Seventy three of the Tory MPs who rejected proposals to ensure rented homes are fit for human habitation are landlords.
The Labour amendment to Cameron's housing bill, aimed at holding landlords to account, was defeated as minister claims it would push up rents. it was designed to ensure that all rented accommodation in England was safe for people to live in, it was defeated by 312 votes to 219. Seventy three of these Tory MPs had an unspoken reason to vote it down, they were all Landlords.
Ensuring homes are fit for human habitation should be a given in any civilized society, but not in Cameron's Britain it seems. While he and his motley crew of louts and charlatans live in complete luxury, thousands of British families are expected to make do with homes not fit for human habitation
Welcome to 19th century Britain, welcome to David Cameron's war on the British people.
As reported by Political Scrapbook:
Ensuring homes are fit for human habitation should be a given in any civilized society, but not in Cameron's Britain it seems. While he and his motley crew of louts and charlatans live in complete luxury, thousands of British families are expected to make do with homes not fit for human habitation
Welcome to 19th century Britain, welcome to David Cameron's war on the British people.
As reported by Political Scrapbook:
According to the register of members' financial interests as of December 2015, those who voted against the measure listed had also recorded their income as a residential landlord under Section 6(ii) of the current register of members' interests as -"Income derived from property: over £10,000 in a calendar year".
Amendment 52 of the Housing Bill sought to establish “Implied term of fitness for human habitation in residential lettings” to, y’know, make sure your home is safe to live in:
“This new Clause would place a duty on landlords to ensure that their properties are fit for habitation when let and remain fit during the course of the tenancy.”
But all this accountability stuff seems to have gone down like a pint of cold sick with the landlord contingent in parliament. A comparison of voting records with the transparency registers shows that dozens of MPs who opposed the measure have interests in rented accommodation.As the threshold for registration with Commons authorities is £10,000 rent per annum, it may exclude other MPs who are renting out the crappy housing.
More on this here: Number of MP landlords has risen by a quarter since last parliament
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