I arrived home yesterday evening following my youngest son's First Communion celebrations anxious to put a few photographs on facebook when I read a status stating that another young child would be arriving home in the middle of a police raid on his/her home in the Creggan area of the city.
As I looked at the joy in my child my heart sank at the prospect of a traumatic end to a special day for the other child. Whilst it can be argued that a police force has a job to do and searching homes could be considered a facet of that role, how they conduct themselves in the exercise of their duties is something that should be open to scrutiny, and this is something that has been brought into question about the conduct of Police forces in many countries.
Here in the North of Ireland when scrutinising the actions of the PSNI the questioning of their conduct should be free from political justification, especially when these actions impact on young innocent children.
Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that a “child has the right to be protected from being hurt or mistreated in body and mind” yet it would appear the police in their activities are dismissive of this right.
These house raids are being carried out by a section of the PSNI known as Tactical Support Groups. These TSG's are accountable only to the chief constable and by-pass the oversight of local policing partnerships and the Policing Board. Whilst these raids are being carried out under so called anti-terrorism legislation, technically the Police are raiding the homes of innocent people as in the eyes of the law a person is innocent until proven guilty. That's unless I missed something along the way?
Just this morning I read the following statement from MLA Pat Ramsey........
I have been contacted regarding house searches by police both yesterday and tonight, I will be collating a report to the Police Ombudsman about both due to the impact on children, and would be keen to speak to both families involved if anyone can put me in contact with them via PM.
Whilst I believe Pat Ramsey's intentions are genuine, in reality it is highly unlikely that the Police will co-operate with either Pat or the Northern Ireland Ombudsman on this matter. The Northern Ireland Ombudsman is currently in the process of taking the Chief Constable to court over the PSNI's refusal to fully co-operate with his office in over 60 murder investigations. This comes just over one year after the discovery that murders involving British State forces were being treated less rigorously than other cases examined by the Historical Enquiries Team.
In the case of the 1988 Good Samaritan bombing in Creggan, Derry, the Police Ombudsman said he found no evidence that innocent civilians were put at risk to protect a police informer. This claim is in direct conflict with the assertions made by the Retired RUC Officers Association whose members refused to co-operate with the ombudsman's investigation yet later alleged that a police informer had been protected. A daughter of one of the victims of the Good Samaritan Bombing said:
It beggars belief that retired police officers wouldn’t cooperate in a PONI investigation but, then, come along afterwards and seek to undermine the report and make claims about informer protection which the Ombudsman had been unable to confirm.
There is clearly no way of checking the veracity of the information given by the police in particular when it involves the police investigating the police.
Questions to be asked:
- Is there accountability in policing, if so who polices the Police?
- Is there a Dark-side on the Bright-side of policing with the bright side being the policing you see? Or is there only a dark side of the force when it affects a certain political party or it's supporters?
- Are the Tactical support groups a force within a force?
- When people ask questions or raise concerns such as these there are some who dismiss genuine concerns and attempt to brand those asking as anti-peace process which for my own part could not be further from the truth, granted I do have grave concerns over what appears to be an endless process but I have always supported the need for true peace.
It would appear that the system in the North of Ireland remains inherently unjust and as ever mounted in favour of the interests of the British State. The ongoing ambiguity surrounding many agreements and side deals made between the parties and the British Government which include everything from the On the Runs to the level of control given to the British Secret Services at Weston Park are slowly but surely beginning to bubble to the surface as the truth outs. Although some still deny all knowledge of these deals.
I think it's time for our politicians to cease with trying to fool us into thinking things are dandy when the cracks are becoming more visible by the day.
In a recent televised interview Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said he would die to protect the peace process. Imagine that! Martin will give his life for the peace process. This is something which is laughable when you consider both he and Peter Robinson have resisted providing information requested of their office under Freedom of Information Legislation because it might lose them votes!
This would suggest Robinson & McGuinness have reservations over their own departmental practices. Maybe someone should take time to point out that openness, honesty and transparency are key ingredients in the establishment of true peace. No one wants anyone to die for anything, but don't feed us sound bites of self proclaiming martyrdom. We're not as stupid as you look.
If we are honest the only process at work here in the north is the process of normalisation with the great and the good persisting with the utterly impracticable task of trying to normalise an abnormal situation. We are working on the basis of an agreement that promised different things to different people an agreement with many of the promises yet to be fulfilled. The sheep and those who go with the flow would do well to remember that bleating the party diatribe does not make for a coherent argument and that not only do dead fish and detritus go with the flow, but dead fish also rot from the head down.
In all honesty the process was flawed from the outset and unfortunately at this point the best we can do is to hold to account the accountable and demand they do something to make the unaccountable more accountable.
What's really sad is that if the North of Ireland was Craggy Island and the politics here the Catholic Church then the sitcom Father Ted would be the most apt way of describing this ongoing farce!
Another great piece Pauline.
ReplyDeleteI think theres more chance of Fathers Ted and Dougal holding them to account than those Adamsite sycophants who sup tae with them on the policing boards...or should that be boreds; as in bored doing feck all?
Mighty stuff Pauline
ReplyDeletePat Finucane Centre Derry 10/6/2014
Private correspondence has come to light in a recent legal case showing that the PSNI rejected the central findings of the Police Ombudsman in the Good Samaritan Bombing case where three people lost their lives when an IRA booby trap bomb exploded in the Creggan area of Derry in 1988.
The Police Ombudsman’s report into the Good Samaritan case was published in July 2013 and upheld the Dalton family’s complaints that the RUC failed in their duty to advise the local community or its leaders of possible IRA activities in the area, they failed in their responsibility to uphold Mr Dalton’s right to life under Article 2 and they failed properly investigate the death of Mr Dalton and Mrs Lewis. A third person, Gerard Curran, died several months after the explosion.
As a result of a failed judicial review by the Retired Police Officers Association correspondence has come to light between then PSNI Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie and the Police Ombudsman.
In a letter dated 31st May 2013, she states
“There will clearly be a difference of opinion between that expressed in your report, that police ought to have known that a bomb was in the vicinity of 38 Kildrum Garden, and the opinion held by PSNI that this only became clear with hindsight. Whilst this is not a comment on factual accuracy, it goes to the heart of your findings.”
Statement continued......
ReplyDeleteThis correspondence shows that privately the PSNI were rejecting the findings of the report.
Following the publication of the OPONI report, PSNI Deputy Chief Constable Judith Gillespie apologised to the families of those killed, stating “For police officers, whose duty it is to protect life, there is a deep and sincere sorrow for the loss of the lives of Eugene Dalton, Sheila Lewis and Gerard Curran. To their friends and families, on behalf of the Police Service I am truly sorry for the loss of their loved ones.”
Speaking today Sean Daltons daughter Phyliss Kealy said, “the inference drawn by many from this statement was that the PSNI did accept the findings and was willing as an organisation to learn the lesson that civilian lives must never again be put risk in order to protect informers. Now we know that this was not in fact the case. Nothing has been learnt, the PSNI is defending the in/actions of the RUC and lives could again be put at risk. The PSNI response is disrespectful, contemptious and possibly illegal.
Sara Duddy of the PFC claims the contents of the letter “fundamentally undermines the office of the Police Ombudsman. Within hours of the publication of the Mc Gurks Bar report the PSNI rejected the findings. On this occasion spin doctors obviously advised that the rejection should be in private with an ambigious public statement expressing’ sorrow’ at the loss of life. Small wonder that the Retired Police Officers sought to challenge this report in the High Court. At least this failed legal action resulted in this correspondence coming to light through discovery.
Note to editors-see below for background
The NIRPOA also complained that the OPONI report failed to contextual policing circumstances in Derry in 1988, when the bombing took place. Through the OPONI report and discovery in preparation for the judicial review, it became clear that the RUC District Commander in Derry at the time, David Turkington, who was in a position to provide context to the OPONI, would not co-operate with the investigation. At the time of writing Mr Turkington is chairman of the retired police officers association.
PFC has provided support and advocacy to the Dalton family for over ten years. Following the publication of the OPONI report in July 2013 the family were relieved that after a long, difficult battle for truth and acknowledgement, their complaints were upheld by the OPONI following the investigation. The actions of the retired officers and the PSNI in response to the OPONI report has caused additional hurt to the Dalton family. We will be seeking a meeting with the newly appointed Chief Constable George Hamilton when he takes over in the coming weeks.
Mi5 is calling the shots and they will be firing them if need be.
ReplyDeleteAfter St Andrews the British Government introduced two crucial pieces of memorandum (MOU) memorandoum of understanding.
These documents which are legal documents, clearly state that the Justice Department and the Policing Board have no powers to scrutinize Mi5.
Furthermore the policing board has not and cannot have any role in National security.
They can't even ask a question. The chief constable can't even ask a question unless Mii5 give him permission.
The whole place is stitched up, they can fabricate and create in comfort and in the knowledge that there is no one to hold them to account.
The lesson to be learned from this is quite clear,the people need to spend less time on their knees and organise the defense of their area,s and homes,god and his minions dont give a fuck,and politicians only respond when they feel the earth moving below their feet.the only human rights the psni/ruc give a fuck about are those of the cronies in the UDA/UVF,I could see the quisling $inn £einds at their next tea and biccies meeting with the boys and girls in uniform demanding that these raids go back to the good old early hours,when there are less witness about .
ReplyDeleteDespite what Judith Gillespie would have us believe, the RUC weren't there to 'protect life' but to fight Britain's dirty war