, liberal intelligentsia (people were even executed for not attending Sunday Mass), Basques and Catalans and engaged in mass systemic abuse of women and children. This is all documented in Paul Preston's magisterial "The Spanish Holocaust. Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain".
Not that the mass of Irish nationalists who prayed and cheered for one of the 20th century's vilest genocidal mass murderers wanted to take any notice; even when Basque priests were being executed by the fascists.
ReplyDeleteThe terms "whites" and "reds" is widely used to describe the complicated alliances on both sides of the civil war divide. The Popular Front was economically liberal and pursued only mildly left leaning policies in the 1936 election but there were communists in their ranks. The Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) and the Trotskyist POUM were all members of the alliance. Where did you get the idea the Popular Front was free of commies? As for the Red Terror, it may not have been centrally directed but you can't put the genocide of 50,000 people including over 6,000 religious people down to just the Anarchists. All republican groups were involved to some extent.
The funny thing about the Irish nationalist support for Franco is that the Brigade they sent to fight in the civil war had a reputation for cowardice and drunkeness and were sent home in ignominy. Whilst the Irish of the International Brigade are still lauded as heroes.
I don't know where you live Barry but if you are in or near Belfast the International Brigade Commemoration Committee are holding an event in the Shankill Library next Friday 3rd August. A free lunch at 12:00 followed by a lecture on the Irish Brigades by Dr David Convery.
gilheany, ur not fit to tie the shoes of the 'mass of irish nationalists' of that era. how dare u, a pompous overfed poppinjay, demean that generation of good men and women and portray them as some kind of genocide cheerleaders. what utterly nauseating gobshittery. u wudnt have survived too well back then horsebox, and i reckon a good week on the bog would have killed the likes of you.
ReplyDeleteThe Red Terror was as much a Stalinist purge of the POUM and other leftist groups (excellently portrayed in Ken Loach's "Land and Freedom" as it was an anti- clerical bloodlust. Certainly there were atrocities committed on the Republican side such as the Parcuellos del Jarama prisoner massacres and I agree with the 50,000 total that you cite. But the genocide awards go to the Francoists with their planned and systematic destruction of civil society in every town, city, village and region they occupied. Their body count stands at 200,000 minimum.
I will rise above that volley of personal abuse which says more about your state of mind than about my physique. Except to say that most of Catholic nationalist Ireland (with a few honourable exceptions) supported Franco and in the case of Cardinal McRory actively encouraged his flock to join Franco's murder machine. That is undisputed historical fact. But you are something of a racist and fascist yourself.
u wouldnt know a fact if it bit u on the arse u amadan.
ReplyDeleteas to the state of my mind gilheany, right now its in a state of agitation as i listen to you denigrate our forefathers as some kind of mindless genocidal cheerleaders while knowing you and your ilk spent the last 6 months (many of u funded by soros - the mother of all genocidal maniacs) campaigning for the destruction of the unborn children of the irish nation - the weakest most defenceless and most innocent members of our family. id rather be a racist and a fascist than a soros funded baby killer.