fair play daithi. the funny thing is the white irish women in the crowd cheering this maniac will be next on her hitlist in a couple of years when they're in the minority. white women of ireland u have been warned hahahahahahahah! and dont come looking for BIG BAD RACIST grouch to back u up. I'll be in saordonia sucking pineapples. i feel sorry for u irish gimps. that wagon will be minister for minorities in 20 years, looking after the minority paddies hahahahahhaa!
Former IRA volunteer and ex-prisoner, spent 18 years in Long Kesh, 4 years on the blanket and no-wash/no work protests which led to the hunger strikes of the 80s. Completed PhD at Queens upon release from prison. Left the Republican Movement at the endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement, and went on to become a journalist. Co-founder of The Blanket, an online magazine that critically analyzed the Irish peace process. Lead researcher for the Belfast Project, an oral history of the Troubles.
“Know your place racist Ireland”
If you were there and cheered this idiot, it would of been better if you were aborted.
fair play daithi. the funny thing is the white irish women in the crowd cheering this maniac will be next on her hitlist in a couple of years when they're in the minority. white women of ireland u have been warned hahahahahahahah! and dont come looking for BIG BAD RACIST grouch to back u up. I'll be in saordonia sucking pineapples. i feel sorry for u irish gimps. that wagon will be minister for minorities in 20 years, looking after the minority paddies hahahahahhaa!
also, why isnt my pakistani mate in that cartoon, the one calling for abortion. now thatd be funny.