Republicanism: Where do we go from here?


  1. What's the chances of this meeting being streamed?

    This current climate makes me want to come home and shout and scream at so many people !!
    But then again they were amongst the reasons why we left to begin with !!

  2. Aine if it was streamed would you still shout and scream,and do you think anyone will hear,? just a thought a cara

  3. Marty let me clarify i wouldn't be screaming or shouting at those involved in this talk - that was a general statement.

    For the talk to be streamed I think would be a benefit to those of us that can not be there in person but would still wish to participate.

  4. Aine,

    Your idea makes perfect sense something to look into using the net streaming as a tool to reach the broader community.
