George Galloway is not everyone's favourite analyst or commentator. But in this address to the British parliament he called it perfectly regarding Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. He also lambasted the double standards of Western political elite. He could just as easily have been speaking this week in the midst of the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans.

There are few who can match is passion, clarity and economy of words in projecting an argument and image that sticks in the mind.

We are Authors of the Palestinian Tragedy

George Galloway is not everyone's favourite analyst or commentator. But in this address to the British parliament he called it perfectly regarding Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. He also lambasted the double standards of Western political elite. He could just as easily have been speaking this week in the midst of the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans.

There are few who can match is passion, clarity and economy of words in projecting an argument and image that sticks in the mind.


  1. He delivers a righteous fury with poetic brutality, and he is an autodidact too, never went to Uni, but he masters his subjects, and pummels every opponent.

  2. DaithiD,

    '..but he masters his subjects, and pummels every opponent.'

    I tend to disagree given his lies and anti semitism

  3. I once sat in the company of a dissident republican, post 9/11,and listen to his diatribe about how we deserved anything Muslims dished at us. This man's opinion was that if there were Irish in the twin towers then "fuck them!" He thought the twin towers was the financial capital of Wall Street until I told him otherwise.

    As a dissident complaining of centuries of British oppression this guy figured if psycho-Islam wanted to kill Irish people in suicide bombings then we deserved that too, I quote, "because of what we have done to them."

    I do not agree.

    Ps I know all Islam is not psycho but some dissidents clearly are.

  4. Tiarna,

    had that experience too.

    But they were not alone - many on the Left were just as bad: Accusing everybody who disagreed with clerical fascism of Islamophobia they drifted into a strange world of Islamophilia. I don't like Islam in the slightest nor Christianity or Judaism for that matter.

  5. Tiarna,

    had that experience too.

    But they were not alone - many on the Left were just as bad: Accusing everybody who disagreed with clerical fascism of Islamophobia they drifted into a strange world of Islamophilia. I don't like Islam in the slightest nor Christianity or Judaism for that matter.

  6. Robert, where is the anti-Semitism? He doesn’t debate with Zionist Israeli’s , he does engage with Jewish people in general. He believes in Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions, and this debating episode falls under the boycott part (not position I endorse btw).
    I don’t agree the other video shows him lying either, theories when proved become fact. I don’t believe he was stating a fact as claimed, unfortunately this level of nuance is where British politics exists today. In any case he is more lied about than lying himself.

    Would you debate him in a public arena?

  7. Honesty many people know the truth but they refused to let it out to the whole world. Is it a crime to unit families if they so wish to be united? Why is British,US and Israeli people intentionally causing tregedies and keep on blaming it on Muslims or Arab or whatever name they have been using....Islamophila. U need to take annual leave in ur office and use that period to find the truth about the whole issues rather than shifting blames. May God give u the strenghts to find the truth and believe it when it is exposed to u.

  8. the truth

    One fallacy is that westerners who object to various Islamic practices, FMG, homophobia etc.. whereas Muslims are predominantly Islamophobic in so far they refuse to take to scrutinize or be critical of their own faith --all atrocities and acts of barbarism are justified no matter how unjustified. So called 'moderate' Muslims conveniently cop out by repeating "not all Muslims are like that". We know they are not but (using an exaggerated example) that is a bit like a passive NAZI claiming that not all NAZI party members worked in Concentration Camps.


    I don't like any religion either but some have more tolerant practices and are more compatible with human rights than others

  9. DaithiD,

    'He doesn’t debate with Zionist Israeli’s.'

    I appreciate you have a regard for Galloway but you appear to be influenced more by his oratory skills at the expense of being oblivious to his demonstrable lack of integrity. Walking out on the speaker at Oxford on account that he was an Israeli Jew here he is not recognising Israel by not debating with an Israeli Jew, former Israeli spokesman and advisor to Ariel Sharon and recipient of the Louis Brandeis Award for outstanding contribution to Zionism, Raanan Gissan.

    'I don’t agree the other video shows him lying either, theories when proved become fact.'

    The video evidence of George Galloway lying to parliament remains incontrovertible. He posited the theory on Press TV that Israel had supplied Al Qaeda with chemical weapons for use in Syria. He subsequently denied he said that. His untruthfulness on the matter couldn't be anymore comprehensive or irrefutable.

    'Would you debate him in a public arena?'

    He possesses formidable oratory skills but on the issues we are discussing here I would debate him all day everyday in the assured knowledge that all my lies about George Galloway are evidently true.

  10. Robert

    Will u agree with me that George Galloway has reasons for what he is doing. If yes, I think what u and I need to find out is that "What is the basis for this man's actions". Something must have been troubling him which u did not know or u do not want to know. I want u to know something that if u did not want to see, u will not see, if u did not want to know u will not know. Pls kindly understand what my point is.

    If I w not lie, I totally agree with u. As for me I go for peace!!!
