Franklin Lamb from Beirut with another in his excellent run of pieces on the conflict in Syria. It initially featured in Counterpunch on the 19th June 2013.
The Group of Eight leaders meeting
in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, having called for an international
conference on the ongoing crisis in Syria to be held “as soon as possible”
could not agree on much else that might end the civil war anytime soon there.
The White House now is reportedly in private agreement with Russia and Iran
that the Assad government will remain in power until next year’s election.
Consequently, an 18 month old US-led Plan B has been dusted off by the Obama administration according to Washington Congressional and Beirut diplomatic sources. If successful, there is growing confidence among pro-Zionist neocons in Congress that while Syrian regime-change has failed for several reasons that thwarted the Gulf funded military campaign, Syria can still be brought to heel through an economic campaign dressed to look, well, down right “humanitarian.”
The term “equivalent of the Marshall Plan” is being employed by some in the White House and Pentagon this month to describe a proposed large-scale “humanitarian rescue program” being prepared for Syria, according to some Western diplomats based in Lebanon.
However, the 1948 Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program or ERP) was an American program to aid Europe, through which the United States provided $ 13 billion, in today’s monetary terms, approximately 100 billion dollars of economic support, to help rebuild European economies devastated by war.
With respect to Syria, the “ equivalent of the Marshall Plan” currently being finalized is very different from what General George |C. Marshall explained to his Harvard University audience, 66 years ago this month, when he announced the post WW II initiative.
The already project Syria amounts to 19th century economic imperialism as a means to achieve control of Syria by hijacking its economy while shielding Israel from the rising tide of protests in this region, as armed groups across the spectrum are beginning to focus on directly confronting the Zionist theft and continuing occupation of Palestine.
What Washington has in mind constitutes an attempt to gain control over Syria by controlling its economy via contracts for rebuilding the country and “lending” the hoped for post-Assad Syrian government as much as 300 billion dollars to be secured by Syrian assets. IMF economists estimate the value of the public sector in Syria, exceeds half a trillion dollars. Under the US-led pan, creditors can take control of ownership of the public sectior, if Syria accepts the plan for pledges to secure debt. The buyers of the debt will be largely American and indirectly Israeli businessmen as well as from the Gulf. Qatar specifically is gambling on this plan, to work with “international parties”, to immerse Syria in debt, and then drive the country to sell the private sector at a very small fraction of their true values.
Some who are warning against the scheme point out that Syrians are capable of rebuilding their own country and have the labor force and raw materials to do it. Foreign aid will be welcomed by the Syrian government but not at the price of ceding the Arab Syrian Republic to a new western crafted economic order. What is hidden in the war on Syria is reported to be much bigger than has been divulged to date, and involves winding down the military actions in favor of economic aggression against the Syrian population which the layers of US sanctions to date is just a harbinger.
In this context, according to Western Diplomatic sources, the US government and some Gulf countries have tried to bribe Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of Syria’s President, to break with the government and leave the country. Some other well-known figues have also been offered large sums of cash to break ranks. Last month, one prominent Syrian nationalist who works with the government told this observer of receiving a $ 50 million dollar offer to defect and leave Syria. The official rejected the bribe and ridiculed the government that made the offer by explaining that as proud Syrian nationalists, no amount of money would break the sacred bond between Syrians and their country.
With respect to Mr. Maklouf, he did not react to being placed on the US Treasury Department’s “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDN) list which blocks assets and prohibits, under severe penalties, U.S. citizens from dealing with them, nor did he dignify an American clemency offer with even a reply. Rather he has maintained his steadfast support for Syria in the face of several attempts to assassinate him as well as targeting him, as a leader of the Syrian business community, with American orchestrated (OFAC) defamatory media campaigns, to pressure Presidenrt Bashar al-Assad to break with him. Rather than rejecting Syria for American offers of protection, Makhlouf channeled much of his assets for the benefit of domestic charities and rehabilitative projects, providing jobs for the unemployed and loans for small investors as well as “at cost” family housing for many of the internally displaced. This initiative continues. Makhlouf has provided his borse shares in the largest telecommunications companies in Syria to charity associations in order to insure financial independence and resources that the Authority can rely upon, to ease somewhat, the devastating effects on the current crisis on the Syrian civil society.
According to analysts among the Western diplomatic corps in Beirut, many wealthy Syrian capitalists fell into the U.S. trap, wherein SDN economic sanctions prompted them to leave Syria and defect from the regime. The United States and its European partners continue to wage an economic war against Syria by imposing crippling sanctions which are affecting the lives of ordinary citizens in many ways from food and fuel costs to medical care.
Why Rami Makhlouf and other strong nationalists in Syria’s business community are being targeted as a prelude to fully launching the US-led “Syrian Marshall Plan” is that their bonds with Syria as well as their business acumen are blocking the Western scheme because they provide the Syrian government with much needed additional financial strength to rebuild Syria, in cooperation with other countries, but without being subject to the economically fatal conditions the US-led plan envisages. Many in the financial and academic community view the proposed SMP plan as nearly certain to hold the Syrian economy hostage to foreigners for scores of years.
The US Treasury Department considers Makhlouf and others like him in the Syrian business community as fully capable, if allowed, of helping Syria’s government to collect huge sums from international investors to help rebuild Syria without being subject to Western domination.
“The anti-Mahhlouf black propaganda campaign" according to a Washington DC source familiar with the intensified preparations, commented that the SMP was designed to include a wide ranging assault in the visual and written media, audio, as well as in the electronic media:
Consequently, an 18 month old US-led Plan B has been dusted off by the Obama administration according to Washington Congressional and Beirut diplomatic sources. If successful, there is growing confidence among pro-Zionist neocons in Congress that while Syrian regime-change has failed for several reasons that thwarted the Gulf funded military campaign, Syria can still be brought to heel through an economic campaign dressed to look, well, down right “humanitarian.”
The term “equivalent of the Marshall Plan” is being employed by some in the White House and Pentagon this month to describe a proposed large-scale “humanitarian rescue program” being prepared for Syria, according to some Western diplomats based in Lebanon.
However, the 1948 Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program or ERP) was an American program to aid Europe, through which the United States provided $ 13 billion, in today’s monetary terms, approximately 100 billion dollars of economic support, to help rebuild European economies devastated by war.
With respect to Syria, the “ equivalent of the Marshall Plan” currently being finalized is very different from what General George |C. Marshall explained to his Harvard University audience, 66 years ago this month, when he announced the post WW II initiative.
The already project Syria amounts to 19th century economic imperialism as a means to achieve control of Syria by hijacking its economy while shielding Israel from the rising tide of protests in this region, as armed groups across the spectrum are beginning to focus on directly confronting the Zionist theft and continuing occupation of Palestine.
What Washington has in mind constitutes an attempt to gain control over Syria by controlling its economy via contracts for rebuilding the country and “lending” the hoped for post-Assad Syrian government as much as 300 billion dollars to be secured by Syrian assets. IMF economists estimate the value of the public sector in Syria, exceeds half a trillion dollars. Under the US-led pan, creditors can take control of ownership of the public sectior, if Syria accepts the plan for pledges to secure debt. The buyers of the debt will be largely American and indirectly Israeli businessmen as well as from the Gulf. Qatar specifically is gambling on this plan, to work with “international parties”, to immerse Syria in debt, and then drive the country to sell the private sector at a very small fraction of their true values.
Some who are warning against the scheme point out that Syrians are capable of rebuilding their own country and have the labor force and raw materials to do it. Foreign aid will be welcomed by the Syrian government but not at the price of ceding the Arab Syrian Republic to a new western crafted economic order. What is hidden in the war on Syria is reported to be much bigger than has been divulged to date, and involves winding down the military actions in favor of economic aggression against the Syrian population which the layers of US sanctions to date is just a harbinger.
In this context, according to Western Diplomatic sources, the US government and some Gulf countries have tried to bribe Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of Syria’s President, to break with the government and leave the country. Some other well-known figues have also been offered large sums of cash to break ranks. Last month, one prominent Syrian nationalist who works with the government told this observer of receiving a $ 50 million dollar offer to defect and leave Syria. The official rejected the bribe and ridiculed the government that made the offer by explaining that as proud Syrian nationalists, no amount of money would break the sacred bond between Syrians and their country.
With respect to Mr. Maklouf, he did not react to being placed on the US Treasury Department’s “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDN) list which blocks assets and prohibits, under severe penalties, U.S. citizens from dealing with them, nor did he dignify an American clemency offer with even a reply. Rather he has maintained his steadfast support for Syria in the face of several attempts to assassinate him as well as targeting him, as a leader of the Syrian business community, with American orchestrated (OFAC) defamatory media campaigns, to pressure Presidenrt Bashar al-Assad to break with him. Rather than rejecting Syria for American offers of protection, Makhlouf channeled much of his assets for the benefit of domestic charities and rehabilitative projects, providing jobs for the unemployed and loans for small investors as well as “at cost” family housing for many of the internally displaced. This initiative continues. Makhlouf has provided his borse shares in the largest telecommunications companies in Syria to charity associations in order to insure financial independence and resources that the Authority can rely upon, to ease somewhat, the devastating effects on the current crisis on the Syrian civil society.
According to analysts among the Western diplomatic corps in Beirut, many wealthy Syrian capitalists fell into the U.S. trap, wherein SDN economic sanctions prompted them to leave Syria and defect from the regime. The United States and its European partners continue to wage an economic war against Syria by imposing crippling sanctions which are affecting the lives of ordinary citizens in many ways from food and fuel costs to medical care.
Why Rami Makhlouf and other strong nationalists in Syria’s business community are being targeted as a prelude to fully launching the US-led “Syrian Marshall Plan” is that their bonds with Syria as well as their business acumen are blocking the Western scheme because they provide the Syrian government with much needed additional financial strength to rebuild Syria, in cooperation with other countries, but without being subject to the economically fatal conditions the US-led plan envisages. Many in the financial and academic community view the proposed SMP plan as nearly certain to hold the Syrian economy hostage to foreigners for scores of years.
The US Treasury Department considers Makhlouf and others like him in the Syrian business community as fully capable, if allowed, of helping Syria’s government to collect huge sums from international investors to help rebuild Syria without being subject to Western domination.
“The anti-Mahhlouf black propaganda campaign" according to a Washington DC source familiar with the intensified preparations, commented that the SMP was designed to include a wide ranging assault in the visual and written media, audio, as well as in the electronic media:
Almost certainty funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, both of which like their western partners who are actually constructing the SMP project, view Makhlouf as a key obstacle to realizing their plans to hijack and control the Syrian economy as part of a soft war, whereby the US and its allies, western and middle eastern, controls Arab economies while keeping US boots off the grounds of Arabia or spending more US treasure in this region.
Targeting Rami Makhlouf, and other
Syrian businessmen by Qatari media and other Arabic paid media outlets, is
designed to hit Syria economically, because weakening the Syrian economic security
at its core, is a more certain path, than endless military campaigns, to
quickly smash the state. Makhlouf and his colleagues are seen as preventing
The ultimate goal of Qatar and certain Gulf countries, with US complicity, is not just expanding their investments in this region, as much as Doha is intent on connecting the Arab world to the American-Zionist axis politically and economically. The speed with which Israeli, Gulf, and Western businessmen showed up at the Corinthian, Radisson, and Rixos hotels in Tripoli, Libya, literally within days of the murder of Moammar Qaddafi, “to help rebuild this country” is instructive on these same interests seeking to control a war damaged country by removing obstacles. Indeed, Russian intelligence reported at the time that the salafists who apprehended Qaddafi in Serte on October 20, 2011, as he attempted to flee, received verbal instructions from a Gulf country (UAE) to kill him in order to eliminate competition for dominating the Libyan economy and to silence those who might torpedo their best laid plans.
The targeting of Mr. Rami Makhlouf and dozens of like-minded Syrian businessmen, who refused to abandon their country, continues. Yet today, like thousands of other Syrian volunteers including the approximately 10,000 who work with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society (SARCS) their time and resources serve their country in order to lessen the suffering of the civilian population. They have stood firm and did not flee, as did some corrupt former supporters and officials of the government.
This week, Syria’s President put the goal of the Marshall Plan for Syria succinctly, without identifying it:
The ultimate goal of Qatar and certain Gulf countries, with US complicity, is not just expanding their investments in this region, as much as Doha is intent on connecting the Arab world to the American-Zionist axis politically and economically. The speed with which Israeli, Gulf, and Western businessmen showed up at the Corinthian, Radisson, and Rixos hotels in Tripoli, Libya, literally within days of the murder of Moammar Qaddafi, “to help rebuild this country” is instructive on these same interests seeking to control a war damaged country by removing obstacles. Indeed, Russian intelligence reported at the time that the salafists who apprehended Qaddafi in Serte on October 20, 2011, as he attempted to flee, received verbal instructions from a Gulf country (UAE) to kill him in order to eliminate competition for dominating the Libyan economy and to silence those who might torpedo their best laid plans.
The targeting of Mr. Rami Makhlouf and dozens of like-minded Syrian businessmen, who refused to abandon their country, continues. Yet today, like thousands of other Syrian volunteers including the approximately 10,000 who work with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society (SARCS) their time and resources serve their country in order to lessen the suffering of the civilian population. They have stood firm and did not flee, as did some corrupt former supporters and officials of the government.
This week, Syria’s President put the goal of the Marshall Plan for Syria succinctly, without identifying it:
What is happening in Syria is a project for those states to push a non-submissive state towards the brink and to look for a new president who says ‘yes’ (to their orders). They have not found and they will not find in the future
Assad stressed while adding:
the interference is a blatant violation of international law and the sovereignty of this country; they (western states and their Gulf allies) want to destabilize the country and spread chaos and backwardness.
Without trying to get into another debate on the suitability, for want of a better word, of Assad then this is why I think the best option for Syria, if it's to maintain any meaningful independence and sovereignty, is the continuation of the current regime - which of course should also agree to reform as a quid pro quo. Assad and his army did not as expected bow to the most intense pressure, violently applied and most of it foreign driven, sourced and funded. And the Syrian people united against the external threat for the sake of the greater good. Let's hope they maintain that unity and continue to withstand the threatening behaviour and this proposed 'economic terrorism' that seeks to bring Syria under the aegis of the neo-liberal IMF/World Bank blueprint for the world - What this has been about all along. It's no coincidence that when the neo-con right occupied the White House after the stolen US Presidential election of 2000 that brought the Bush II regime back to power only seven countries in the entire world had a central banking system independent of IMF, World Bank or (let's call it what it really is without trying to make this sound like an Internet conspiracy theory) Rothschild control. Those countries? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iran and North Korea. It doesn't take a genius to work out the rest. When these people control your banking system they control your economic system, when they control your economic system you are their slave - just look at the Free State which has now zero meaningful sense of economic sovereignty or independence. The banking interests that rule this world have all the say, the Irish people or their representatives have none - squat. Those that resist this model are to be systematically destroyed by whatever means necessary, be that the lynching of a country's legitimate President in the streets of Serte by foreign mercenaries controlled by US/British intelligence ("we came, we saw, he died") or this economic strangulation once applied in a different theatre when Nixon promised "we're gonna make the economy scream" as Washington violently interfered with the Chilean economy to pave the way for the attack on the Moneda and the introduction of the Chicago School of Economics
ReplyDeletemuch of this arguably makes sense but even where these things have to be endorsed it should be done while holding your nose rather than wishing long life to tyrants.
I have to agree with you Sean, what everyone is overlooking is that all the uprisings have been instigated by Muslim Jihadist. Who's aim is to overthrow anyone so they can control the people with draconian laws, Assad has already stated that it is al qaeda in a different cloak, but he must change, and let the people vote for a government, but exclude all religions from partaking in such elections, Just today in egypt , Afer a lot of protesters were shot dead and many more wounded , video footage has been showed of gunmen firing at the police and army from within the protesters ranks, but no proof as to who they were as yet, could have been undercover security forces trying to stir things up, then made good there escape, or , Al qaeda , also making good there escape, I am of the firm belief that families who control countries should be outed, and, elections held, but Religion is not to be part of any government, no one can be united whilst religion is a barrier, as the old saying goes, it's not our country which is divided, It's our people.
ReplyDeleteAfter almost two years of bitter conflict Assad remains in power despite all earlier predictions of his certain downfall. His dogged refusal to surrender his position has only been made possible because of significant popular support, on the one hand, and the loyalty of the Syrian army on the other. Faced with the determined challenge from the rebels, aided and abetted by America and Britian, the Syrians have rallied in defence of their nation. The presence of Islamist forces in the country has been a major cause of concern for the vast majority of the people who, whilst predominantly Muslim, do not subscribe to theocratic government.
ReplyDeleteAssad will have no choice but to introduce wide ranging reform and allow for the election of a new government. If he had done this earlier then much of the fertile ground allowing for the rebellion would have been closed down. Having withstood the vicious rebel onslaught by dent of a popular resistance, the Syrian people are now entitled to greater freedom and democracy.
ReplyDeleteWhat we are witnessing unravel before our eyes is a global sectarian conflict pitting Sunni against Shia, aided and abetted by America, Britain, Israel and their allies!
ReplyDeleteThe West has a long history of trying to manipulate Middle East politics and all their efforts have had the same outcome...abject failure!
The following time frame of the West meddling in Middle east affairs illustrates this;
- During the 1880s and 1890s, Germany's kaiser attempted to turn the forces of jihad against his British, French, and Russian rivals.
- In WW1, the Germans launched a jihad armed with a proclamation form the Ottoman Caliph’s, (the ruler of an Islamic community ruled by the Shari'ah). However, this Ottoman ruler didn't have the authority to do so and Germany pursued their military objectives despite advice to the contrary that a massacre of Christians would ensue. Consequently, this German orchestrated call to jihad ended in failure.
- In WW2, Hitler tried to adopt the same approach with support of veterans that were involved in the previous jihad. He focused upon ethnic cleansing Jews by seeking an alliance with leader of the Palestine Arabs at the time and the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact the Nazi's bank rolled a Muslim Brotherhood offensive against Christians and Jews in Egypt.
Ironically, the very same Brotherhood which Obama's administration has close affiliations with today and in the last year alone has provided with €1.3 Billion of weaponry (second only to Israel in the region).
–In 1939 the British were willing to s'Sell Out' the Balfour Declaration in order to garnish Arab support for the imminent WW2. Contrary to their modern day stance of backing Israel, after WW2 Britain tried to cement their own economic/political interests in the region by focusing on Arab interests rather than aiding the creation of the Jewish State! In an effort to assert heir political influence they created the Arab-League. This has back fired spectacularly and the Arab League is now a vehicle for anti-Western radicalism.
- In the 1950s, America took up the mantle of 'democratising' the Middle East by promoting moderate elements that they thought they could control. This began with their support for the Egyptian coup of 1952,which swept Gamal Abdel Nasser into power.
- Then came the Soviets who pumped money and arms to try and gain influence in the region. They backed the PLO and the “peace process” of the 1990s only for it to fail miserably as well.
- To counteract the threat of the USSR gaining a foot hold in the region the USA backed the Afgan jihadis's. This indirect intervention spawned the Taliban and al-Qaida and brought Usama Bin Ladin to global prominence.
- We must also remember America's backing of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s.
In 2013, America, as they done by supporting Afghan jihadis against the USSR, have yet again adopted the policy of supporting who they deem to be the lesser of two evils in Syria, the Sunni jihadi's....
All the Western powers are succeeding to do is perpetuate a Sunni-Shia conflict which will both divide the Muslim-majority world and have political ramifications for the West for generations to come!
ReplyDeleteYou are close to mark. What we are witnessing is a possible precursor to WW3. What will happen, unless the White House and the Kremlin pull back from the brink is simple..Syria totally implodes with the West backing the 'rebels'. Then Iran backed by Russia and passively by China become involved.
Uncle Sam still wants the world to believe Iran are making nuclear bombs...But 'Mossad, CIA agree Iran has yet to decide to build nuclear weapon'
More or less the same story here.......
Iran hasn’t got a nuclear weapons programme says US intelligence again
Same as the sarin gas used in Syria. it wasn't the Assad regime (according to the UN & Russia)
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russia’s U.N. ambassador said Tuesday that Russian experts determined that Syrian rebels made sarin nerve gas and used it in a deadly attack outside Aleppo in March.
Jordan will get pulled into too sooner or later. And they wont be able to handel the over flow of refuges never mind anything else...