Guest writer Sean Matthews with an anarchist take on the racist problem in the North, brought to the fore recently as a result of a controversial sermon by a pastor.

The recent racist attacks in Northern Ireland against migrant workers are an indictment of the Stormont status-quo which thrives on blaming minorities for the problems inherent in capitalism. It is the political class and sections of the tabloid press who constantly provide the ammunition for racist attacks.

The Islamophobic outburst by Peter Robinson, the first minister of Northern Ireland, needs to be seen in a context from the rise in the far right across Europe to western military occupations abroad, to a local administration riddled with everything from sectarian bigots, xenophobes, and homophobes to sexists, to those who believe everything stems from Adam and Eve.

Peter Robinson’s public defence of Pastor James Connell who described Islam as ‘satanic’ and ‘heathen’ going on to say he would not trust Muslims involved in violence or devotees of Sharia law; but would trust Muslims ‘to go to the shops’ provides a green light and convenient justification for the ongoing racist ethnic cleansing of newly arrived migrants by loyalist paramilitaries in mainly working class communities across the North.

His public comments are yet another echo from the distant past heard whenever shades of unionism including his former master Ian Paisley frequently engaged in sectarian outbursts against Catholics and homosexuals. This helped to sow a climate of conflict and fear for decades and like his forefather this needs to confronted root and branch.

Peter Robinson’s half arsed private apology to so-called ‘Muslim leaders’ and token concern from the Stormont junior partners in Sinn Fein is not enough. While last Saturday’s rallies organised across Northern Ireland are an important first step, we need to be building firm foundations in communities and workplaces’ where these racist attacks are continuing and not pandering to the reactionary ideology of loyalism which does not represent ‘protestant working class communities.’ At Saturdays anti racist demonstration a platform was provided to a PUP (Progressive Unionist Party) representative yet according to the PSNI its armed militia the UVF are involved in most of the racist attacks in South and East Belfast.

In recent years we have witnessed governments utilise racist sentiment from scaremongering over ‘asylum seekers’ to a ‘Roma invasion’ none of which has come to fruition. This is the deliberate whipping up of fear and division to divert our anger away from the real causes of their problems. Problems such as poverty, housing shortages, and unemployment have all been blamed on immigrants - rather than those really responsible such as landlords, property developers-capitalism.

Anarchists believe in equality between all people regardless of where their ancestors may be from, what colour their skin is, or where they were born. We all have an immigrant history in one way or the other. We want a world with no borders, where people are free to travel the world and settle where they wish – this is not a freedom that should be only be available to the rich and imperialism.

In confronting racism and sectarianism we need to build class unity based on common class interests, fighting for a better standard and quality of life for all while respecting our rich diversity and inter-sectionality of struggles from abortion rights to environmental campaigns. These symptoms must be tackled where in all areas of our social life, rather than appealing to our politicians or calling for tougher legislation or even simply presenting them as a problem of ‘bad education’ as some liberals want you to believe.

We need to expose and attack the institutions which are legitimising racism in our society; we need to stand up against racist bullies and fascists carrying out attacks on migrant workers. Central to this is the need to physically and ideologically confront fascism and racist gangs wherever it raises its ugly head and the building of opposition to the system of wage slavery and exploitation which promotes racist scapegoating and the criminalisation of immigration. Racism is motivated and perpetuated by greed, promoted by those in power. It festers in ignorance and misplaced fear. Our alternative is social equality and freedom for all.

Festering in Ignorance and Misplaced Fear

Guest writer Sean Matthews with an anarchist take on the racist problem in the North, brought to the fore recently as a result of a controversial sermon by a pastor.

The recent racist attacks in Northern Ireland against migrant workers are an indictment of the Stormont status-quo which thrives on blaming minorities for the problems inherent in capitalism. It is the political class and sections of the tabloid press who constantly provide the ammunition for racist attacks.

The Islamophobic outburst by Peter Robinson, the first minister of Northern Ireland, needs to be seen in a context from the rise in the far right across Europe to western military occupations abroad, to a local administration riddled with everything from sectarian bigots, xenophobes, and homophobes to sexists, to those who believe everything stems from Adam and Eve.

Peter Robinson’s public defence of Pastor James Connell who described Islam as ‘satanic’ and ‘heathen’ going on to say he would not trust Muslims involved in violence or devotees of Sharia law; but would trust Muslims ‘to go to the shops’ provides a green light and convenient justification for the ongoing racist ethnic cleansing of newly arrived migrants by loyalist paramilitaries in mainly working class communities across the North.

His public comments are yet another echo from the distant past heard whenever shades of unionism including his former master Ian Paisley frequently engaged in sectarian outbursts against Catholics and homosexuals. This helped to sow a climate of conflict and fear for decades and like his forefather this needs to confronted root and branch.

Peter Robinson’s half arsed private apology to so-called ‘Muslim leaders’ and token concern from the Stormont junior partners in Sinn Fein is not enough. While last Saturday’s rallies organised across Northern Ireland are an important first step, we need to be building firm foundations in communities and workplaces’ where these racist attacks are continuing and not pandering to the reactionary ideology of loyalism which does not represent ‘protestant working class communities.’ At Saturdays anti racist demonstration a platform was provided to a PUP (Progressive Unionist Party) representative yet according to the PSNI its armed militia the UVF are involved in most of the racist attacks in South and East Belfast.

In recent years we have witnessed governments utilise racist sentiment from scaremongering over ‘asylum seekers’ to a ‘Roma invasion’ none of which has come to fruition. This is the deliberate whipping up of fear and division to divert our anger away from the real causes of their problems. Problems such as poverty, housing shortages, and unemployment have all been blamed on immigrants - rather than those really responsible such as landlords, property developers-capitalism.

Anarchists believe in equality between all people regardless of where their ancestors may be from, what colour their skin is, or where they were born. We all have an immigrant history in one way or the other. We want a world with no borders, where people are free to travel the world and settle where they wish – this is not a freedom that should be only be available to the rich and imperialism.

In confronting racism and sectarianism we need to build class unity based on common class interests, fighting for a better standard and quality of life for all while respecting our rich diversity and inter-sectionality of struggles from abortion rights to environmental campaigns. These symptoms must be tackled where in all areas of our social life, rather than appealing to our politicians or calling for tougher legislation or even simply presenting them as a problem of ‘bad education’ as some liberals want you to believe.

We need to expose and attack the institutions which are legitimising racism in our society; we need to stand up against racist bullies and fascists carrying out attacks on migrant workers. Central to this is the need to physically and ideologically confront fascism and racist gangs wherever it raises its ugly head and the building of opposition to the system of wage slavery and exploitation which promotes racist scapegoating and the criminalisation of immigration. Racism is motivated and perpetuated by greed, promoted by those in power. It festers in ignorance and misplaced fear. Our alternative is social equality and freedom for all.


  1. I agree that the physical attacks in Belfast are disguisting and racist. This is the only example of racsim in the piece. You are right it perpetuated by those in power, in word not deed. Its used to remove decent people from the discussion of why their wages are falling in real terms.
    We want a world with no borders, where people are free to travel the world and settle where they wish
    You dont believe in the welfare state then? you cant if you want open boarders, the two are mutally exclusive, your tax intake is X, spread amongst Y people. The bigger Y is , the less of X goes around.

  2. Why is there such righteous outrage at racism while anti-Catholic sectarianism appears to be legally and institutionally accepted?

  3. I thought the Pastor was great. At least he had the balls to say whats on a lot of peoples minds and its probably one of the topics at lunch 'The rise of the local taliban'. And I also got a chance to imagine what Ian Paisley would have sounded like first time around. As for the words like 'Satanic & Heathen.' The Pastor is a Christian and a man of the cloth of course he's going to use biblical words to describe a religion .I'd call Islam barbaric myself. But so are all religions. Muslims call me an infidel. Part of the problem is world has gone too PC. You can say anything with out beng called a racist or other. Why can't you say 'nigger anymore ?

    Peter Robinson. He's simply wet. And one day the local taliban will join together and give the UVF a slap. If the UVF think the attacks aren't being watched in afghan etc, they're mistaken. And before OBL took a Luca Brasi and swam with the fishes he waw thinking like this.. Osama bin Laden was told Irish were ‘ready for Islam’

    And in the meantime what will happen is all the immigrants will be put in the same enclaves or streets and they'll breed like rabbits.

  4. Eurofree, because the Left leaders have exhausted the supply of young white men willing to take up arms against the state, the revolution they are seeking and expecting will come from disenfranchised non-white/immigrant youth. Its therefore in the Left leaders interests that these never integrate or gain social equity. In this sense racism serves both far left and far right.

  5. Why can't you say 'n****r anymore ?

    Er, because it is racist?
    Fight the winnable fights frankie, I dont think you will convince anyone you arent racist if you use language like that (even if you think you dont mean it).

  6. theres a mosque in dublin beside the national stadium. it says 'mosque ath cliath' outside. gaeltacht muslims, good on em. but yeah frankie, i think ur right. this is ireland though, they mite all lose the plot instead. and i dont like loads of the irish anymore either. i divide the human race into sound heads and wankers now, dont care what race or religion anymore. and well said at 9.15 eurofree.

  7. Eurofree3,
    It is fashionable as the original emigrants (planters) were none too fond of the papists. Now, the Pope is moved down the list slightly by default as the new once again enemy of Christianity is Islam.
    I wonder if they will burn Mohamed in effigy and the pope and the Virgin Mary slightly below on the 12th of July in the morning.

    The highest institution being the Royal Family no Taigs need apply not a surprise why Catholicism has been booted up and down through the years, although with the new perceived threat of Islam the Catholic Irish might not look so bad after all.

    Ah the good old British Empire days and now it has returned to bite them in their uppity British arse.

  8. The intolerance here on this site is hard to bear.

    People are ignorant about Islam. Thinking that extremists represent the religion.

    Writings by Robert Fisk, Noam Chomsky are worth reading. Richard English's book "Terrorism: How to Respond" convincingly explains why the war by Al Qaeda is primarily a cultural war rather than a religious war against the West.

    The U.S. and the U.K. support Israel to the point where many war crimes not only go unpunished but are supported logistically and politically. The West have troops in Holy cities all over the Middle East, over-militarisation, "collateral damage", in English's words: "creation of their version of Islamic world hegemony", etc etc. Just be thankful that these 'mosquitos' aren't the immigrants to your country.

    By the way, Frankie. You're complaining about immigrants? You live in France ffs.

  9. Frankie,

    I haven’t been following this religious brawl and couldn’t care what language people use when going on about their religious beliefs.

    I would agree with you that the pastor had the balls to spout out what many think but, I think he went on his almighty Protestant god knees and said Sorry Islam which to me in the god wars is him being forced to publically admit his god is weaker than the Muslim god?

    I might be wrong but if he did cave in then he is just a mouthpiece and lacks conviction by not standing over his beliefs regardless of the political pressure as if he is a true believer surely his god is right and not the politicians? It is just the usual fire starters and the never ending battle for the one true god

    Not such a bad spot to kick off a Jihad from, after all Ireland is England’s backdoor and you are right the Jihadist’s don’t take kindly to having their people being kicked about and if they do get their act together in Ireland that would put a new twist on things as these crazy bastards considering it an honour to be a martyr.

    I give up on religion as the north seems to be a never ending religious battle ground so I don’t care who people pray to.

  10. Simon,

    I agree with you as it is a clash of cultures we only have to look at Northern Ireland and how successful the Brits have been in passing of the conflict as a religious one.

    I would say that the media plays a major role in what people see or hear of jihadist extremists and that is not accidental so it would be natural for people to distrust Islam and stitch the two together. Much the same attitude was applied by the Brits that all catholics are not to be trusted as they might support the IRA.

    I try to avoid religious arguments as all religions have bloodied hands and in my opinion the world would be better off without religions.
    Then we would still find fault or reason to side against something and usually that is change.

    To me religion is like monarchies things that should have been left behind in the dark ages.

  11. People are ignorant about Islam. Thinking that extremists represent the religion.
    Simon you write well on other topics, you are wrong on this (if its aimed at me). If I returned the assumption , I would say you think apostates represent the religion.
    You don’t know what I know about the Koran,Hadith,Sunnah, or how ive participated in examining them. I’m not ignorant in this topic. Leaving aside penis measuring for a moment at least, if you went to a Dr. for plastic surgery, they fixed your teeth real well but you died, would you call that Dr good? Similarly , go out and read the Koran, Hadith,Sunnah you can even get them free in some places. Sure there is spiritual sustenance there, but there is a dark murderous centre..
    Why do you think people as clearly pious as ISIS are cutting the heads off people? Its weird that it happened to Ken Bigley and Lee Rigby too isn’t, that method when they have guns? Surely they wouldn’t want to deviate too far from scripture in this holy war? Do you not wonder why? I wondered why , and it doesn’t make me racist.

  12. Why can't you say 'n****r anymore ? Er, because it is racist?

    Sometimes it's not as black and white as that. Who ever thinks the word 'nigger' is racist, then the next time you hear Elvis Costello & the Attractions sing Oliver's Army and the line in the song

    Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white nigger

    Then 'beep' it out of you head like the BBC are doing and sing it like this...

    Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white beep

    We know I wont change the lyrics. If the word is kept in context then there is nothing wrong with it. How many black American rap artists use the word in songs as a way of expressing their anger towards the system? I think we could all name several very easily. Now how many black rap artists use the word nigger to show friendship with another 'brother?' Are they racist and if 'yes' towards who? Themselves? Does anyone think Costello is racist for using the term 'white nigger' in a song about Britain's past or do you think he's right for exposing it? The white nigger he sang about was it one of people shot dead by British Paras in Ballymurphy in 1971 or on the streets of Derry in 1972?

    It's hows it's uses that changes peoples perceptions of it. If it's kept in context it's just a word thats describes something better than other words would have. How does this sound..

    Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white cunt

    We know 'one less white beep' doesn't sound great.......

    If anyone can think of a better word can you post it here.. I've tried doing it with 'Paddy, taig, fenian.. and to be honest they don't quiet work. They do sound better than 'beep' personally 'one more white nigger' sound better.

  13. Tain,
    An interesting concept a world without religion. Would it make the world a safer place? or would mankind replace it with some other elitist agenda? like transhumanism for example. Religion is on the wane due to a more general understanding of scientific discoveries but who said we can trust scientists. Who knows maybe in a few hundred years there will be no religion just an technocratic elite telling large masses of the world that it's not scientifically feasible to keep them alive, they serve no purpose. Maybe then we'll be longing for the days when we killed each other based on what big building we attended weekly.
    People on this site, for me, have far to much faith in people behaving differently if certain environments were altered I am not so sure.

  14. I understand your point frankie, in the context of your other posts too, use of that word hasn’t changed my impression of you. I’ve spoken many times about the apparent equivalence of white slurs you mentioned, and how they mean fuck all to me,so why are some words offensive to others. In short, it just is, just as you love rockabilly because of ultimately indefinable and infinite reasons.Thankfully its avoidable, after all you want to communicate ideas, not soley offense right? (Ive said too much on this article already, sorry, im sick of my own typing)

  15. 'Some 200 mosques in Islam's holiest city, Mecca, point the wrong way for prayers"

    @ Tain,
    I would agree with you that the pastor had the balls to spout out what many think but, I think he went on his almighty Protestant god knees and said Sorry Islam which to me in the god wars is him being forced to publically admit his god is weaker than the Muslim god?

    When he backed down and 'softened' his stance he went down in esteem too. Unless it was because he just wanted to 'keep the peace.'

    I reckon the Pastor is a humble man and believes what he said first time. When he went in to meet the taliban I think there was a bit of ancient text speak, then they probably shook hands over coffee and sticky buns. And the Pastor went on building schools in Nigeria, helping school children get an education. While reading the newspapers about the militant group Boko Haram are while being called a racist and think thoughts similar to what Brendan Hughes had when he said "What the fcuk is all about." .

  16. The intolerance here on this site is hard to bear. People are ignorant about Islam. Thinking that extremists represent the religion.

    Simon when you talk about peoples ignorance to Islam what branch of Islam? We know there are several. I know the Egyptians despise the Algerians who look at the Tunisians similar to how the Provisionals looked towards the INLA. Extremists represent the very worst of the local Taliban nothing more, nothing less. Most of the Taliban I've met are . Exactly the same as Christians, Jews, Hindus etc.. I've met.

    By the way, Frankie. You're complaining about immigrants?

    Simon I don't care where anyone lives or who my next door neighbour is and even less what god they worship. What I reckon is Ireland is in for a culture shock. It will be like the Vikings all over again with a sun tan. Now will they 'integrate' become more Irish than the Normans became only time will tell. I think they'll call themselves Irish Muslim and not Muslim Irish in the way Irish people see themselves as Irish Catholic and not Catholic Irish. And one day they'll all discover Hank Williams.

    That's what I think Simon.

  17. DaithiD- it was a general observation. I don't judge people based on their religion. But if I was to judge Islam on its people I would say that the number of peaceful people far outweigh any violent or extreme people.

    I don't know if the world would be better off without any religions. That is an unknown.

    Even though religion generally has been the foundation for much suffering and strife it seems to be part of human nature historically. From Native Americans to Pagan gods in Europe people find comfort with an answer of sorts for the mystery of life. I don't think people would all become philanthropists without religion.

    Religion isn't going to disappear even perhaps in the long term so tolerance and understanding and a few less wars would do the trick.

    People no matter what are human and should be treated with dignity. I know this goes both ways but if the West keep looking for wars they'll find resistance as people don't appreciate foreigners spending munitions in their countries.

    They're not all going to react the same to occupation just as we don't act the same when we see people of different ethnic origin next door.

    Some of these migrants are refugees who are fleeing persecution and imminent death. Then they get attacked here. It is pure intolerance.

  18. Thanks Simon,
    But if I was to judge Islam on its people I would say that the number of peaceful people far outweigh any violent or extreme people.
    Is reasonable, but im not talking about adherents to the faith as such, because we don’t know how pious they are, as I alluded to, I expect the majority of self-described Muslims are in fact apostates and so shouldn’t be the measure of whether the faith is violent or not. Islam is so much more than a spiritual pursuit too, it’s a whole economic and judicial system. The establishment position, the status quo so often mentioned is one shared by you and this articles author (and Al-Qiaida!) : there can be no rational criticism of Islam, there is only racists or misguided people.Last comment from me on this I promise, ive bored everyone enough im sure.

  19. noam chomsky is a wanker

  20. simon, but his name is frankie so hes okay in france.

  21. theres a mosque in Dublin beside the national stadium. it says 'mosque ath cliath' outside. gaeltacht muslims,

    I hope they used Paddy Muslims and not Arab Muslims to set their bearings grrouch

  22. Grouch- Everyone has bad habits.

  23. David Higgins,

    this is just a simplistic long rant on religion so I wouldn't blame anyone for skipping it.

    A stab in the dark but I would guess the more aware humans became the more we developed the need to explain or understand not only our earthly environment but that endless space full of wee bright lights.

    But we will never know what our early ancestors worshiped or believe was special but we can skip ahead.

    Thunder and lightning still rattles peoples nerves, volcanoes, earthquakes, Tsunamis, and just about any natural disaster we now have a better understanding of but not so long ago there was no rational explanation so obviously the gods made these things happen to punish people and the locals would turn to the leaders who figured out how to appease the angry gods.

    And somewhere along the line a belief system began and the leaders and priests would invent ways to appease the angry gods from ritualistic human sacrifice all the way through temples and shrines but more importantly when times were good the rulers and priests gained control of the populace. A bit of bribery if you follow these rules the gods will smile on you if not they will destroy you.

    I think at one point one of the Egyptian Pharaohs’ decided having so many gods is expensive and tried introducing monotheism after all Egypt was not doing so well with the finance.
    Times didn’t work out so well under one god and the locals wanted to go back to the other gods.

    Moses who was probably the son of a Pharaoh liked this one god deal so he rebels and him and his followers bugger off after a lot of wars the Jews find a new place and the one god system takes foot. I know this is very simplistic but I don’t want to get into some theological debate as that just goes round in the same circle.

    So some smart arse comes up with the clincher for one god and all of a sudden we have a soul which is really not a great leap or bound from the many gods and the afterlife.
    Same thing we will live on after death.

    Anyway Old Testament God gives us the fingers as he is a mad bastard and decides to wipe out the earth but for some reason likes this one apparent not a human mistake Noah, he builds a boat and collects the animals and him and his family are saved. 6000 years later we have 7 billion people.

    Later on Mary tells Joseph she is having gods baby New Testament God knocks up a married woman and buggers off. Mary gets to live instead of being stoned to death for committing adultery. Joseph being the most forgiving and understanding man ever tells his mates his missus is having gods baby and to avoid the shame of adultery the Immaculate Conception line is used.

    Jesus is born and understanding Joseph probably blurted out “ah Jesus Christ” anyway we hear a bit about nipper Jesus then he goes missing, returns starts gathering his disciples pisses off the local Great Sanhedrin who are happy raking in the cash with the blessing of the pagan Roman rulers and have no problem with their version of God.

    Jesus helps make their case picks Judas to drop 10 pence and tout on Jesus. The Romans couldn’t care less about this religious squabble but don't like this dissident agitator so it is just a good day for Barabbas as it happens to be set one free day.
    The people pick the murderer Barabbas and Jesus is up shit street gets a digging and then he is crucified.

    Few days later he rises and goes to Heaven the disciples or dissidents spread out and soon gather more followers Judeo-Christianity is on the rise.
    Skip along Christianity begins to shake off the more rigid rituals and beliefs of the Jews.

    The new Christian belief system appeals to the poor as revolutionary as they are all equal in this new gods eyes the rich, the poor, slaves all are the children of this great god.

    Christianity grows and they develop a hierarchy then the clash of East and West takes place and they split.



  24. Sorry about this, move on Kings, Queens, castles, and Popes more wars in the name of god this lark goes on a few crusades later back to more of the same Papal corruption. People are scratching their heads as the Church is fat wealthy and healthy.

    The Reformation happens great we will get rid of the corruption and share the wealth, not so bad in theory but in practice we will do the same Christian slaughter and now we have two “one” true god.
    Bounce along and now we have all kinds of Christian denominations all work on the same bribery principle you give us some of your money and we tell you stories from a book and if you are good when you die you go to Heaven.

    Does anyone seriously believe religious tolerance is remotely possible the god wars have been going on long before monotheisms were thought about?
    Religions seem to be the cause of religious intolerance not the solution. Sorry about the rant if you made it this far.

  25. David Higgins,

    Honestly David if there was no religion there would be something else as we humans have to be greater rather than part of as if we didn’t believe we are the superior life force we would have to acknowledge we are just animals, advanced animals and people don’t like that so it is better to believe that a supreme creator made us all in his image.

    Religion will fade out if there is no profit to make from it and if it loses its control over people but before that happens something new will evolve to replace it.
    Living in this age of phones and computers we can carry about I couldn’t begin to imagine what life will be like in a few hundred years.

    In my opinion I will be getting off the bus in my mind about the right time as I am sure the more automated life becomes the more dependant we shall become on advanced machines.

    I think as this religious argument goes is should we be tolerant of religious extremists?
    In my mind no much the same way I wouldn’t entertain atheist extremists as they are just as nuts.
    If people find solace in religion then fair play and religious institutions do good deeds but that doesn’t make for great shock headlines we prefer to read, see, hear all the bad things about religions.

    For me it is simple as simple as religion should be, pray to whomever you want to I prefer to take the gamble with my soul as the odds are good.

    I wouldn’t put much trust in scientists’ they do a great deal of good but also a great deal of evil.
    But that’s another argument for another day.
    Religious wars are not my cup a tea if you have heard of Dave Allen the comedian he sums up religion that was back in the day when there was 2 or 3 channels on the box you can find him on YouTube.

  26. Frankie,

    I found a word that would reduce it to, only takes one itchy trigger, one more widow, one less wigger… which according to the urban dictionary is slang for a white person trying to act as if they are black hip hop/ gangster rap.

    I suppose it is just as offensive anyways I don’t believe they bleeped that when it originally came out. I can’t stand when they bleep out swearwords try watching Pulp Fiction the censored version it will bore the balls of you and you definitely won’t laugh.
    Anyways I am sure some would say Ahab the Arab is racist but I am sure many would probably say Paddy Irish man, Paddy Englishman and Paddy Scotsman is racist also and I am sure more and more things will be painted the same way.

  27. Frankie,

    no doubt he is a humble man but some would say big Ian was and I doubt he would bow down under pressure and say sorry pope and he definitely wouldn’t say sorry Islam. That is not really the west’s problem Boko Haram only nicked poor children and are doing the decent converting them to Islam yarn which is a load of shite.

    They kidnapped them for profit and if they can’t extort the money from their government the kids will be sold as slaves in child trafficking and god only knows what other harm will be inflicted upon them.
    Mean while in Iraq ISIS appeared out of the clear blue sky in what is a Sunni Blitzkrieg rockin its way to Baghdad were the Shiite’s are probably literally shiting themselves not much tolerance there?

    What’s another religious war and I am sure they are on the blower to the west asking if they can do them a favour and come back and bomb the shit out of the place again as the army they trained were only joking about holding the fort in a western style democracy and are not really into that dying for martyrdom lark, unlike ISIS.

    Back to the serious relevant issue the preacher had to back down not because he wanted to but because it is to show religious tolerance which is fair enough but as I said to David I think, do we have to show tolerance to religious extremists, all religious extremists?

    Honestly, I can see why Christianity is fearful and we would be fooling ourselves if we believed that the jihad extremist would say sorry Christians as they have a long standing beef with the west for invading their lands.
    Religion fecking up humanity for thousands of years!

  28. Simon,

    and we have considerable cause for satisfaction in that!

    I found Orwell the best rule of thumb on it: he wanted to be good but not too good and not all the time.

    The most practical way, not to say human, to live our lives, I think.

  29. I found a word that would reduce it to, only takes one itchy trigger, one more widow, one less wigger… which according to the urban dictionary is slang for a white person trying to act as if they are black hip hop/ gangster rap.

    'Wigger' while rhymes etc doesn't work. The 'white nigger' Costello sang about wasn't trying to be black but was a 'taig' shot dead by the British Army during the conflict. 'One last white taig' just doesn't sound right. And 'one less Irish white Cuuuuttt' doesn't quiet do it either.

    How does anyone go and buy this book in your local book store..? By walking up to the counter and whispering "Excuse me but where can I find the Agatha Christie book with the 'N' word?' And the member of staff gives you a quick nod and a wink and hands you a brown paper bag with a book inside. And you walk out of Waterstones looking as if you've just bought some dodgy porn. Would you be called racist for reading it in public?

    All smells of censorship .

    Heres a what if.. The local taliban in England get tired of hearing about their brothers getting racially abused in east Belfast and an ASU from the local taliban in Peckham, London goes over and hits back. And the car used was found burnt out in the Falls Road area. And no matter how many nationalist reasurrances that republicans had nothing to do with it extreme loyalists don't believe it and and they hit republicans who return the serve. And several weeks later they ( the local taliban in Peckaham) issue a statement when they are all back safely in London saying they done it but by then its too late the conflict got re-ignighted.

  30. AM, Orwell was so much on the money with 1984 it scares me sometimes. He only called it 1984 because he wrote it in 1948 so we cannot criticise him for inaccuracy on that ground.

    Persecution of individualism, Newspeak, the Ministry of Truth which revised and wiped history, thought crimes, telescreens. With recent stories of governments listening through people's computer microphones and watched through their webcams using the internet it is the telescreens that really hit home. What a prediction eh?

    Anyhow, as Ian Cobain wrote in Cruel Brittania room 101 is there too.

    Orwell apparently put up a very good fight against Franco much more so than Hemingway for example. I suppose he had the courage of his convictions.

  31. Big stupid WHITE Irish faces, waddling fat-arsed WHITE women,WHITE pseudo hard men stuffed into trackies and all underscored by WHITE peabrained mentalities who have a notion they are SPECIAL. Wait! Where am I? o Yeah Belfast -- big stupid WHITE Irish faces, waddling fat-arsed WHITE women,WHITE pseudo hard men stuffed into trackies and all underscored by WHITE peabrained mentalities who have a notion they are SPECIAL. Play it in a loop boys.
    Welcome to an Ireland which has never needed BNP influence – it always had a pointyheadish streak running through it.

    @ Simon its not intolerance – it is PURE PIG IGNORANCE transmitted generationally. Many operate from a belief in scientific racism – whether consciously or not It is present in much of the comments. Just stick it up them I do. Charming place Ireland (not)The veneer is ripping away and the pus of Ireland is showing.

  32. im a bit of a racist to be honest, i dont really like the human race anymore.

  33. Frankie,

    I think if there is a profit to be made on the word then it is socially acceptable or at least under the radar. I am not sure how they deal with that one but would think people probably interested in that book would just order it online as I doubt bookstores would stock it.

    I see your point and think we are being herded away from individual thought and being guided towards what they believe is right for the collective we should all think and say what they want us to.

    That theory would work but I think in the aftermath both republicans and loyalist would see the common enemy and that would not bode well for the jihadists and that might be starting a dig they couldn’t win. I am sure MI5 and MI6 would be more than helpful passing on information on people they would like to see stiffed another dirty war Christian militants Versus Islamic extremists a good way for the Brits to do some housekeeping.

  34. Mary Marscal,

    I am not following your anti white Irish fat white women bit as you go on to say it is not intolerance it is pig ignorance.
    You sound like the dummy tits that used to dander about the streets here even the black ones trying to rattle the local thick paddies.

    Any chance the non natives in your country plan on returning the land to its rightful owners or will the Aussies just slowly reintegrate them back into the white dominated society, with the ABC approach?

    Ireland is far from charming but I am sure the tourist board would disagree like anywhere else it has its ways and traditions and when people feel there ways and traditions are being changed then they usually latch on and follow the mob mentality.

    There is nothing scientific about it the country just happened to be on the arse whole of nowhere and was settled by those thick white bastards but now times are changing and the world is more accessible, other cultures are here and for the most part unhindered, you make it sound as if all the lily white thick people are up in arms, not true.

    A few years back they were attacking the Romanians and the Polish now it’s the people who don’t pray to their god will it stop, probably not as the original planter immigrants are living on land they consider British and can barely tolerate us white Irish thick paddies.

    I think it would be easier to prevent racial or religious attacks in nationalist areas and it would be just as easy in hard-line loyalist areas if the local paramilitaries decided but I think the old loyalist adage will remain for god and Ulster with Jesus versus Mohamed.

    Anyway this thick paddy doesn’t mind Ireland having a bit of cultural and religious diversity after all the big foreign corporations settled in just nicely.

  35. Is this song The Bourgeoise Blues racist? Or was Leadbelly simply calling things as it was?

  36. Frankie,

    depends on who is listening nowadays people would be doing a number over the words well, over the part “call a coloured man a nigger just to see him bow.” I suppose they would ignore that it’s a fairly strong protest song and he doesn’t hold back given it both barrels.

    It would be less potent if they bleeped it or tried to change it “call a coloured man the N word” just robs him of his own truth.

    Considering he was telling part of his story without doubt he was speaking the truth no holds barred.

    I don’t think Elvis Costello was doing any different and I did try and find a euphemism but still haven’t found one that fits. I don’t like the mad bleeper’s just the same way I don’t like how sterile the news is. I meant to comment on the link you posted on those people bombed in the Ukraine.

    I think if people were exposed to the mangled bodies and shocking images people might pay attention rather than X amount of people were killed today and then they show you a hole in the ground the truth is replaced with a sensitive sterile version which is not the nature of the beast as we all know the world is extremely violent but all is well as long as they can bleep words they decide are graphic or offensive.

    I was just thinking about Leadbelly and the term coloured man sounds strange anyways I am sure people would try and put the spin on it and say it is racist even though he says we are all in the same boat and all the same.

    Both versions are just a decent protest song but people are almost programmed to overreact to things the song makes sense to me.

    I am sure people would say the term Indian is offensive also as you talked about Ira Hayes but that song also would sound up the left if they replaced Indian with Native American.

    Ethnic, cultural, and religious wars were around long before us and still are on the go as we speak so chances are they will continue long after we are gone it’s the nature of the human race and there is no bleeping that out.
