Mick Hall explains why he will cast a vote the Miliband way in the upcoming Westminster election. Mick Hall is a veteran Marxist activist and trade unionist who blogs at Organized Rage.

David Cameron, the Tory Prime minister displays a common characteristic of his class, an utter inability to emphasise with the majority of the population of the UK.

Why wouldn't he some might say, when as Kevin McKenna recently pointed out:
He ​comes​ from a life of gilded and unearned privilege for whom “disadvantage” is not having a mother who was a maid of honour at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation.

With his public relations hard hat on, Cameron comes across as enthusiastic, interested, and sympathetic, head to one side, hand-wringy, I feel your pain worthy. In reality he leads a government which has dished out a great deal of unnecessary pain, having introduced the Bedroom tax, cut welfare benefits to the bone, demonised the sick, disabled, and unemployed, raised VAT, which hits working class people the hardest, while cutting income tax for the richest one percent. He's like a little bee pollinating with pollution everyone's lives but the most wealthy.

Without any doubt, and I include the Thatcher administration which was godawful, the senior members of Cameron's cabinet are the most class prejudiced bunch of political thugs to have governed this nation in my lifetime. They have absolutely no comprehension of what makes working class people tick: worse than that, they have no wish to learn.

Having spent their lives mixing in 'elitist' circles, they see us as a single homogeneous lump of ignorance and want, who can only be ruled and brought to heel by wielding a big stick. I doubt a single one has a working class acquaintance let alone a friend. Unlike previous generations of Tory toffs who went through WW2, and mixed with and worked alongside working class people at close quarters, often in the armed forces.

Today Cameron and co use filters to shelter themselves from the real world, private medicine, elitist public schools and universities, Eton and Oxbridge in the PM's case. They first gained employment due their privileged position and their parents old boys networks, and climbed the greasy pole in much the same manner.

I would bet my pension even when they need working class people to 'service' their lives, gardeners, plumbers, car mechanics, etc, or carers to wipe their aging parents backside, they use agencies to act as middlemen so they're not contaminated by coming into contact with the working classes.

We've now been told by George Osborne, if they're returned to power a Cameron Government will cut welfare benefits by £12 billion. Further cuts on this scale would make the bedroom tax look like small beer. It is pretty obvious the working classes will shoulder the majority of such cuts, otherwise why would the Tories be so unwilling to say which benefits would be cut.

What arrogance what monumental skulduggery. To put out a general election manifesto without telling the electorate on whose shoulders the burden of these cuts will fall, epitomises perfectly the arrogance and lack of common decency which David Cameron and his Cabinet ministers have displayed since they came into office in 2010.

Having received a leaked government document, the IFS have said these dramatic cuts will be in areas such as housing, working age, and disability benefits. In other words the very areas in which the Coalition has already cut to the bone. As a reward for the Tories' corporate backers who are financing their general election campaign, there will also be more privatisation of the NHS and social care.

There can be little doubt after George Osborne's announcement of ever more cuts, that Cameron has used austerity not as a short-term disruption to balance the nation's accounts after the crash of 2008, but as the means to demolish the Welfare State and NHS.

If elected on May 7, none of us will be able to claim we weren't forewarned of David Cameron and his Chancellor George Osborne intent to turn the clock back to the 1930s. A decade when life was very harsh for the majority of British people as there was no Welfare State, or National Health services.

As I have no viable political alternative in my constituency of Thurrock, I will vote for Ed Miliband and the Labour Party as the only option which can and must stop such political chicanery happening. Will I be disappointed by a Miliband government? Almost certainly, although less so perhaps than that of Blair's New Labour administration. On some of the core issues which are important to me, the NHS, the Welfare State, more public and council housing, and no more unnecessary foreign wars, there is clear blue water between the Tories and Labour.

A friend of mine who is somewhat cynical about politics to say the least, has a bench mark test when judging governments. Have they left the nation in a worse state when leaving office than they found it in when they first came to power. As far as the Tory Lib-Dem Coalition is concerned they have failed this test miserably.

Despite Osborne pathetic attempts to spin otherwise, wages are down, and working conditions have worsened, the NHS is a mess due to underfunding and privatisation, the Welfare State much reduced, and the UK's relationship with our European neighbours is in freefall. Only Miliband's good sense stopped Cameron embroiling the UK in the Syrian civil war. Inequality has grown by leaps and bounds, homelessness stalks the land, rents are sky high, and the majority of young people don't have a hope in hell of owning their own homes.

It's time for some bright sunny uplands, an end to Cameron's awful diet of austerity and fear. Come May the 7th I will cast my vote for Ed Miliband and the Labour Party with a slight glimmer of hope in my heart.

Ed Miliband

Why I Will be Voting on the 7th May for Ed Miliband and the Labour Party

Mick Hall explains why he will cast a vote the Miliband way in the upcoming Westminster election. Mick Hall is a veteran Marxist activist and trade unionist who blogs at Organized Rage.

David Cameron, the Tory Prime minister displays a common characteristic of his class, an utter inability to emphasise with the majority of the population of the UK.

Why wouldn't he some might say, when as Kevin McKenna recently pointed out:
He ​comes​ from a life of gilded and unearned privilege for whom “disadvantage” is not having a mother who was a maid of honour at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation.

With his public relations hard hat on, Cameron comes across as enthusiastic, interested, and sympathetic, head to one side, hand-wringy, I feel your pain worthy. In reality he leads a government which has dished out a great deal of unnecessary pain, having introduced the Bedroom tax, cut welfare benefits to the bone, demonised the sick, disabled, and unemployed, raised VAT, which hits working class people the hardest, while cutting income tax for the richest one percent. He's like a little bee pollinating with pollution everyone's lives but the most wealthy.

Without any doubt, and I include the Thatcher administration which was godawful, the senior members of Cameron's cabinet are the most class prejudiced bunch of political thugs to have governed this nation in my lifetime. They have absolutely no comprehension of what makes working class people tick: worse than that, they have no wish to learn.

Having spent their lives mixing in 'elitist' circles, they see us as a single homogeneous lump of ignorance and want, who can only be ruled and brought to heel by wielding a big stick. I doubt a single one has a working class acquaintance let alone a friend. Unlike previous generations of Tory toffs who went through WW2, and mixed with and worked alongside working class people at close quarters, often in the armed forces.

Today Cameron and co use filters to shelter themselves from the real world, private medicine, elitist public schools and universities, Eton and Oxbridge in the PM's case. They first gained employment due their privileged position and their parents old boys networks, and climbed the greasy pole in much the same manner.

I would bet my pension even when they need working class people to 'service' their lives, gardeners, plumbers, car mechanics, etc, or carers to wipe their aging parents backside, they use agencies to act as middlemen so they're not contaminated by coming into contact with the working classes.

We've now been told by George Osborne, if they're returned to power a Cameron Government will cut welfare benefits by £12 billion. Further cuts on this scale would make the bedroom tax look like small beer. It is pretty obvious the working classes will shoulder the majority of such cuts, otherwise why would the Tories be so unwilling to say which benefits would be cut.

What arrogance what monumental skulduggery. To put out a general election manifesto without telling the electorate on whose shoulders the burden of these cuts will fall, epitomises perfectly the arrogance and lack of common decency which David Cameron and his Cabinet ministers have displayed since they came into office in 2010.

Having received a leaked government document, the IFS have said these dramatic cuts will be in areas such as housing, working age, and disability benefits. In other words the very areas in which the Coalition has already cut to the bone. As a reward for the Tories' corporate backers who are financing their general election campaign, there will also be more privatisation of the NHS and social care.

There can be little doubt after George Osborne's announcement of ever more cuts, that Cameron has used austerity not as a short-term disruption to balance the nation's accounts after the crash of 2008, but as the means to demolish the Welfare State and NHS.

If elected on May 7, none of us will be able to claim we weren't forewarned of David Cameron and his Chancellor George Osborne intent to turn the clock back to the 1930s. A decade when life was very harsh for the majority of British people as there was no Welfare State, or National Health services.

As I have no viable political alternative in my constituency of Thurrock, I will vote for Ed Miliband and the Labour Party as the only option which can and must stop such political chicanery happening. Will I be disappointed by a Miliband government? Almost certainly, although less so perhaps than that of Blair's New Labour administration. On some of the core issues which are important to me, the NHS, the Welfare State, more public and council housing, and no more unnecessary foreign wars, there is clear blue water between the Tories and Labour.

A friend of mine who is somewhat cynical about politics to say the least, has a bench mark test when judging governments. Have they left the nation in a worse state when leaving office than they found it in when they first came to power. As far as the Tory Lib-Dem Coalition is concerned they have failed this test miserably.

Despite Osborne pathetic attempts to spin otherwise, wages are down, and working conditions have worsened, the NHS is a mess due to underfunding and privatisation, the Welfare State much reduced, and the UK's relationship with our European neighbours is in freefall. Only Miliband's good sense stopped Cameron embroiling the UK in the Syrian civil war. Inequality has grown by leaps and bounds, homelessness stalks the land, rents are sky high, and the majority of young people don't have a hope in hell of owning their own homes.

It's time for some bright sunny uplands, an end to Cameron's awful diet of austerity and fear. Come May the 7th I will cast my vote for Ed Miliband and the Labour Party with a slight glimmer of hope in my heart.

Ed Miliband

1 comment:

  1. Yup that’s the propagandist line completely Mick,both Labour and Tory persuations funnily enough. But by the end of his term, Osbourne will have borrowed as much as every Chancellor put together. Ive said before, its suits all sides to claim he is some brutal slasher of public finances rather than the most profligate Chancellor in history.
