The Democratic Unionist Party pride themselves on being democratic. However, democracy has only suited the DUP when it's swung in their favour. Since the Union Act 1801, which the Orange Order were opposed to, the Home Rule bill 1912, the 1918 general elections, right up to the present rejection of equal marriage, democracy was put to one side by unionists.
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1918 General Election |
Let's not beat around the bush here. Unionism has held Ireland back. Our island has been carved up and divided for one hundred years now due to a minority on this island that were granted this carving up of Ireland by the British government. Separate laws, jurisdictions, legislation, border customs stops, the conflict, sectarianism, fear mongering, geographical isolation and exclusion from the 26 counties has only made things worse for people, communities and different societies. If the DUP had any back bone it would at least drop the Democratic in their name and simply call themselves the DUP (Disillusioned Unionist Party).
It is a slap in the face of democracy and only blackens its name when the unDemocratic Unionist Party uses it only as a tool to hold on to it's strangle hold in Ireland and Ireland's divided island to keep them in power. The DUP are no more democratic than the Israeli government is towards Palestine and its people. I do not see any difference between the two as regards of occupation, division and oppressing is concerned. A minority that is some how allowed to carve up a country by the approval of British Imperialist forces. A minority that is a self proclaimed superior people over those who they oppress. A minority that sees no other viewpoint but their own and only recognises other cultures and identities only when there is international pressure put on them.
To put the Irish Patriots of old to one side and to remove the 'up da ra' mentality of those who have been looked down upon by liberals and the 'haves' and speak to today’s Irish people in southern Ireland who believe in fairness and equality I ask this: would you or do you protest against Israel's occupation of Palestine and its brutal regime against the Palestinian people while turning your back on the north?
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For too long now, there has been a vail put over peoples eyes. A fake news story running for centuries that the Queen of England has a deep affiliation with the people of Carrickfergus, Ballymena, Strangford, Shankhill and all over unionist areas in the north. People seem to be happy to place themselves lower than someone else born into riches and greed and corruption. They want to be subjected, they want to be a servant to a crown or a family claiming to be British but are actually German. They want to hail a Dutchman and reject all things Irish. To a hard line Orange man, Loyalist or staunch unionist this makes sense but to a republican or anyone else at that matter it boggles the mind completely.
When a person has been denied their culture, their identity, when they are not allowed to be part of a society because of the jersey they wear, the language they speak, when they are told no you can't marry that man because my beliefs say you cannot, then democracy has been completely thrown out the window and you are only looking at fascist.
Equality To The Privileged Is Seen As Oppression
The issue in Ireland is whether the Irish people or the UK Parliament is sovereign. Achieve our freedom and build from there. Arguably, the position republicans should assume, with Brexit speeding down the tracks, is that national sovereignty remains our right and that the All-Ireland Republic should thus be restored. It is for the Irish people - acting as one unit and without external impediment - to freely determine the form and specifics of the 'New Ireland'. From there, socioeconomic change can be effected within the Republic should the people desire it be so' @ Sean Bresnahan - Chairman, Thomas Ashe Society Omagh
46.9% voted for SF - including those in 25 out of 105 constituencies where, somewhat miraculously, not one person could be found to stand against them!
ReplyDelete"A minority that is some how allowed to carve up a country by the approval of British Imperialist forces. A minority that is a self proclaimed superior people over those who they oppress. A minority that sees no other viewpoint but their own and only recognises other cultures and identities only when there is international pressure put on them".
ReplyDeleteThis minority is power and money hungry. It is also profoundly corrupt.It has always been all of those things. Compare and contrast Scotland under the SNP and NI, the North, occupied 6 cos (whatever's your poison!) under DUP rule over the past 20 odd years
"A minority that is a self proclaimed superior people over those who they oppress."
ReplyDeleteNo being facetious but was this remark directed against the DUP or the "Minority" (PUL) in general?
My eyes gloss over a bit when the old Israel/Palestine thing is thrown in, at present I don't see Islamic Jihad in the Knesset!
"They want to hail a Dutchman and reject all things Irish. To a hard line Orange man, Loyalist or staunch unionist this makes sense but to a republican or anyone else at that matter it boggles the mind completely."
It's not that hard to understand. Back then the Protestants were shitting themselves at the thought of being conquered and slaughtered by Catholic King James. Memories of slaughters of Protestants were still fresh in the mind. Once William won at the Boyne and secured the throne the allegiance of the Protestants in Ireland was secured and we see the end result today. The DUP and indeed the PUL community in general point to the heavily Catholic theocratic nature of the Republic until very recent times as evidence of 'bullet dodged'. Hence why you get all the daft bonfires and marches (not my thing) every July.
Here's an Australian political quote for ye..
"Always back self-interest, at least you can be sure it's trying"
Ah steve R how are you? It is directed at those who have that superiority complex.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true politician Finn.
ReplyDeleteShould I take that as a compliment?
ReplyDeleteTake it any direction you like Finn.
ReplyDeleteSeeing that it is from you Steve i'll take it as a compliment
ReplyDeleteThen your most welcome Finn.