The Bradley Family, kin of the late IRA volunteer, Seamus Bradley, killed by the British Army in 1972, have penned a letter to the British Queen, the British Prime minister, the MOD, Judge Mc Kinney, Arlene Foster, Michelle O Neill, George Hamilton, seeking written reassurance that article J will not be in force at the inquest of Seamus Bradley.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write regarding the inquest of 11th December 2017 regarding the death of Seamus Bradley on 31st July 1972.
I wish to refer your attention to the attached document, in particular Article J. This states that, "the Army should not be inhibited in its campaign by the threat of Court Proceedings and should therefore be suitably indemnified."
The above quoted Article J (from the Conclusions of a Secret Morning Meeting at Stormont Castle on 10th July 1972) clearly provides a legal basis to protect both those soldiers present on the day of the death of Seamus Bradley, as well as the British Army in Operating within Northern Ireland without concern for legal repercussion.
Missing evidence in the investigation concerning the death of Seamus Bradley on 31st July 1972, I believe, was a direct result of the application of Article J and that consequently the original Inquest into the death of Seamus Bradley on 16th October 1973 was fundamentally flawed. I list below examples of how this original Inquest was flawed:
‣ Only two black and white photographs were produced in the original Inquest on 16th October 1973, and colour photographs were not shown to the jury.
‣ The PSNI stated on the 21st January of 2002 that there were only nine black and white photographs of the remains of Seamus Bradley. This remained the case until the summer of 2015, when Investigators from the Coroner's Office approached Sergeant Penney, a retired RUC Sergeant, to confirm that there was a roll of coloured negatives in Police files. My Solicitors Office was informed of this development and were given another eight coloured photographs.
‣ Both the provided colour photographs of Seamus Bradley after his death and the black and white photographs are completely different. It is highly likely that they have been taken from different film rolls - yet the PSNI have stated that only ten negatives exist. I believe the remaining photographs (and negatives) from each reel have been held back previously as a result of the application of Article J.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write regarding the inquest of 11th December 2017 regarding the death of Seamus Bradley on 31st July 1972.
I wish to refer your attention to the attached document, in particular Article J. This states that, "the Army should not be inhibited in its campaign by the threat of Court Proceedings and should therefore be suitably indemnified."
The above quoted Article J (from the Conclusions of a Secret Morning Meeting at Stormont Castle on 10th July 1972) clearly provides a legal basis to protect both those soldiers present on the day of the death of Seamus Bradley, as well as the British Army in Operating within Northern Ireland without concern for legal repercussion.
Missing evidence in the investigation concerning the death of Seamus Bradley on 31st July 1972, I believe, was a direct result of the application of Article J and that consequently the original Inquest into the death of Seamus Bradley on 16th October 1973 was fundamentally flawed. I list below examples of how this original Inquest was flawed:
‣ Only two black and white photographs were produced in the original Inquest on 16th October 1973, and colour photographs were not shown to the jury.
‣ The PSNI stated on the 21st January of 2002 that there were only nine black and white photographs of the remains of Seamus Bradley. This remained the case until the summer of 2015, when Investigators from the Coroner's Office approached Sergeant Penney, a retired RUC Sergeant, to confirm that there was a roll of coloured negatives in Police files. My Solicitors Office was informed of this development and were given another eight coloured photographs.
‣ Both the provided colour photographs of Seamus Bradley after his death and the black and white photographs are completely different. It is highly likely that they have been taken from different film rolls - yet the PSNI have stated that only ten negatives exist. I believe the remaining photographs (and negatives) from each reel have been held back previously as a result of the application of Article J.
‣ Photographs of Seamus' neck have at no time been provided, nor has their existence been denied; it is highly unlikely a Coroner would have failed to photograph this.
‣ No evidence of the existence of Ciphers has to date been provided. I believe that the Cipher for those Soldiers who subsequently gave written statements concerning the death of Seamus Bradley holds different identities to those actually present on the day.
‣ Seamus Bradley's clothes have never been located. An official statement relates that they were not returned as they had too much blood on them - photographs show otherwise. ·
‣ There are only two bullet wounds shown on Seamus' body from the photographs provided, there would have been five shown if all photographs had been provided. ·
‣ The ballistics report from 10th September 2016 states that Seamus was stripped naked. The original ballistics report by the Courts on 15th October 2015 is only five pages long (with no reference to Seamus Bradley being stripped naked), whilst the ballistics report produced by Geoffrey Arnold on 10th September 2016 amounts to many more pages than this.
In light of the above, and what I feel to be clear evidence of the application of Article J in preventing a full and impartial Inquest into the death of Seamus Bradley, I therefore write to you to seek your assurances that Article J is not now active in preventing me from gathering further evidence, and in having a truly fair, impartial and just Inquest into the death of Seamus Bradley on 11th December 2017.
I have pursued the truth concerning the events of 31st of July 1972 and worked tirelessly and without rest for justice for my brother. After forty five years, and an Inquest on 16th of October 1972 which it is manifestly obvious to all was flawed and indeed corrupted - I am resolved to seek your assurances that no impediment to truth and justice is in place concerning the Inquest into the Death of Seamus Bradley on 11th of December 2017.
I appeal to your own sense of humanity and justice in assisting me to gain your assurances that Article J is no longer active in preventing me from uncovering the truth about the death of my brother. Northern Ireland is now described as a 'post conflict' society, yet the death of my brother is a painful reminder that many have yet to achieve justice and the dignity of resting in peace. I seek your assurances that Northern Ireland truly has moved beyond this, and that there is no impediment (in the form of Article J) in uncovering and laying to rest the difficult events of our history.
We the Bradley family deserve the Truth.
Yours Faithfully,
May McDaid (nee Bradley),Eta Darcy (nee Bradley) Daniel Bradley
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