My position on the election result is that all the Zionist parties have the same agenda, that is the same aims and policies of dispossessing, repressing and getting rid of the Palestinians and continuing to strengthen and build the Zionist state of Israel. The different Zionist factions, right or “centralist” or “left” Zionist just use different tactics to achieve that purpose.
So whatever Zionist party is in power the situation of the
Palestinians will be unchanged, they will continue to suffer the same level of
brutal oppression. It’s just that some Zionist parties will be more subtle than
others and pay lip service to “peace talks” and the “2 state solution” while
continuing the occupation and building more settlements. Whereas, Netanyahu is
more blatant and open about it and this will mean the world will see Israel
more clearly, without the illusions of peace partner it has tried to maintain
over the years. This will accelerate the isolation of Israel and the eventual
falling apart of the Zionist, colonial settler state project.
Netanyahu is just one leader of a bad bunch of Zionist
fascists, but at least he is more honest about Israel’s treatment and
intentions towards the Palestinians. He is the most unashamed, and therefore
best able to expose the real character of Israel to the world.
Jericho Shopkeeper Mahmoud Rweished, 28, said he wanted
Netanyahu to win and explained his attitude stating, “You might find this
strange, but actually Netanyahu is the ugly face of Israel, I want the world to
see only this face of Israel. Any other face is fake and unreal.” The
Australian 19/3/15. I think this statement expresses well the true situation in
Israel and the bearing Israeli elections have for the Palestinian people.
Depressing ugly people Israelis. Encountered them on Khaosan Rd in Bangkok where they regularly block book cheap rooms after military service. They really are contemptible unlikeable people.