Sandy Boyer with an announcement about today's Radio Free Eireann tribute to Gerry Conlon who died this morning. 

Today (Saturday June 21 at 1 pm New York time) we will pay tribute to our friend Gerry Conlon who died today at his home in Belfast. We'll play excerpts from the interviews Gerry did with us when he was in New York. You can hear it at 99.5 FM or where it will be archived for 10 days.

Gerry's family issued this statement through his lawyer and close friend Gareth Peirce:
He helped us to survive what we were not meant to survive.

We recognise that what he achieved by fighting for justice for us had a far, far greater importance - it forced the world's closed eyes to be opened to injustice; it forced unimaginable wickedness to be acknowledged; we believe it changed the course of history.

We thank him for his life and we thank all his many friends for their love.
Even as he was dying Gerry was fighting his last battle against injustice - this time for the Craigavon 2. If you haven't already, pay tribute to him by signing their petition at Justice for the Craigavon 2 and asking all your fb friends to sign too.

It's the least we can do.

Radio Free Eireann to Pay Tribute to Gerry Conlon

Sandy Boyer with an announcement about today's Radio Free Eireann tribute to Gerry Conlon who died this morning. 

Today (Saturday June 21 at 1 pm New York time) we will pay tribute to our friend Gerry Conlon who died today at his home in Belfast. We'll play excerpts from the interviews Gerry did with us when he was in New York. You can hear it at 99.5 FM or where it will be archived for 10 days.

Gerry's family issued this statement through his lawyer and close friend Gareth Peirce:
He helped us to survive what we were not meant to survive.

We recognise that what he achieved by fighting for justice for us had a far, far greater importance - it forced the world's closed eyes to be opened to injustice; it forced unimaginable wickedness to be acknowledged; we believe it changed the course of history.

We thank him for his life and we thank all his many friends for their love.
Even as he was dying Gerry was fighting his last battle against injustice - this time for the Craigavon 2. If you haven't already, pay tribute to him by signing their petition at Justice for the Craigavon 2 and asking all your fb friends to sign too.

It's the least we can do.


  1. gerry conlon riptitle, cant comment on broken elbow blog they changed the way u comment. anyway, pat kenny wudnt touch the birmingham six story at the start coz they were going to republican funeral. as ed says - irish media cowardice. as well as being shite 'journalists'. rip gerry.
