Marian Price Needs Your Help
Marian Price needs your help perhaps more than she has ever needed it before as you march in this St Pats for All parade whose theme is “Justice for Marian Price.”
The Northern Ireland Parole Commission is in the process of deciding whether Marian will be allowed to go home to her family or whether she will continue to be held in solitary confinement, under armed guard.
Please send the Parole Commission an email demanding that they release Marian. The email address is
Marian Price has been imprisoned in Maghaberry and Hydebank prisons and in a hospital under armed guard since May 2011 and spent almost all of that time in solitary confinement.
Marian should not be in prison. She has been granted bail twice. On each occasion, the UK-appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has overruled the judge and ordered her return to prison. All that Marian Price is asking for is that she be granted bail so that she can recover her health and answer the charges against her.
Marian’s imprisonment has taken a terrible toll on her health. When she was on hunger strike in Britain she was force fed over 400 times by having a tube pushed down a throat. She was forcibly restrained and liquid nutrition was poured down her throat three times a day. That experience led to anorexia nervosa, eating disorders and tuberculosis.
Now the trauma of the re-incarceration in solitary confinement threatens her emotional and mental health. Every doctor who has examined her says that Marian needs to be released.
The Parole Commission could decide in the next few days whether Marian will get to go home to her family
Marian needs to be got out before that place destroys her. Before it destroys the last of her physical and emotional well-being. Marian needs to be got out of there today.
That is why she needs you to send an email to the Parole Commission.
ReplyDeleteThat Email address is not working.
I just Sent an Email and it has been returned by Post Master.
"Delivery to the following recipients failed."
ReplyDeleteI have forwarded your comment on
Thanks Anthony.
ReplyDeleteI got the address from there website.
Email Parole Board Northern Ireland
The above link is for general enquirie's
ReplyDeleteIf Marians case worker name is known, email to that person, if it is not known then Email to here, in cc put, "Re-Marian McGlinchey (nee Price"
Yeah it wouldn't accept my e-mail either so there must be a problem with that link or the address
ReplyDeleteFor anyone in the Tyrone area the Eamon Ceannt 1916 Society have organised a rally for Marian at half 7 this Friday night in Coalisland town centre and all support is welcome if you's can make it
ReplyDeleteUse the email address which is just above your post ie,
Copy and paste into your "To" , in your email.
Na habhaire, GRMA a chara
ReplyDeletee-mail sent, though it will probably be ignored.
ReplyDeleteOn this cold, wet and windy day a troop of the faithful placed Marian's name on the mounting in 30ft lettering. Fair play to them all.
ReplyDeleteHeard that this evening alright Alec. A strong showing of the republican community also demanded justice for Marian earlier tonight in Coalisland and paid tribute to her sister Dolours. It was fitting on International Women's Day that these two ordinary Irish women, who have in a sense become icons of our long struggle, dominated the thoughts of the assembled crowd as they held alight candles in solidarity with our comrade and friend who remains illegally interned by the British state as her former comrades now sitting in British Stormont watch on in silence. At one point Marian was on the phone and a huge roar lit up Coalisland square as the people let her know just what they thought of her, it was deafening and I hope it lifted her spirit as no doubt it did those who stood together tonight demanding her immediate release. God help the woman, we really need to start asking how long is this going to be allowed to continue because it has already gone on for far too long. If our political representatives have no interest in resolving this terrible situation then perhaps the time is coming for open revolt. The rally ended with the crowd chanting in unison "free Marian Price now!" At first we were apprehensive about appearing foolish in front of each other but after a few attempts the roar could have been heard all the way up the road in that torture-chamber they call Maghaberry Prison. I can only hope it was heard in the corridors of power in British Stormont where those who sent her out to fight, where those who armed her with the logic she followed unquestioningly, where those same people who have now turned their backs on this true daughter of Ireland now reside. God be with her and justice for Marian now....