Angela Nelson, chair of Justice for the Craigavon 2 calls on people to protest the attempt by the British state prosecutor Barra McGrory to have the sentence of John Paul Wootton increased.

Appeal Court Protest Urgent

John Paul Wootton's sentence review is on Tuesday morning, 14th October at 10.00am, at the Court of Appeal in Belfast. It is bad enough that JP faces 14 years in jail because of a miscarriage of justice, but the prosecution want to increase it! The decision will be delivered this morning, Tuesday 14th October 2014.

The Justice for the Craigavon Two committee calls on everyone who can make it, to join us in protesting against this miscarriage of justice outside the Court of Appeal on Tuesday morning, assemble 9.30am.

Below are some facts of the case, read it for yourselves and make up your own mind. I hope to see you there.

Angela Nelson
Chairperson #jftc2

Never Fail to Protest Injustice

Angela Nelson, chair of Justice for the Craigavon 2 calls on people to protest the attempt by the British state prosecutor Barra McGrory to have the sentence of John Paul Wootton increased.

Appeal Court Protest Urgent

John Paul Wootton's sentence review is on Tuesday morning, 14th October at 10.00am, at the Court of Appeal in Belfast. It is bad enough that JP faces 14 years in jail because of a miscarriage of justice, but the prosecution want to increase it! The decision will be delivered this morning, Tuesday 14th October 2014.

The Justice for the Craigavon Two committee calls on everyone who can make it, to join us in protesting against this miscarriage of justice outside the Court of Appeal on Tuesday morning, assemble 9.30am.

Below are some facts of the case, read it for yourselves and make up your own mind. I hope to see you there.

Angela Nelson
Chairperson #jftc2

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