The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by HG Wells which was adapted in 1938 as a radio broadcast narrated by Orson Wells. The first two-thirds of the 60 minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated news bulletins which led to widespread panic as many listeners actually believed there was an actual alien invasion.
Clearly Gerry Adams has taken a leaf out of Wells's book - Orson Wells that is and not HG – and created his own version, The War of the Words.
He arrived at Antrim PSNI station knowing he would be arrested, his solicitor later confirmed that. This was followed by the simulated anger of his party; McGuinness pointing out that there's a 'Dark Side operating within the PSNI amid threats of withdrawing support for it while at his side, Sinn Fein's Raging Bull, Bobby Storey, ranted that they hadn't gone away.
The fire was lit and they just needed to keep fanning the flames. Everybody was out to get Gerry, Sinn Fein and most importantly, as they kept reminding everyone, the so called Peace Process. All the 'Antis' were out to get the Uncle Toms, those anti-peace process elements who conducted the Boston Tape interviews; Anthony McIntyre and Ed Moloney, those anti-peace process elements in the PSNI who lurk in dark places hoping to devour the unfortunate Shinners when they least expect it. Securocrats opposed to the 'Sinn Fein project' and those 'former Republicans' who gave the taped interviews were in cahoots. Let’s not get side tracked here in the shameless effrontery of those who have no difficulty raising a toast to the British Queen referring to anyone as being 'former Republicans'.
Adams, cute hoor that he is, knew with elections looming on both sides of the border he and his party could expect tough pre-election questioning on policy, in particular the Welfare Cuts; would they or wouldn't they sign up. He was likely still haunted by the memory of the grilling he received from Michael McDowell in 2007.
Get the matches out we need a smoke screen through which we can sneak right to the polling stations themselves.
And so the fire was lit at the front door of Antrim PSNI station. In the media and on print Gerry's faithful pulled out their wee boxes of matches and kept feeding the flames in case they'd die out.
Adams also hoped that the simulated threat to the so called Peace Process would cause widespread panic and spur on an electorate in The North, likely in two minds as to whether or not they should punish them for the years of failure to deliver anything, into voting to save that Peace Process.
And so began The War of the Words, broadcast on every channel and printed in every paper. The media were complying as he knew they would.
Anyone believing that the so called peace process is in trouble has to be stupid enough to believe that the Shinners would go back to war. The thought of frozen bank accounts would put paid to that idea for a start.
The problem is there are plenty of people out there gullible enough to believe they would and it seems that it's not just members of Sinn Fein who are eager to push that belief.
Could it be that here in the North they too fear that maybe just maybe a
good many in the Nationalist electorate would be, as I pointed out above,
considering punishing the Shinners by casting their vote for the many
Independents, mainly Republican, who are standing this time?
Like the decision to move to the Super-Council model Dixie a lot of the calculation involved is indeed to stem the emergence of any alternative, such as voting for independents. Control, control, control