As a very young and naïve Republican I discovered that a member of Sinn Féin was abusing his position as a community welfare officer to groom young men for sex. When I confronted the man about his behaviour he became extremely aggressive and so I went to a then PIRA member to have him deal with the issue. The Sinn Féin man, in tears apologised to me while admitting a number of offences to the IRA man, whose response led me to believe that this was not the first complaint regarding the Sinn Féin man that he had dealt with. Within a week Sinn Féin had “found” me “new” housing well outside the Republican /Nationalist community and from then, all contact that I had with the party in that area ceased.
I was very young then; I had neither care for personal vindication nor any interest in living so close to Sandy Row and so I returned to the Republican Community. The Provisional movement was my God and in my infinite trust of that movement I approached them again, and again and again in the belief the only people capable of resolving the issue were the Provisionals. My refusal to be silent on the issue was derived from a desire to protect the vulnerable adults and young children this man was in regular contact with through his role in the community.
The level of hostility I met with socially was frightening; yet in the meetings I was asked to attend, held in various parts of Belfast, sometimes in houses, sometimes in Sinn Féin offices, I was treated with a respect beyond what I had ever earned, by people who could never earn more respect than I had for them.
As time went on it became apparent that, while I was no longer welcome in certain company outside these meetings, within them I was becoming a source of amusement for the inquisitors. So many sinister events occurred I cannot begin to list them; individually they seem so petty they are naught, twenty together adding up to one event, it was far from petty, for all of it was the process of meticulous psychological emasculation that aimed to render a human voice obsolete.
Eventually I was called to a Sinn Féin office in the area I then resided. A number of people were present and the atmosphere was tense. The phone rang and a member of Sinn Féin from my home area was placed on the monitor option. Those present asked that person a number of questions which were all answered against my character. I was dismissed from the Republican Movement and told not to enter West Belfast (where I went to school).
In terror at what was unfolding I approached a friend of mine in the INLA. They had been aware from their sources I was under immediate threat, and they received an immediate assurance from the local IRA I was not going to be harmed. The RSM asked me to record the entire chain of events into a Dictaphone; they approached the Sinn Féin leadership and told them that were I harmed they would be releasing the tape to the media.
That was only the beginning of the blackening and a period of unrelenting orchestrated humiliation, lies, accusations, and social exclusion that destroyed the majority part of my youth and continues to affect my associations and relationships to this day. I believe that being exiled from the minds of those you love most is an impossible event to ever truly recover from, especially in Irish Republicanism.
I was not a victim in the way Aine Tyrell is a victim. I do have an understanding of the means deployed against her voice and I do empathise with her frustration from the understanding I have of how her voice was suppressed.
A belief is growing that the silencing of victims and complainants was necessary: although on the comparative scale of abuse (if there is one) my experiences are minor, their exposure may have illuminated other cases and given others the courage to speak out and then others, and others, and others, until Aine’s voice was heard. We are all aware that if the Liam Adams case had have been exposed 10--15 years ago, we would be dealing with a very different political scenario than we are now.
There is no doubt in my mind that the leadership of the Provisional Movement were actively and knowingly engaged in the systematic cover up of sex crimes, and I believe that this was as a consequence of the need to protect the Adams family from being exposed as containing both a number of paedophiles and a number of people prepared to conceal their crimes for self interest.
When I watched the pain consume the faces of my company on the evening we listened to Aine Tyrell first explain the level of her abuse and its concealment, many past lives met, and I was thankful that I had been exiled from the Provisional Movement for telling the truth about a sexual predator and thus was spared those personal feeling of attachment to the betrayal of Sinn Féin unfolding there.
Though I continue to ask my self how many victims did not survive the process I went through?
How many alcoholics have been created, how many human presences have been rendered obsolete and unworthy through slander to diminish the credibility of their voice, because behind that voice is a story of being abused by someone in the Republican Movement?
How many headstones have been engraved by the systematic cover up of sex abuse in the Republican/Nationalist community? As many as the Catholic church? More?
The irony is, we would have never went further than the IRA anyway. We trusted them.
When Gerry Itwasntme placed the tricolour on the coffin of his paedo father,he knowingly brought the republican movement into disrepute,his paedo brother Liam confessed to him about the rape of his daughter as they strolled along a beach in the Dundalk area,I wonder was it Shelling Hill beach(Jean Mc Conville),Joe yah we won Cahill,s niece suffered at the hands of scum within the movement and it seems in true scientific fashion scum surfaces to the top, those good,no good is nowhere near a fitting word to describe all those men and women who gave so much for the noble cause, genuine republicans will feel sorry that we let you down Antaine,its such a pity that we couldnt see the disease rotting the movement from within until it was to late.
ReplyDeleteAntaine .
ReplyDeleteIt's very sad that they put you through such a trauma , just to cover themselves, and , as you say, "How many more has been put through the same ordeal" PSNI/RUC stated that it's an offence for anyone with holding information on child abuse, itwasntme gerry told them that Liam admitted abusing Aine but denied rape eight years previous, Yet they have stated that no prosecution will take place, If that was Joe Blogs he would be inside now, The Powers That Be!, Another untouchable?, Makes me wonder , I wonder will Liam get a suspended sentence , imo he should be kicked out of Ireland because people like that will lie through there teeth to save there on arse , and they could never ever be trusted with prime information regarding PIRA ops in those days, so many which went wrong through premature explosions, I have always had doubts about those, Doctored to say the least. Antaine I sincerely hope you have recovered and made a good life for yourself, You deserve it more than the Adams Clan.
It is important to focus on the post-complaint process, what led to the complaint cannot be dealt with it never could be but as the individual was never reported or convicted, indeed not even removed from roles in the community any discussion on what led to the complaint will only work in the favour of those who want to close down discussion on the main issue and who will try this by trying to undermine the legitimacy of the complaint, I have been dealing with these people for well over a decade in this regard and they are extremely aggressive and shrewd.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is that years before any of us knew of the Liam Adams case, a number of young people from the Republican community endured a process advertised as an alternative to the RUC seeking redress. Some have come forward publicly since, and others have reported both their complaint, and the process they engaged in to the RUC and there are issues current in that respect. I don't recognise the RUC or British Courts so I can't comment there.
I was lucky in having a lot of good influences to rely upon and being Republican I have always been able to contribute despite the blackening, this instance basically barred me from a section of the movement who at around the same time began to be exposed gradually as traitors anyway, being young all things new and shiny soon took my attention and now most of the people I admired in the PRM have left and are the most vocal in these issues so personally it worked out okay for me I was fortunate.
We accept we had no Police Force and we all engaged in this process with the PRM when we witnessed or experienced or received complaints of crime, from the basics laid on up to CRJ style initiatives, up to the series of meeting etc, etc
The question is the level of corruption in the process. From what we now know could the PRM deal with ANY complaint of sexual crime in a process free from the threat of Liam Adams being exposed.
I believe no, and I believe that complaints relating to sexual crime were suppressed and the complainants silenced through slander and social exclusion, both forms of abuse themselves.
The RUC have question to answer in this, in their investigations did they place the recruitment of informers above the needs of victims of sexual crime,
Sinn Féin have questions to answer in this, in their investigations did they place the need to prevent the exposure of Liam Adams above the needs of victims of Sexual crime?
Antaine what you wrote … Your voice is so important and your stance and I along with many no doubt, thank you for it. It takes courage and integrity to do what you have done and continue to speak out on. The way you were treated is despicable but predictable… The parallels between Catholicism cover-ups, standovers on victims, non victims who speak out and demand justice and so forth is there within SF and always has been. Also contextually it was easy for them to attempt to shut you down (permanently if they could have – of that I have no doubt) Ireland as you well would know is steeped in a twisted history of abuse of minors of both genders. And republicanism whilst it has its share of deservedly revered individuals past and present, has also an equal proportion of cockroaches in its ranks.
ReplyDeleteIreland is riddled with abuse issues that are suppressed primarily not because of shame but because of the importance of keeping up the fronts. And the republican movement is no exception.
You are deadon correct re how many victims have succumbed to alcoholism and so forth… I would take that one step further. How many have fled the republican movement, gone abroad to try and forget/start a new life… How many victims or those who seek to expose the filth within republican ranks have topped themselves OR been taken out courtesy of SF… is the kicker.
SF =’s Standover Filth not we ourselves etc. Do you know what Ireland is...? Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow (Joyce)
RE: ‘There is no doubt in my mind that the leadership of the Provisional Movement were actively and knowingly engaged in the systematic cover up of sex crimes, and I believe that this was as a consequence of the need to protect the Adams family from being exposed as containing both a number of paedophiles and a number of people prepared to conceal their crimes for self interest.’
YES. No doubt in mine or thousands of others minds too!
Aine Tyrell WAS a victim but IS a survivor albeit scarred for life but one who has significantly contributed to melting down the fronts… An Irishwoman to be proud of – it takes a rare courage and extreme tenacity to do what she has done. Abuse on a minor by person/s unrelated to the child is lifelong devastation on the psyche but to be sexually abused by your own flesh and blood Father is desperately tragic in ways that only the victim can comprehend…
The process for Justice is flawed to the gills. RUC/SF/Catholicism… all colluders and all suppressers of truth…
RE the question is the level of corruption in the process.
YES… but when one survivor takes on the corruption like Aine has done it rips back the delusions and all is exposed… Your stance and actions and writing what you have done here have contributed to the hope of clarity, truth and ultimate Justice. You are a republican of integrity who paid dearly for being so but you are an inspiration and instil hope in others for a better future of the republican movement…
ReplyDeletethis is such powerful writing not to mention timely. It seems Emmett Grogan, commenting in this blog a while back, was closer to the money than many of us thought.
The British Attorney general (DPP) has stepped in and ordered a review as to why Gerry Adams was not charged for with holding Evidence about his brother "Liam" IMO I cant see what they can do because it has been Handled in norn iron, But , Knowing the British, Nothing is fail safe.
ReplyDeleteDPP to review decision not to prosecute Gerry Adams
Óglaigh and SF personnel who were involved in meetings held to conceal these crimes, could now reflect on all the cases they handled and/or heard about in their role. They may not have known at the time what was ongoing and believed they were investigating the allegations to the best of their ability. It is crucial now as the publicity from the Liam Adams conviction will have opened up old wounds for many people and If people have been abused and were successfully silenced then there are people in our community continuing to live with trauma and pain and terrible suffering that needs to be approached and resolved by those who are qualified to do so. Adam's ad Co. have abandoned a number of people to the British Courts to face charges for holding meetings for the IRA so there is evidently no protection there anymore.
ReplyDeleteHarrowing reading Antaine. How much more of this are we going to hear in the near future?
ReplyDeleteBelieve you me from what I hear the dike is about to burst. And Derry could get swamped.
ReplyDelete"Though I continue to ask my self how many victims did not survive the process I went through?
How many alcoholics have been created, how many human presences have been rendered obsolete and unworthy through slander to diminish the credibility of their voice, because behind that voice is a story of being abused by someone in the Republican Movement?
How many headstones have been engraved by the systematic cover up of sex abuse in the Republican/Nationalist community? As many as the Catholic church? More?
The irony is, we would have never went further than the IRA anyway. We trusted them."
A stirring end to a terrific article. Well done, Antaine
ReplyDeleteYou know someone who is (or was) grooming kids for sex, report him to the Police. Sometimes there are things more important than party politics. I can understand before there was an unwritten rule within CNR area's that the provisinals took care of buisness and the RUC was out of bounds. This is 2013...
If I knew anyone abusing kids, politics would be the last thing on my mind.
How many alcoholics have been created, how many human presences have been rendered obsolete and unworthy through slander to diminish the credibility of their voice
ReplyDeleteShort answer is too many.
ReplyDeleteThis is 2013, and the RUC are still out of bounds. Sin é.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure if you re-approached the member of the RSM who you gave a taped recording of what you know and you approached any flavour of the 'RM' who you can trust to ask for legal help to protect yourself and the 'RM' they would (or point you in the right direction).
Certains lines aren't crossed and kids are off limits . Sometimes politics don't come into the equation.
Just try to imagine your son, daughter, sister , brother telling you they had or are being abused...How far up your line of thoughts would politics come into play ?
ReplyDeleteI appreciate what your saying. Republicans have been involved in this case since the RSM quite honourably intervened. This man was sidelined/relocated before Sinn Féin lost their influence. The mongol proverb in this case is apt "do not scorn the weak cub for he may become the mighty tiger" I don't like going in the the individual specifics because bereft of a British Court conviction these people can pillory, deflect and deny. I can say with a certain amount of pride, that although I was unaware at the time, I stood against the might of the PIRA as a frightened child and did so to prevent a nefarious manipulator from A.) Bringing dishonour on the RM and B.) hurting anyone else, and unbeknownst to me I was challenging a vindictive process being waged then against dozens of youths aimed at silencing through slander, the victims of abuse, and I did so at a time when the PIRA were murdering people in our community for daring to do the same.
I will not rest until this man has admitted his role in using his office and access to vulnerable young people for sexual gratification, and having utilized the Provisional network to destroy my name and youth; he will tell my family and my comrades and he will tell his own friends and colleagues who and what he is in his won words and from his own mouth, unless of course he succumbs before hand to the pressure of it all, I believe he did conduct an interview claiming Republican elements had ruined his life some time ago.
There is a belief that the decision to endorse the RUC was a decision influenced by the then imminent exposure of Liam Adams crimes and their subsequent cover up.
In this regard, the decision to endorse the "PSNI" (sic) should be revisited as a consequence of their initial endorsement being corrupt and based on protecting the corrupt and insane.
The article is not for personal vindication and I genuinely did not want to discuss it at all, but it is the only way that I can explain to those who don't know how the silencing of victims actually worked, not all victims have relatives in the hierarchy of Sinn Féin thus not all can rely on a great media interest, so I did this as a mark of respect to Aine's sacrifice for all victims and in the hope that even one person who succumbed to the process and accepted the sack cloth and ashes imposed upon their being, remember a time when they were human in their own mind and reclaim their lives from their abusers and those who concealed it.
“Commenting this morning on the report on clerical sexual abuse of children in the Dublin Diocese Sinn Féin Vice President Mary Lou McDonald said anyone found to have covered up the abuse of children should be arrested and face the full rigours of the law….”
ReplyDelete28 November, 2009
ReplyDeleteShe means Gerry Adams!.
We need to Break the Bad They are the Danger