Since the Omagh bombing in particular there has been a lazy but often conscious attempt to create a discourse which would characterise all republicans opposed to the peace process as being in favour of armed strategies. While that has certainly been ruptured by the sheer diversity of republican voices critical of the peace process it nevertheless needs to be stressed that many republicans are supportive of the peace but not the process. Frequently, they object to the peace process because all too often the process has been strategically used to subvert the peace.
That subversion was strategically designed to promote Sinn Fein’s party political interests in a way that would see republicans in office but republicanism left outside. There is not a scintilla of evidence that the peace process has advanced the cause of Irish unity one iota. In fact if we are to rely on recent findings in the Belfast Telegraph the desire for unity is weaker now than it has been at any time in the past four decades. It is truism to say that we are now 40 years closer to a united Ireland than we were in 1973. But it hardly amounts to a hill of beans if we can also say that in another 40 years time we will be 80 years closer to a united Ireland than we were in the year that saw the Sunningdale Agreement signed. The harsh fact is that not one volunteer who participated in the IRA campaign will live to see the unified nation state that they endeavoured through armed actions to attain.
The failure of the IRA campaign to force British withdrawal has compelled many republicans to reflect on what it was all about and whether oppositional strategies to the British state could have been developed without an armed dimension. Alternatively it compels them to consider if an armed campaign - that stopped so far short of unity, resulting only in an internal solution - could have been brought to a close much earlier. It also leads them to cast their gaze over the strategic terrain that they survey through their republican lens in a bid to assess what if any political space exists within which to carve out and expand their republican perspective.
People subscribing to an authentic republican perspective, in so far as it is possible to pluck any such thing from the myriad of competing claims, would not subscribe to the concept of unity by consent as currently framed and contextualised, viewing it as something for which the ultimate guarantor is the power of the British state.
This is not to argue that republicans are altogether blind to the very real factor of unionist autonomy. It seems to me that republicans often ignored the evidence available and in the process managed to get the causal factor in the British state presence back to front: they saw unionism as being held in place by Britain rather than seeing Britain as being held in place in Ireland by unionism. British imperialism as it is often termed in republican discourse can manage quite easily without any territorial acquisition in Ireland. Few would argue that British strategic interests are in any way threatened by the political ensemble that has been constructed in the twenty six counties of Ireland. Britain could safely withdraw in the morning from the North secure in the knowledge that Sinn Fein and the DUP would pose the same level of threat to British strategic interests as is posed by Fine Gael and Labour in the South.
Whatever the historical origins of British involvement and partition, the British administrative presence in the North currently exists because of unionism. Unionism in the North does not exist because of the British. There is much therefore to be said for the observation in 1954 made by John V. Kelleher that a political problem is rarely solved by those who ‘tend to see it as it first existed and not as time and society continually refashion it … the history of the problem is nearly irrelevant to its solution.…’
Left to its own devices it is doubtful if the British state would remain in the North of Ireland. The establishment of a MI5 base in East Belfast coupled with the ongoing instability of the UK territorial framework occasioned by the upcoming Scottish Independence referendum, have inserted two factors into the British considerations that were not present in 1998. This gives them some incentive to view the North as a partial but conjunctural asset. It is very doubtful if such short term strategic considerations would trump a longer term British inclination to be shot of the place on the sheer basis of having calculated that it is more a liability and its retention not a vital strategic concern.
I sense within the British state mindset an attitude similar to that expressed by two American GIs in the North during the Second World War. Looking at their ship secured to moorings in the dock one said to the other that he couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t cut the rope and let the damned place sink.
Nor is a rejection of the consent principle as currently constituted to be interpreted as the advocacy of coercion. There is essentially nothing wrong with finding fault in the consent principle. If consent has any democratic value it has to mean that for consent to exist it must be freely given ... or, freely withheld. If people can only consent and are denied the means to dissent then the term has been denuded of any content that can properly amount to consent because by one means or another they are coerced into consenting. This clearly invalidates consent.
Because a republican opposes the principle of consent, it does not follow that they subscribe to having that principle violently usurped. It simply means they too exercise their own freedom to either give consent or withhold it. Nothing coercive is contained within. In a democratic culture dissent is both as important and legitimate as consent. Like the relationship between night and day, one without the other has no meaning.
I recall Denis Bradley once criticising me for dissenting from the Good Friday Agreement. He then went on to claim that it was virtually a fascist position to take. I reflected that the position of Denis was closer to the tenets of fascism than my own. But ‘closer’ is a term that has only relative value here. Denis Bradley no more resembles a fascist than George Orwell did. Yet by seeming to insist that there was only one position a republican could take in relation to the Good Friday Agreement, he was actually closing down the space in which genuine consent and democratic discourse could flourish. My own position I found more flexible and tolerant than his.
Shaken down to its essence the consent principle is nothing other than the partition principle. It is an indivisible entity. We cannot claim to oppose partition yet support the very mechanism that makes partition tick. The task is intellectually irreconcilable although we will find in our political class those sufficiently skilled in verbal gymnastics to enable them to make the vault from black to white and claim all they saw on their journey was 50 shades of grey.
But to return to Denis Bradley’s point. Why would a republican want to oppose the Good Friday Agreement?
The answer to that is simple. It amounts to the complete inversion-cum-philosophical collapse of the republican ethos. The late Brendan Hughes summed up the GFA when he said it stood for ‘Got Fuck All.’ On the night of Good Friday 1998 in response to a probe from Jeremy Paxman, I proffered the view that it was simply a British declaration of intent to stay which ran wholly counter to the long established demand of republicans for Britain to issue a declaration of intent to withdraw. Nothing since has remotely caused me to change my mind.
As British shadow secretary of State for the North, Vernon Croker, told his party conference this week in Brighton:
we almost need to establish first principles again, the sort that were enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement. Nationalists and republicans need to show that they accept Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom while the majority of people who live there want it to be. That’s what they signed up for.
It does not get much simpler.
Regardless of the structural factors that gave rise to armed conflict or the multiplicity of motivations that fed into the participation by myself and others in armed republicanism the ideological justification was framed in terms of short circuiting the consent principle and forcing a British disengagement whether the unionists willed it or not. Which means that all those British state security service personnel - RUC, UDR and British Army - at one level died in defence of the right of the people of the North to determine their own future and to continue with their British guaranteed right to fracture the unity of the country. Now when the same soldiers are targeted by armed republicans they are labelled traitors by those who once directed that soldiers defending the partition principle be killed.
There is no justification for killing soldiers or cops. Unlike in the past, the mitigation that can be offered is at best tenuous. The psychological satisfaction to be derived from striking out at the old enemy is no substitute for political strategy. There is no war taking place in the North and in the absence of any war there are no acts of war. Troops and police in such circumstances have the same rights not to be targeted as the non combatant community. Yet it seems a bit rich for those who directed the war against the British to have completed an 180 degree turn to where they find themselves supporting the very partitionist principle that so many were killed trying to defend. If war necessitates the killing of enemies then those responsible for directing the killing should have profound reasons for doing so; not reasons that can be abandoned at the drop of a hat a la Groucho Marx who once famously quipped ‘those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.’ Life simply cannot be devalued in such cynical fashion.
The Good Friday Agreement was the outcome of a British state strategy that sought to have republicans strangle republicanism. When at a conference in England a number of years ago I challenged a senior British political figure with the assertion that he had shafted republicanism his response was as terse as it was incisive: republicans had shafted republicanism. Either way, there was consensus between us: republicanism was shafted. This is why there is nothing in the current executive other than waffle which resembles the republican belief system of the war years. As Brian Feeney once observed the current Sinn Fein project has ended up unsaying and undoing everything it had once said and done.
The failure of the IRA’s armed campaign – notwithstanding the attempts by Gerry Adams to pretend that it was the first IRA campaign not to have ended in failure – has resulted in much soul searching on the part of independent republicans. This is hardly the first time that I or other republicans have said that what was gained was not worth one human life lost.
There is much in this that should give republicans pause for reflection. Perhaps the hardest nettle to grasp, because it stings so painfully, is that republicanism is not the answer to the question of partition. It can neither overcome the will of a majority of people in the North to retain the link with Britain nor is it capable of creating a majority in the North that will opt to vote the North out of the UK and into a 32 country Irish Republic. Even was it capable of achieving the latter, it would merely be moving onto constitutional nationalist or British state ground: that after all is the only framework prescribed by both the constitutional nationalists and the British for achieving unity. It is fallacious to describe such a strategic framework as republican.
Charles Haughey once referred to the North as a failed political entity. What the last 40 years have made clear is that republicanism rather than the Northern state has proven to be the failed political entity. This is another nettle that we balk at grasping. Nevertheless, our reluctance cannot alter the material reality constituted by the balance of political forces that makes 'The Republic' an unachievable goal.
So what do republicans do? They can state clearly never again to use arms in pursuit of their goals. Without in anyway acquiescing in the partition principle and by refusing to become copted into the British administrative system that manages the North, they can acknowledge that the Irish people have spoken. The Irish people have a right in my view to take up arms against foreign aggression just as any other people has the same right. But it is academic because the Irish people have opted to address the issue of partition in a manner that completely rejects the use of armed force. Republicans cannot insist on the need to respect the right of the Irish people to have unity but ignore the right of the same people to decide how that unity might be achieved. The irony should not be lost on us that an authentic republicanism does not have kings who can lord it over the people in true absolutist monarchical fashion.
That leaves only an unarmed way forward. As argued elsewhere by another speaker here today, Tommy McKearney, republicanism must be uncompromisingly democratic. Yet few should delude themselves about the strategic potential. Whether through the argument of force or the force of argument a united Ireland is in my view unattainable. Does that render republicanism redundant as a progressive force? I don’t believe it does. It may not possess the transformative capacity to effect an end to partition – its essential raison d’etre – but as a progressive project with more than one string to its bow it is by no means bereft of strategic potential to effect change and function as a critique of the British state in the North and the policies that the British political class forces people to swallow. But perhaps more than anything else it should be a rights driven project populated by committed activists rather than office chasers.
At a juncture where the political class at Stormont is quite prepared to extend regressive British economic policy to the North through austerity measures designed to punish the poor, but not prepared to extend progressive British libel laws that would allow the poor more rights to free speech through which they could critique austerity and such like, it seems imperative that republicans become a voice of opposition in a political society where no official opposition is permitted. It should seek to articulate the grievances of the most vulnerable.
The need for oppositional space is perhaps greater than ever now that the falsehood of power sharing is sold to the world masked by a discursive fig leaf concealing what is in esence power splitting. And the power is split in such a zero sum way that what holds the political class together at the top at the same time pushes the communities on the ground further apart.
For this reason republicans should not try to emulate the billiard ball relationship that has so come to characterise community relations in the North: where each community is perpetually condemned to first clash and then be repelled by the other. Drawing on an analogy from the study of international relations, the relationship between the communities needs to be more akin to a cobweb: where the interaction between both is extended, deepened and even inextricably entangled.
Essential to creating this cobweb is a willingness by independent republicans to examine their own past critique of the British state and unionism. It was formulated for the most part by people whose penchant for the false narrative is so strong that everything they said and the belief system they helped spawn needs revaluated. That does not mean that the republican perspective on British or political unionism is invalidated. Far from it. But in order for it to be considered authentic and prove intellectually and ethically plausible it must survive the test of scrutiny. This cannot be done in some splendid isolation where republicans talk only to themselves about unionism and loyalism. There needs to be a critical engagement with unionism and loyalism at grassroots level, an engagement that avoids both gesture politics-cum-strategicless gimmerickery, and the temptation to walk on eggshells in order to avoid causing offence. Unionism has no right to be protected from the offence of a different perspective any more so than republicanism has.
In is in this spirit that I think people like myself and Tommy McKearney, former IRA combatants, have been invited to speak here today. I hope, and I doubt if Tommy would disagree, that it is one more strand in the cobweb of communication and engagement that must be constructed and strengthened if we are ever to avoid a return to the past. Don’t leave it to the leaders to sort out. They will fail us. While they continue to split power for the purpose of managing rather than resolving division, people at grassroots should share ideas. It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. I would argue that it can also breed commonality.
If commonality saves one life, protects one job, prevents one prisoner being beaten by screws, halts one avaricious banker in his tracks, stops one cop from framing an innocent person, then it matters not what community the beneficiary hails from, republicans can view it as an achievement.
The grand narrative of republicanism while certainly admirable is no longer, if indeed it ever was, functionally applicable to the issue of partition. The problem of partition is much stronger than the solution of republicanism. Recent history has shown us that if republicanism hurls itself billiard ball like at partition, it rather than partition will shatter. Yet there is a multiplicity of progressive republican narratives that can be addressed to a plurality of issues.
Am I still a republican? Yes. But in the sense that if Germany was to sink beneath the waves tomorrow there would still be Germans. Germany as a viable entity might not have any future but Germans would be capable of making a valuable contribution to human society. Independent republicans can make such a contribution within an oppositional project that would not cause them to abandon republicanism or to cross the radical picket line just to stand shoulder to shoulder with the respective leaders of the British police and political unionism in Ireland.
Many independent republicans want what they have always wanted. What they do not want is to kill in order to get it.
There are many irrefutably good points that are made in the considered article above. Having only read it once so far my comment is first reaction and not so considered.
ReplyDeleteIt seems both practical and a logical way towards a fight back against injustice and corrupt society. For the educated and articulate it would be the a maens to serving the ideology those persons hold. Fortunately or unfortunately there are many people who dont subscribe to acheiving brit withdrawl by living a life in constant struggle with a state/states that are railed against you. When I joined the IRA it was nt because I was an educated Irish speaking member of the GAA, who attended mass every week. Nor was it because of the usurping of the democratic proccess by north eastern protestants last century.
Some people use physical force because they know there is a wrong being perpetrated and they react to it by choosing to confront it with force. Some say things have changed and they have. The people blindly entrusted with driving the vehicle of republicanism forward, instead decided to crash and burn republicanism then proceed directly to the gravy train.
On the other hand as you rightly point out in the article above regarding the north, what has changed. Because we are told there is peace does not mean it exists here in it purist form. Rather peace here has had to be a very loose flexible peace as its defination has been stretched to the limits.
I am glad people of your standing up and trying to bring a cohesion of ideals or at the very least creating discussion but it is my opinion that there will always be problems here along with killings and bombings. This state was built on not very secure foundations and at some point it will collapse. I dont believe republicans should have to fully give up on Republicanism as a forlorn asperation but they will have to adopt how they mean to achieve a united people by way of it.
I watched an interview David Camoron had with one of the local news outlets lastweek. As far as I could assertain we definitely are as brittish as finchley.
Excellent. In my opinion that is probably the best piece of writing I have read on this site.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever get around to writing a new book this must be included, where and under what section I do not know.
What I do know is that it opened up a whole new world for independent republican thinking.
Far too long, the Orwellian thought police have tied the word dissident republican to the gun, which is not necessarily the case.
You can feel proud with yourself in my opinion you delivered that speech in a Newtowncunningham Orange hall. I would.
Excellent stuff, good food for progressive thought...
ReplyDeleteThoughtful analyses, there is a lot here so need to digest it, what do you actually mean by independent Republican? Someone who does not belong to any organised Republican group, or something else?
I ask this question because over here in the latter part of the last century, many of us called ourselves independent socialists, mainly because we were heart sick of the machinations of left parties and groups, from the Labour Party to the sects.
The problem with this is it only takes one so far, for we live in a place and time where real change mainly, if not exclusively comes through political parties. (I realise the true situation is more complex than that but I hope you get my drift)
The weakness of those who oppose the GFA and especially the road SF chose, and I include myself in that group, is that no one as far as I'm aware has ever set out, what the leadership of SF should have done once they realised the armed struggle had to end.
Were they supposed to have withdrawn from the fray and returned the political space back into the hands of the Unionists. Were they so wrong in there attempt to grab some of the levers of power, as paltry and pathetic as those lever have turned out to be.
Without a scenario which sets out a half viable alternative, people being what they are, may well do what your own, and previous generation of republicans did, one more heave with armed struggle and we will be there.
Just some thoughts and questions which came to mind on reading your piece
Sorry, I didn't see this.
ReplyDeletewhile there is much in what you say, I still can't see how a united Ireland can be brought about. That was central to my talk. The balance of political forces does not lend itself to such an outcome. I have yet to see it strategically explained.
ReplyDeletethanks for your contribution. I don't think I have said anything that I have not said before, merely pulled it together in one piece. I would not go as far as to say it has opened up a whole new world for independent republican thinking. As Organised Rage suggests an independent is one!
I am sure republicans like Alec would robustly dispute the general thrust of my position. My views have not developed in isolation. They are the result of much listening to other republicans and reflecting on what they had to say.
ReplyDelete'As Organised Rage suggests an independent is one!'
Describing yourself as 'Non Aligned' might conceal the numbers!
Mick/Organised Rage,
ReplyDeleteAs you suggest an independent republican generally speaking is someone with no allegiance to a political group.
I take your point about political parties being the organising principle for change but they should be able to coexist with independent thought without seeking to suppress it. I am not a party line person and don’t feel I fit in with parties as it curbs the ability to write and think freely.
If the GFA was the only thing the armed struggle could have produced – an internal solution – it merely invalidates having waged it and prolonged it.
SF did not have to cede space to the unionists. They could have pursued a range of oppositional strategies including electoral rather than becoming part of the British administrative system. You have said it yourself ‘paltry and pathetic’ levers which amounts to nothing other than the abandonment of republicanism. If we look at it in reformist terms it has not amounted to a great deal. Nobody yet that I have seen has made a compelling argument as to what embracing reformism as part of a British admin can actually achieve. It has not advanced republicanism.
My point I suppose is that there is no republican strategy that can achieve Irish unity. So what then do republicans do? I have made some tentative suggestions. They might ultimately amount to nothing because I represent nobody but myself.
I don’t pretend to have the answers. But when SF criticise their detractors for having no strategy for a united Ireland it is a criticism they should direct at themselves. They have no strategy for it either. This has been one of my observations over the years. I just think trying to censor muzzle people like me over the years has served no purpose. SF argue that I am wrong. Fine. But they should have dealt with shattering my argument rather than silencing me.
ReplyDeleteglad you got something out of it.
I am still a non aligned one!
Mackers what you said mirrors my opinion on the state of Republicanism today.
ReplyDeleteWhether we like it or not Northern Nationalists are turning away from Irish Unity. Their main concern is day to day survival which incredibly is cast aside come election time when fear strikes the hearts of most Catholics that the Unionists will gain more power should they not vote Sinn Fein.
Then there is the peace process another sure vote winner, predictably fed each election time by Sinn Fein claims of death threats etc.
In fact the diminishing desire for Unity has also been aided by Sinn Fein's acceptance of the British Statelet.
Within the various Republican groups there is no clear acknowledgement that the time is ripe for a new completely different beginning. It seems to be a case of keep grinding on in the hope that we can revive the past.
I believe that is what the British want to see; they don't care if their policy of Normalisation gets hit with the odd rock or two now and again. They have reinforced it with the help of so called Republicans.
To the so called Republicans its seen as a sure fire vote winner.
They couldn't care less if Republicans are abandoning them as long as the electorate fear a return to the past and Unionists gaining more ground then well and good.
I believe we need to stop giving them sticks with which to beat us.
ReplyDelete'I am still a non aligned one!'
I will defer to your insistence on oneness!
Your address was described to me, before having read it here, as brilliant. I think seminal should be added to that appraisal. Those plaudits, coming as they do from Unionists, are not tossed your way, lightly or reward like, out of a perception that you have diluted your Republicanism or fashioned it in a manner that meets approval. To the contrary you represent a much more formidable proposition than those hostage to the Banzai tradition.
Excellent piece. I really enjoyed reading it and the companion piece about the visit to the Orange Hall. Green, White and Orange in action, of which we need more. Am in total agreement, that those of us of a republican, anti-imperialist, progressive persuasion need to engage with those, who cling to the constitutional link with GB, if only to convince them, that a United Ireland would not mean a repeat of 1641 (or whatever it is, they're worried about). Keep up the good work. Regards to Tommy McK.
ReplyDeleteChallenging piece Mackers, courageous stuff from start to finish even if it does amount to a hard and perhaps unwelcome dose of reality in large parts. The republican movement has been badly fractured during the course of the peace process, I've heard it described as a mirror dropped from on high and smashed into a thousand pieces, a no-doubt necessary requirement of the scheme to turn republicanism in on itself to the point where it accepted a broadly internal settlement. The result as you've determined is we now stand as far back as ever in the quest to end the British occupation, as far back as the close of the Border Campaign, perhaps even further. The task at hand then is to rebuild the republican movement and in the process set out a credible alternative to the gombeen strategy pursued by establishment republicanism. For you can't reach any destination without a vehicle to carry you there. The goal at the minute has to be to get republicanism back on a sound footing and the type of politics you advocate surely can play a massive part in this process. My belief is that we must first secure the legacy of those who dared to take up arms in the last phase of struggle, for although many on here may describe it as a defeat it was a heroic gesture of resistance nonetheless, which is something we should always remember and take pride in. Ultimately it will be through educating a new generation of youngsters and bringing them onboard that leads the way to a united Ireland. Our job is to rebuild the movement in order to give them the tools to finish the job
ReplyDeleteVery very good piece and very valid on many levels.
ReplyDeleteI feel i understand Republicanism on a rather decent level and the core essence of it has a hint of social harmony but I do have objections to SF and other groups like the IRSP, RUN etc reaching out the the PUL community.
I must admit that even I as a kid / teenager growing up did consider the IRA/ INLA to be directly targeting people of my community. IRA bombs were left in my area. Shootings happened and I know several families who had murdered loved ones. Like many families on both sides. I was not raised political however and was not subjected to any sectarian natures at home. Plus I attended an Integrated school, so that did shape my mind different to a great extent. I was in London at the timing of the IRA bombing in the early 90's. I remember the Omagh bombing. I remember many such incidents. I have listened to Gerry Adams speak about offering friendship and I really do not feel he is sincere. I feel the PUL community is nothing but a thorn in the side of the future that Republicans want. Extreme loyalist are a minority. The OO is dying out and times are changing. There are many very decent people in the PUL community who just want peace. To an extent the Republican struggle has not made it easy for these people to embrace being Irish first and British second. Every bomb and shooting made them pull away even further and only cling on to a British sense of being. I remember being 13 to 14 years old and hearing David Ervine speaking. I looked up to him for many years and still do. I wonder where would the peace process be now, if he were still here. I feel that SF are not the Republicans who should be reaching out the the community. In my opinion, true Republicanism is being left behind and the message of Wolfe Tone and Henry Joy are not getting out there. To bring the PUL community aboard. They need to drop the militant nature of it. The Armalite and ballot box is scary and off putting. Yes, Republicans and Loyalists have a right to remember and honour those they looked up to and who fought and died during the conflict. Though we need to left it at that and start building new parties that are in the interest of ALL people here.
AM - a very helpful and encouraging OP. It and the other comments make me hopeful that mutual understanding is going to flow from fresh analysis.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to post it to my thinking Unionist friends.
ReplyDeleteThis is probably the best piece of yours I've ever read. The sheer breadth of your inquiry and the nuances of its conclusions are tremendously impressive. Certainly, there is nothing else in comtemporary republicanism (or pseudo-republicanism) that can match your analysis for its congency or intellectual honesty.
All things move towards their end and sometimes it hurts to follow the evidence towards unpalatable conclusions. At least I have felt that way on a few occasions. When I first discovered this blog many years ago, I remember being struck by your use of the following Carl Jung motto:
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain."
In our own respective ways, I guess we both know what that means.
A very impressive piece, the most progressive and honest analysis of republicanism to date!
ReplyDeleteThis is the type of thinking which needs to be embraced by everyone in this wee part of the World!
This analysis of what republicanism should mean in the 21 Century has given an old socialist like me hope that there is a chance to build a grass-roots political movement in Ireland which could be embraced by ordinary people of every faith and none.
ReplyDeletethank you for your generous comment. But I doubt if it will take root. It is not representative of any substantive body of opinion and ideas not organisationally applied don't seem to anchor very well. It will simply bounce off the general body of republican thought out there and in some quarters be regarded as heresy.
ReplyDeletethanks for your positive feedback. But as I explained to Michael, different ideas are in the driving seat now - those that think republicanism as a grand narrative has a future.
Looking at the various groups who have their own individual take on Republican ideology coupled with the several 'relaunches' by different strands of militant Republicanism, we can safely deduce that Republican ideology is in a serious state of flux!
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem is the difficulty it faces in trying to 'rebrand' itself for this century. During the conflict Republicans were faced with one political choice, Sinn Féin where the PIRA were the major form of militancy. IRSP/INLA also existed but were desimated in the 70's/80's. PSF's strategy was developed as the conflict progressed and at times reactionary to events on the ground.
Since GFA hard line Republicans have been attempting to re-group and learn from the mistakes made in the past to formulate a new future strategy for re-unification. In doing so they have revealed gapping holes in the old strategy and have had great difficulty ideologically reconciling these issues and hence all the various splits have ensued.
As Sean has rightly said :
My belief is that we must first secure the legacy of those who dared to take up arms in the last phase of struggle, for although many on here may describe it as a defeat it was a heroic gesture of resistance nonetheless, which is something we should always remember and take pride in...
However, the Republican rallying call of 'Brits Out!' doesn't resonate with the people in 2013. Whilst some may class it as simplistic it proved highly effective because it encapsulated everything that was wrong with Partition and proved a focal point for Republicans to vent their frustration/anger towards. Under closer scrutiny this mantra took no consideration of the fact that the 26 counties were moving forward developing their new country and it made no allowance of how the Protestant majority in the O6C would be facilitated.
We seem to have gone full circle if we analyse all the ideological stands adopted by the various groups today...Whilst before we over simplified our route to re-unification we now seem to be guitly of over analysing the issue, hence why so many groups are having difficulty in maintaining momentum..
All the groups share common goals as regards the need for self determination via the formation of a 32 County Republic. However, they are also very entrenched in their desire to encorporate the past into forming a viable strategy for moving forward. Whilst I agree that the ultimate scarifices given by ALL for Irish freedom must NEVER be forgotten, over emphasis may the adverse effect of driving people away!
Connolly said; "We who hold his (Wolfe Tone) principles believe that any movement which would successfully grapple with the problem of national freedom must draw its inspiration not from the mouldering records of the past, but from the glowing hopes of the living present, the vast possibilities of the mighty future."
I personally think that this is the juncture where many Republicans now find themselves. Firstly, living up to the attitudes & heroism of the past can be a heavy yolk to carry especially since the ideal of patriotism has been replaced by secularism & apathy in modern society..Secondly, over emphasis on the past can cloud the issues we face in the present and leave us in a time warp of sorts..
In my opinion, the key to 'rebranding' Republicanism will be finding a balance between the past & present and formulating a modern strategy with it's roots in the teachings of Tone that people of today can affiliate with..