From the 1916 Societies:
The James Connolly Society Monaghan will be holding a day of events to mark the 30th Anniversary of The Loughgall Massacre. This will be in conjunction with other independent republican commemorations in Tyrone and Monaghan.
On Sunday April 30th at 12 o’clock, those attending will embark on a 9k sponsored walk from the Jim lynagh and Padraig McKearney, Loughgall monument in Drumfurrer, Carrickroe Co. Monaghan to the Seamus McElwaine monument Knockatallon, Scotstown, Co. Monaghan.
Sponsorship cards are available or a €10 entry fee on the day, PM our Facebook page (James Connolly 1916 society Monaghan or phone 0876098452 for more details) .
There will also a short lecture will take place after the walk in the Sliabh Beagh Hotel with refreshments served . That night we will be hosting a social night in Moyna’s Bar, Scotstown @ 9 pm with the band Black Diamond admission is free and a raffle will take place on the night.
A prominent speaker will be in attendance on the night. We hope as many as possible can attend this important day of events.
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