While Arlene Foster was coming to terms with the fall of her Unionist Reich the Stitt continued to hit the fan unabated.
Back in the public eye again, Dee Stitt's purportedly right hand man, Kenny ‘Muscles’ McCall, was forced to leave North Bangor while the PSNI stood back and watched. Community policing at its best!
McCall according to media reports had been the inside man leaking information to the very same media about Stitt's activities. Dee, a person not renowned for administering clemency apparently took this rather personal and ordered Muscles expulsion.
A more plausible explanation from the dogs on the streets, loyalist dogs that is, is that originally unknown to Stitt, Muscles allegedly was working a very lucrative side-line in narcotics that more than coped with the supply and demand ratio.
Stitt, on hearing this and realising that Kenny hadn’t been more than honest with him, especially where his percentage of the profits was concerned, decided that honour among thieves was at best just idle words. Nevertheless, an expulsion that drew very little criticism of any form from Stitt's DUP colleagues, especially past Stormont Assembly Speaker, Robin Newton, a loyal supporter and defender of Charter NI.
The Duplicitous Unionist Party's cosy relationship with loyalist paramilitaries spread across the city to Sandy Row where DUP politician MLA Christopher Stalford opened his constituency office in premises belonging to the Belfast South Community Resources (BSCR). Foster and her Deputy Dodds both attended the unveiling.
BSCR - Managed by loyalist Garnet Busby, convicted of multiple murders, and staff comprising of ex-UDA prisoner Trevor Greer and their former ‘development officer’ is the UDA’s South Belfast leader Jackie McDonald.
BSCR bought the premises at 127-145 Sandy Row from Ulster Unionist politician Chris McGimpsey earlier this year. The purchase was funded by a grant from the controversial Social Investment Fund (SIF). Busby sat on the South Belfast SIF Steering Group that recommended the £757,000 for purchasing the premises to his own BSCR group!
Currently he has set up a new property development firm, Boyne Enterprises Ltd, where he is listed as one of four directors and it is registered to BSCR’s offices on Sandy Row. Its purpose is to develop building projects, and let or operate either owned or leased real estate most likely all paid for by SIF!
The top floors of the premises continue to be used by the UDA to hold meetings to resolve any ‘social’ issues that may arise. Some have described these meetings as Kangaroo courts.
Once again the DUP failed to see anything incongruous with their stance on law and order!
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