Pushing Back The Push Over Professors

Maryam Namazie appeals for help in her fight against the professors of censorship.

I am writing to ask for your support on our fight for free expression on university campuses in Britain. As you know, Islamists are able to come and go as they please but those of us providing a progressive counter-narrative are often denied or restricted from speaking.

We are wrongly accused of Islamophobia and incitement to hatred when in fact we are challenging the Islamists’ hatred of apostates, women, minorities and others. Warwick University Student Union initially barred me using those accusations though they had to withdraw them after protests:

You also might have heard what happened to me at Goldsmiths University when the Islamic Society tried to cancel my talk misusing the concept of safe spaces and intimidated the audience. And of course it is not just happening to me. Most recently, feminist Julie Bindel, Human Rights Campaigner Peter Tatchell and Women’s Rights Activist and Comedian Kate Smurthwaite have faced similar restrictions.

On 17 March we are holding a rally to call for reforms in National Union of Students’ policies that restrict free expression. We ask that you sign on to the statement linked here - both individually and organisationally (if applicable).

Please advise if you can do one or both.

Free expression is most needed for those of us who are dissenters and minorities within minorities. We really look to you for solidarity in this important fight.

Thanks for any help.

Warmest wishes


1 comment:

  1. I hope this initiative has the desired effect, I also wish that Maryam would afford other Free Speech Advovcates a similar level of understand that she asks for. The bickering with Pat Condell is about ego, and not conducive to building the widest front against fascism possible.
