Guest writer, Simon Smyth comments on a tale of survival in the midst of massacre.

For those who watched The children of Gaza - Jon Snow's experience in the Middle East I Channel 4 News and listened to him describe a young two and a half year old girl who had suffered a broken skull and a fractured nose here is a recent photograph courtesy of Channel 4 news of the little girl called Niema.


Niema is looking scared and shaken and still bruised but more like a little girl you would see playing in the street in a peaceful country. She is recognisable as a little girl and not immediately as a badly injured victim of oppression.

It is an extremely positive yet heartrending picture.

It reminds us of the indomitable nature of the human spirit and of the fact that there are many stories of survival out there.

Yet it also reminds us that 415 children have died, many more are orphaned and even more are injured.

The children and adults in Gaza constantly watch the injured and see bodies in the street. The people there have suffered enough. Children should be playing in the streets and adults should be living regular lives without being slaughtered in their thousands every few years.

It looks like the torment is starting anew. There are many conflicts in the world today with their high casualty rates but the situation in Gaza is unique as the powerful aggressor is an ally of the west and as such would be forced to comply to the right amount of pressure. Rather than an endorsement mixed with crocodile tears by saying "Israel has a right to defend itself but it really shouldn't kill so many civilians. Tut tut!" the western governments should condemn the entire episode which makes the term "disproportionate response" meaningless by the scale of the assault. Talk about an understatement!

The blockade should be lifted, the Palestinians should be left to live in peace.

A Little Girl Called Niema Who Survived

Guest writer, Simon Smyth comments on a tale of survival in the midst of massacre.

For those who watched The children of Gaza - Jon Snow's experience in the Middle East I Channel 4 News and listened to him describe a young two and a half year old girl who had suffered a broken skull and a fractured nose here is a recent photograph courtesy of Channel 4 news of the little girl called Niema.


Niema is looking scared and shaken and still bruised but more like a little girl you would see playing in the street in a peaceful country. She is recognisable as a little girl and not immediately as a badly injured victim of oppression.

It is an extremely positive yet heartrending picture.

It reminds us of the indomitable nature of the human spirit and of the fact that there are many stories of survival out there.

Yet it also reminds us that 415 children have died, many more are orphaned and even more are injured.

The children and adults in Gaza constantly watch the injured and see bodies in the street. The people there have suffered enough. Children should be playing in the streets and adults should be living regular lives without being slaughtered in their thousands every few years.

It looks like the torment is starting anew. There are many conflicts in the world today with their high casualty rates but the situation in Gaza is unique as the powerful aggressor is an ally of the west and as such would be forced to comply to the right amount of pressure. Rather than an endorsement mixed with crocodile tears by saying "Israel has a right to defend itself but it really shouldn't kill so many civilians. Tut tut!" the western governments should condemn the entire episode which makes the term "disproportionate response" meaningless by the scale of the assault. Talk about an understatement!

The blockade should be lifted, the Palestinians should be left to live in peace.


  1. Simon,

    it is almost surreal to think that this child survived it is heartening yet it is sickening as the shells rain down again. Western governments need to defend these children as they survive they are still in danger of being targets once again.

    With the Iron Dome in place I wonder how rockets are allowed to sneak through as the dirty tricks department is not going to divulge how successful the Iron Dome is, and they understand how to present Israel as the victim in their propaganda war.

  2. A nuanced grasp Simon. Thanks for putting it our way.

  3. Tain Bo, we are helpless here but frustratingly so as our governments have all the power yet are doing nothing but acquiesce.

    Maybe the UK government will realise the people of the UK are against the slaughter after £4.5 million was raised for the Disaster Emergency Committee in less than 24 hours. I doubt it will have any great bearing on policy but they may try to at least hesitate before annoying the electorate. Wishful thinking maybe.

    Thanks Anthony.

  4. Simon,

    governments are saying little as the Israeli government is using the big stick saying it is defending its people from terrorists so it would be doubtful if any government would speak out against it. Well, not in public but I would like to believe there must be some pressure being applied through back door channels to end the slaughter.

    I doubt governments pay much heed to the electorate as the line between left and right is murky at best and pre election the usual tripe will be spun with the usual promise which always ends in more of the same.

  5. Tain Bo, I suppose you're right. Resignations, huge protests in many cities particularly London, yet any decision is down to the whim of Cabinet or their background people.

    The South are protesting too and showing their support for Gaza. Yet all the government does is abstain on a vote in the UN to be like their neighbours. Cowards! Although the US would veto any UN decision a weighty vote by the rest of the UN would be very telling and symbolic.

    Are the protests futile? Let's hope there is some diplomatic pressure as I suppose it's the best we'll get.

  6. Simon,

    I would like to believe that the protests had an impact as governments do not like it when the natives are restless and if nothing else at least got those in power to quietly and politely nudge the Israeli government into a ceasefire. Even though Israel was talking tough they are not idiots and could weigh up how unpopular the one-sided slaughter is and how difficult the slaughter of civilians is to hide in the computer world.

    No urgency as governments have the quick math done for them and they probably go by the numbers of non-protestors those who are indifferent and those that show support their position. The UN needs to grow a pair and stand up for civilians.

    Ceasefires are only as good as the period they hold for and with the lull the interest drops until the next flare up. Will the backdoor talks amount to anything substantial or will it remain much of the same.

  7. Tain Bo, you are right that the UN should stand up for civilians and with 1 in every 1000 people in Gaza killed and 1 in every 200 people injured in the last few months they may act quickly.

  8. Simon,

    the only realistic end to it is the Palestinians need autonomy Israel knows it can crush its impoverished neighbour and even if Israel finds itself in a tight spot its allies in the west will help them out. Short or long term Israel will have the best of modern weaponry and by the time little Neima becomes an adult the powerful nations will be showing of their newest toys Nano-Weapons.

    If the ceasefire breaks down it is inevitable more innocent civilians will die under the hygienic term of collateral-damage. The IDF return home to life as normal and the Palestinians have years to go before life starts to resemble something normal.
