From Nothing Is Sacred last month, solidarity with Indians subject to religious repression.
The Hindu-Right government of India identifies the nation with its Hindu majority and imposes the domination of Hinduism over all citizens of other denominations and “lower” castes.
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Over the past few years, the Hindu-Right has curtailed free speech at universities, banned books, and falsified history.
Students protesting against the oppression of non-Hindu citizens and “lower” castes have been fiercely repressed and police has been called within the premises of the university in Delhi.
In protest, university teachers now organize lectures in the open to freely discuss nation, nationalism, and the politics of the Hindu-Right.
A protest march to the Parliament in New Delhi is being organized on March 2, and on this occasion Delhi students call for international solidarity.
We the undersigned, fully aware of the dangers of all fundamentalist extreme-Rights, wholeheartedly support the protest movement of students and teachers at Delhi University and protestors against the Hindu-Right government in India.
Alice Cherki, psychiatre, psychanalyste, auteur
Amel Grami, professor at the University of Manouba, Tunisia
Anne Saada, Historienne CNRS, Paris
Ariane Brunet, Centre for Secular Space
Barry Finger, New Politics editorial board member
Catherine Deudon, photographe, Paris
Christine Jedwab, psychologue retraitée, Marseille
Chulani Kodikara, Research Associate at the International Center for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Elizabeth Cox, independent feminist activist and former UN Women regional director
Faizun Zackariya, Citizens’ Voice for Justice and Peace, Sri Lanka
Fariborz Pooya, Host of Bread and Roses TV
Fatiha Boudjahlat, enseignante, Toulouse
Gita Sahgal, Director, Centre for Secular Space
Homa Arjomand, Coordinator of the International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada and One Secular School System for All
Imad Iddine Habib, Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco/Britain
Inna Schevchenko, FEMEN Leader
Jeanne Favret Saada, Directeur de recherche CNRS
Jérôme Maucourant, Professeur d’économie politique, Université de Lyon
Kate Smurthwaite, Comedian and Activist
Lalia, Ducos, WICUR Women’s Initiative for Citizenship and Universal Rights
Laurent Loty, chercheur CNRS, Paris
Lila Ghobady, Writer & Documentarymaker
Marieme Helie Lucas, Algerian Sociologist and Founder of Secularism is a Woman’s Issue
Maryam Namazie, Spokesperson of One Law for All and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Producer of Bread and Roses TV
Meredith Tax, Chair, Centre for Secular Space
Mikael Böök, Blogger
Nadia El Fani, Tunisian Filmmaker
Nahla Mahmoud, Spokesperson of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Nina Sankari, Polish Feminist and Secularist
Nira Yuval-Davis, Director of the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) at the University of East London
Pervez Hoodbhoy, Pakistani nuclear physicist, mathematician and academic
Peter Tatchell, Human Rights Campaigner
Pragna Patel, Director of Southall Black Sisters
Rayhana Sultan, Spokesperson of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Rina Nissim, Espace Femmes International
Rumy Hasan, Academic
Sabine Prokhoris, psychanalyste, écrivain, Paris
Siba Shakib, Writer
Simon Hecquet, danseur, écrivain, Paris
Sophie Bessis, historienne, Paris
Sultana Kamal, Bangladeshi Lawyer and Human Rights Activist
Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society
Yasmin Rehman, Women’s Rights Campaigner
Zazi Sadou, Porte-parole du rassemblement Algérien des Femmes Démocrates
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