Bloody Muslim war is not our's to fight: Irish must not be Allies' pawns

Dr John Coulter with a piece that initially featured in the Irish Daily Star on 9 September 2013.

Not one drop of Irish military blood must be spilt in Syria!

Obama wants the green light to send in his bombers against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, thereby embroiling some of the Allied powers in what is only a Muslim civil war.

If Iraq and Afghanistan are benchmarks, air raids will soon be followed by ground troops and the Yanks will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the start of the Vietnam War by invading yet another nation and butting their noses into a religious conflict.

'Basher' Assad is kicking the asses of the radical Muslim Brotherhood-run Free Syrian Army.

Okay, Shia Muslim 'Basher' may allegedly be using chemical weapons against the Sunni Muslim rebels, but if Obama's planes begin bombing, the real people to suffer will be Syria's 2.5 million Christians, who comprise 10% of the country.

Ironically, 'Basher' Assad has a reputation of being more tolerant of Syrian Christians than the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood leaders of the anti-Assad rebels.

Many American and British troops are of Irish decent. How many Irish families lost loved ones in the needless conflicts in Iraq over Weapons of Mass Destruction which did not exist, and in Afghanistan to eliminate the heroin poppy industry?

The influential Egyptian Society of Northern Ireland has its finger on the pulse of the crisis. In July 2012, there was a cautious welcome for the then Muslim Brotherhood-backed President Mohamed Morsi, who had overthrown the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.

But Morsi is out of power and the remnants of the Brotherhood have resorted to a vile terror campaign against the police and army in Egypt.

Two Cairo university students, brother and sister Bassem and Nouran Fawzy, told me how they risked their lives to take part in the two Egyptian revolutions, firstly against Mubarak and then against Morsi.

They want the liberal politician Mustafha Hegezy to become president as he is a big hit with Egypt's youth. Just as we have the scourge of the 'brain drain' in Ireland where thousands are leaving the island, so the common chant of many Egyptian young people is – 'happiness is leaving Egypt'.

While the Egyptian and Syrian conflicts are internal, Ireland should not tumble into the pitfall of dismissing them as a Middle Eastern problem. Like both world wars of the 20th century, there is the real danger Syria could escalate into a global conflict.
Many in the anti-Morsi camp suspect the Brotherhood has been funded to the tune of eight BILLION dollars by Obama, who basically wants to use the Brotherhood to control as many states around Iran as possible.

Obama has been left with egg on his face because the Brotherhood has lost power in Egypt.

Many Egyptians draw a comparison with the Yanks trying to run the Brotherhood with the way in which the Brits manipulated Sinn Féin through agents, informers and funding to eventually run a partitionist parliament at Stormont.

Allied involvement in Syria is only a springboard for the real offensive – the invasion of Iran. The US wants to use its manipulation of the Muslim Brotherhood to control the Middle East.

The Brotherhood now has significant grip in Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen, with links to the al-Qaeda movement.

Obama's billions were to be used by the Brotherhood to placate Israel by expanding Gaza and the Sinai area for the Palestinians.

The Syrian conflict is an inter-Muslim civil war between the Yank-funded Brotherhood and its pals in Hamas, and 'Basher' Assad with his Shia mates in Iran and the radical Hezbollah terror group.

Let's hope Obama has a Biblical-style Road to Damascus conversion about bombing Syria, because like many wars over past centuries, it will be the Irish who will do the fighting and dying.
September 10, 2013
This article appeared in the September 9, 2013 edition of the Irish Daily Star.


  1. I listened with interest, and a little disappointment, to Eamon Gilmore, former stickie, support the use of armed tactics in Syria a few weeks ago.
    It struck me our second in command of government had forgotten to read the basic law of the State, in this case the Free State.
    It states at
    Article 29

    1. Ireland affirms its devotion to the ideal of peace and friendly co-operation amongst nations founded on international
    justice and morality.

    2. Ireland affirms its adherence to the principle of the pacific settlement of international disputes by international
    arbitration or judicial determination. (sic)
    I recall first reading this in the 1970's and thinking it properly permitted the use of our defence forces to undertake action in respect of the National question but it outlawed the intervention of ROI defence forces in any other conflict(s), in other words I think it would be unconstitutional to send Irish troops to Syria, unless, as in Lebanon, Chad, Congo, Cyprus etc. there was a UN mandate requiring peace keeping forces to preserve the life and government in another part of the world.
    Our, Free State, defence forces have a long and proud history of securing peace in inflamed situations but must be properly mandated by the UN and cannot engage in any offensive actions.
    The sooner an Tanaiste, and his over paid special advisers recognise this the better for us all.

  2. John, I'm slow on the uptake at times. Can you square a circle for me.

    On one hand you say, 'Bloody Muslim war is not our fight...'

    But here you say Long Kesh can be Irish Guantanamo: Terror suspects should be interned

    If we, as you suggest started interning Muslim terrorist's in Long Kesh, surely that means Ireland would be involved in a very real way in a 'bloody Muslim war'. Maybe I need more coffee and missed the point you are trying to make.
