A collective of former RNU/Cogús activists have issued a statement on their departure from the body.
Following a meeting of former RNU and Cogús activists, it was agreed by those present that a statement of clarification was necessary in order to dispel rumour and explain to those that have supported our movement the exact nature of the resignations. This was a collective decision - unanimous. And this statement was drafted by the former Ard Chomhairle of Republican Network for Unity.
In mid-August of this year, RNU held a national workshop to explore the long term viability of the movement. Discussed at this was a lack of any political strategy - and more precisely one to differentiate it from the other republican groupings - poor morale, stunted growth and a growing issue within the unmanageable and ambiguous organisation of Cogús. This, allowing for a lack of accountability and virtually no control as to who could become associated with our movement.
As a result of this the Ard Chomhairle resigned from both their positions and the movement as a whole, as did many activists that agreed with the view that RNU was a party no longer capable of functioning and thriving in the current political climate. It was in our view a mature and honest conclusion. Alongside the Ard Chomhairle, RNU’s Dublin and Derry cumainn as well a significant number of activists in Belfast, Cork, Tyrone and the Fermanagh-Donegal border resigned from the party.
The bloc that made the decision to depart from RNU/Cogús did not do so lightly, many of the activists having spent years in the movement. It was a gradual and obvious eventuality to those involved in the day to day running of the party. And while it was our desire for the movement as a whole to come to an end rather than prolonged regression, we do not seek to undermine those that are now attempting to continue that project. But the feeling of a need for clarity due to rumour and innuendo spurred the construction of this statement.
Irish Republicanism in its current state is fractured while what it requires is unity. It is politically stagnant when it requires fluidity in thought and practice. We who have resigned are not of the opinion that another party is necessary. Another rushed acronym offering nothing new and competing for support from the all too small pool of people that maintain the revolutionary tradition would be a regressive step and a waste of our collective time, money and energy.
Moreover, we wish to reaffirm that our commitment to the republican struggle remains the same as it had while members of our now former movement.
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